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What: With Germany's key role in the European Union, this event marks an important occasion for people of African descent in Germany as well as in Europe. The event aims to engage policymakers and inspire others to also implement the International Decade for People of African Descent..
Welcome p. To celebrate the fifth year, the festival will highlight the contributions of women throughout the diaspora.
The summer cultural event continues to attract a wide array of artists, both local and international, as well as entrepreneurs, academics and community leaders. With conferences, culinary presentations and artistic showcases, the festival features the work, values and issues important to the Afro-Latino community.
For more information, visit www. What: In the midst of the UN International Decade for People of African Descent, this family-friendly event offers discourse on African identity and history through discussions, quiz, music and drama. What: As the first Model African Union at a Spanish university, this event will serve as an opportunity for students and future leaders to gain an in-depth understanding of Africa and its institutions through diplomacy, tolerance and peaceful negotiations.
During these discussions, the event aims to find solutions to issues such as climate change, terrorism, inequality, poverty and any problem that affects the African continent, its citizens and its diaspora. For more information, please e-mail asociacionkwanzaa gmail. What: This session entitled "Leaving no one behind, people of African descent and the Sustainable Development Goals" will be used 1 to advocate for prioritization of people of African descent in work to achieve SDGs and 2 to develop simple operational guidelines for use by stakeholders Governments, UN and civil society on how to prioritize people of African descent as a particularly discriminated group at all stages of implementation of the SDGs.
The objective of the consultation is to explore new and innovative ways for the Working Group to work with civil society organizations to strengthen its work. The afternoon will include discussions on three guiding questions outlined below, exploring the key challenges of racial discrimination today and responses by civil society to combat these, engagement to date by civil society with the Working Group and suggestions to strengthen the impact of its recommendations on the ground and recommendations for priority human rights concerns which the Working Group should focus on in the next three years.
Live webcast will be available at webtv. The Interactive Conference on 25 March will provide the time and space to begin the conversation on what change we want to see in Coker visited Ghana wearing the world's longest cap, which is feet long and 9 inches in diameter, under his Renaissance Expedition to Cities project. The United Nations Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent will undertake its first official visit to Germany from 20 to 27 February to study the human rights situation of people of African descent in the country.
It is composed of five independent experts: Mr. Ricardo A. Michal Balcerzak Poland ; Ms. Sabelo Gumedze South Africa and Mr. Ahmed Reid Jamaica. Read the press release. This expert seminar is an awareness-raising activity contributing to the implementation of the Programme of Activities of the International Decade for People of African Descent. While the seminar will take place in Canada and consider the Canadian context and national legal framework, it will be a meeting with an international focus, participation and impact.
To attend, RSVP here.
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Interested persons are welcome to send their four SMART specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-specific strategies or policies they would like to see within the Decade by 8 November to africansfor gmail. Strategies agreed at workshops will be fed back to plenary session.
Organized by Irish in Britain. The goal is to identify and develop strategies and supports for families and peers to help Black youth living with a mental illness. The annual Jamaica International Ocho Rios Jazz Festival has developed and established itself as a vehicle for showcasing international and Caribbean musicians and artistes. A three-day literary festival of readings, music and storytelling. The festival, which features established and upcoming writers from all over the world, is open to the public and held every two years.
One of many running events staged across the island every year, this unique event takes you off-the-road and on-the-farm for a day of fun and competition for runners, walkers and mountain bikers. Held on farmlands in Bog Walk, St. Caribbean Fashion Week celebrates the best of Caribbean fashion with 3 nights of runway shows, a Black Tie Gala and a post-show wrap event. It features Studio and Performing Arts including painting, sculpture, installation art, ceramics, textiles, jewellery, furniture design, graphic design, photography, film, animation, poetry, dance, theatre, live music and anything else the artist can conceptualize.
The Portland Bight Green Run 7.
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It is extremely important to show support for the protected areas as they are vital in the preservation of our fragile natural resources. The Portland Bight Protected Area spans 1, sq. This year will mark the 3rd staging of this exceptional event. The regional franchise teams assemble this summer for the biggest party in sports in the Caribbean — the CPLT20 tournament!

Catch the excitement, the action and the parties in the stands. Come cheer for your favourite team and players, or meet the stars of the game. This event will see twelve 12 teams from Jamaica, the Caribbean and North America, competing for prizes and awards. Email : ayasso portlandjerkfestival. Portland Jerk Festival is the largest annual jerk and food festival in Jamaica which has been a major calendar event for the past 14 years. This food and music juncture is staged at the heritage site at Folly Estate in Portland. The event includes live wholesome family entertainment, jerked food and other tasty delights.
This famous event attracts the entire community, Jamaicans from across the island plus overseas visitors. Choose from a wide array of seafood dishes and end the day with a fun carnival type concert and party on the beach. Jamaica's summer music festival Reggae Sumfest has been "Promoting music - the universal force" for the past 20 years. The festival has seen some of the most talented acts in the industry performing for three themed nights to thousands of patrons. This period features many exciting events which showcase the talents of Jamaicans.
The float parade and grand gala forms the zenith of the celebrations and have helped to strategically revitalize and engender the nostalgic Independence celebrations. In order to foster community empowerment and sustainability, Breds carries out a variety of programmes designed to enhance the livelihoods of Treasure Beach community members, and care for the surrounding natural environment.
Breds operate on the belief that when the community's education and sport is enriched; and healthcare and cultural heritage is nurtured, the community will thrive on its own strengths and skills. Fun, social events and competitive angling summarizes this weeklong sport-fishing event in Port Antonio, Portland in north-eastern Jamaica. Approximately boats, inclusive of overseas boat entries, will all be attending this tournament with some participants daily along with other guests.
The 66th Anniversary of Merritone Music and the 26th Anniversary of Merritone Music Homecoming are great reasons to celebrate this year. Join the musical Blake clan and friends while they bring back memories of yesterday and present great hope for music as a universal force for unity.
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This special juncture aims to be an annual festival targeting the vast fan base of Ska and Rocksteady music lovers around the world. Over 1, Ska bands are estimated to be operating worldwide and with this event these Ska bands will hopefully seek to visit Jamaica to perform at the birthplace of Ska music. Rocksteady influenced the development of the unique sounds of reggae music.
This tournament is a 3-day competition during which local fishermen vie for prizes by catching the largest fish using only traditional fishing methods of a simple hook and line. No fancy yachts or first world equipment are to be seen at this grass roots event. The week-end also includes other exciting events such as a boat race, local talent show, fish fry and community beach party. The competition will feature environmental exhibits and entertainment. Email : restaurantweekjamaica gmail.
Eight days of culinary exploration, offering special discounts at over 75 participating restaurants across Jamaica. The annual Restaurant Week is in its 11th year and encourages friends and families to dine out with fixed priced menus at participating establishments. In addition to the competitive golf, the five-day event will include a welcome and awards gala, spectacular tee prizes and tee bag.
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For more information and to register please visit www. Come and find out a bit more about Marcus Garvey, who he was, what he did, why as a unifying pan-Africanist icon, it's important that his bust is at Brent Museum and that he is regularly celebrated. Not to mention what his connection is to the founding of African History Month in Britain! This African History Season event is hosted by Cllr James Allie, and as it takes place during the mid-term break, you're welcome to bring young people! To be kept informed, email bbmbmc gmail.
Using the format of a play with five actors set within the course of a management committee meeting of an African-led voluntary organisation, we witness the dynamics of the meeting change from congratulatory back-patting on account of a successful fundraising exercise, to putting plans for a Black History Month BHM event on hold, as tensions rise around the issues of identity within the African British community, where there is often a disconnect from Africa, especially by those born in Britain or the Caribbean.
The afternoon performance is targeted as an outing for youths, school children, teachers and parents, whilst the evening performance is targeted at the wider community. How aware are we in Ghana of this initiative? And how can we use it for our upliftment and development? The resolution calls on Member States, civil society and all other relevant actors to join together with people of African heritage and take effective measures for the implementation of the programme of activities. The Decade is an opportunity to push for the elimination of racism, racial and structural discrimination against Africans.
It aimed to better understand the objectives and challenges of the Decade; to share national experiences to implement its Programme of activities; and to discuss strategies to improve synergies between key stakeholders. For more information click here. The African Descent Festival intends to celebrate the cultural diversity of people of African Descent within Vancouver, while recognizing and promoting attitudes of oneness among all ethnic groups and communities.
The event focuses on activating public spaces and bringing a diverse range of programming to connect stakeholders working avidly for the long-term sustainability of this population. This cultural event will allow Canadians, specifically Vancouverites to enjoy and learn about different cultures and countries from Africa, some of which have strong embedded grassroot initiatives and history within the city. As this is a city event, it is envisioned to be free for the attendees, with no admission fee, but donations are encouraged as well as sponsorship opportunities.
The goal of the platform for this year is to establish itself, while using the input gained to build on subsequent years.
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For the full Programme please click here. Background : The main objective of this event is to raise awareness and exchange views on the causes and manifestations of compounded discrimination faced by women of African descent, including when it comes to gender-based violence, access to healthcare and the overall protection of human rights, and to brainstorm and share good practices on the crucial role that women of African descent can play worldwide in countering discrimination.
They will discuss sustainable models for transformation and reconciliation to bring about accountability and justice for women of African descent, and make recommendations for improving the lives of women of African descent, showcasing good practices, progress and success in working with their communities and countries. Keynote speaker : Mr. The delegation, which also includes human rights experts Sabelo Gumedze and Ricardo A. Sunga III, will address current concerns, and assess progress made in combatting racial discrimination, Afrophobia, xenophobia, and protecting and promoting the human rights of African-Americans.
During its eleven-day visit, the experts will meet with Government officials at Federal, state and local levels, representatives of civil society organizations, as well as academics, practitioners and individual African-Americans. Following its visit, the Working Group will present a report containing its findings and recommendations to the UN Human Rights Council in September RSVPs are required to access the building.
United Nations Headquarters, New York. First floor corridor between Secretariat and Conference Buildings. Background and purpose of the meeting : The International Decade for People of African Descent adopted by the General Assembly — is an opportunity to analyze and improve the human rights situation and well-being of one of the population groups most affected by racism and discrimination.