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Male prostitution: pathology, paradigms and progress in research. Vanwesenbeeck I. Prostitution push and pull: male and female perspectives. Male lust: pleasure, power, and transformation. Giddens A. The transformation of intimacy: sexuality, love and intimacy in modern societies. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers; Love L. Liquid love: on the frailty of human bonds. Escoffier J. Gay-for-pay: straight men and the making of gay pornography. Qual Sociology.
A new public health context to understand male sex work. - Abstract - Europe PMC
Male sex work from Latin American perspectives. Clients of male sex workers. Berman J. Un popular strangers and crises un bounded: discourses of sex-trafficking, the European political community and the panicked state of the modern state. Euro J Int Rel. Ward H, Aral S.
Globalisation, the sex industry, and health. Sex Transm Infect. Aggleton P. Alcano MC. Indonesia Malay World. Mitchell G. J Pop Music Studies. Padilla MB. Amer J Pub Health.
Female tourists and beach boys: romance or sex tourism? Annals Tourism Res. Pruitt D, LaFont S. For love and money: romance tourism in Jamaica. Phillips J. Female sex tourism in Barbados: a postcolonial perspective. Brown J World Aff. Weichselbaumer D. Sex, romance and the carnivalesque between female tourists and Caribbean men.
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Culture, Health Sexuality. How much attention is needed towards men who sell sex to men for HIV prevention in India? BMC Pub Health. Sex Trans Infect. HIV and sexually transmissible infections among money boys in China: a data synthesis and meta-analysis. High prevalence of HIV and syphilis among men who have sex with men recruited by respondent-driven sampling in a city in Eastern China. Asia-Pacific J of Pub Health.
HIV, syphilis infection, and sexual practices among transgenders, male sex workers, and other men who have sex with men in Jakarta. Indonesia Sex Trans Infect. Examining HIV infection among male sex workers in Bangkok, Thailand: a comparison of participants recruited at entertainment and street venues. HIV and other sexually transmitted infections among men, transgenders and women selling sex in two cities in Pakistan: a cross-sectional prevalence survey.
Prevalence and factors associated with human immunodeficiency virus infection among sex workers in Samarkand. Uzbekistan Sex Trans Dis. Mor Z, Dan M. Thirty years of HIV in Israel: current epidemiology and future challenges. BMJ Open. Male sex workers in Moscow, Russia: a pilot study of demographics, substance use patterns, and prevalence of HIV-1 and sexually transmitted infections.
AIDS Care. Peru PLoS One. When sex work becomes your everything: the complex linkages between economy and affection among male sex workers in Peru.
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The embodiment of tourism among bisexually-behaving Dominican male sex workers. Arch Sex Beh. Brazil Arch Sex Beh. Male sex workers in Antwerp, Belgium: a descriptive study. The sexual health of male sex workers in England: analysis of cross-sectional data from genitourinary medicine clinics. HIV, sexual risk, and ethnicity among men in England who have sex with men. HIV prevalence and undiagnosed infection among a community sample of gay men in Scotland. A tale of three cities: persisting high HIV prevalence, risk behaviour and undiagnosed infection in community samples of men who have sex with men.
Belza MJ. Risk of HIV infection among male sex workers in Spain. Global AIDS response country progress report. HIV, sexually transmitted infections, and risk behaviours in male commercial sex workers in Sydney. Male sex workers in three Australian cities: socio-demographic and sex work characteristics. Gay Community Periodic Survey: Sydney Characteristics, drug use, and sex partners of a sample of male sex workers.
Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. Motivational influences on the safer sex behavior of agency-based male sex workers. Smith MD, Seal D. Sexual behavior, mental health, substance use, and HIV risk among agency-based male escorts in a small US city. InternJ Sex Health.
Client demands for unsafe sex: the socioeconomic risk environment for HIV among street and off-street sex workers. Sex trade involvement and rates of human immunodeficiency virus positivity among young gay and bisexual men. Intern J Epi. Male sex workers: practices, contexts, and vulnerabilities for HIV acquisition and transmission. Cunningham S, Kendall TD. Prostitution 2. Jl Urban Econ. Deviant Behavior.
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Inform CommunTech Law. Laid to order: male escorts advertising on the Internet. Meta-analytic examination of online sex-seeking and sexual risk behavior among men who have sex with men. Sex Trans Dis. Race-based sexual stereotyping and sexual partnering among men who use the internet to identify other men for bareback sex. Looking beyond HIV: eliciting individual and community needs of male Internet escorts. The use of the Internet by gay and bisexual male escorts: sex workers as sex educators.
AIDS care. Barebacking among Internet based male sex workers. J Gay Lesbian Psychotherapy. Street workers and internet escorts: contextual and psychosocial factors surrounding HIV risk behavior among men who engage in sex work with other men. J Urban Health. Grov C. Barebacking websites: electronic environments for reducing or inducing HIV risk. Intentional unsafe sex barebacking among HIV-positive gay men who seek sexual partners on the Internet.
Male escorts in Australia. In: Aggleton P, Parker R, editors. Men who sex sex: global perspectives. Dines G. Pornland: How porn has hijacked our sexuality. Boston, MA: Beacon; Dean T. Unlimited intimacy: reflections on the subculture of barebacking. Prostitution: Sex work, Policy and Politics. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage; Walby K. Touching encounters: sex, work, and male-for-male internet escorting: University of Chicago Press; Shannon K, Csete J.
McLemore M. Distributing, then confiscating, condoms. Shannon K, Montaner J. The politics and policies of HIV prevention in sex work. The Lancet. HIV-1 infection in high risk men who have sex with men in Mombasa, Kenya. Last Online: 3 hours ago. Maykol Bonett. John Stroke.
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