See the distributor's site. Body without Soul This film was billed as a sequel to Grodecki's incredibly manipulative film about Prague rent boys, Not Angels but Angels , available on video. In that film we learned all about the tragic fate of the young boys who are forced to sell their bodies. Of course few of them are really gay, and there are intercut shots of scary old Germans and Prague fountains with uplifting music.
This time the focus is on how the boys are manipulated and apparently abused in the porn industry, also with the Germans cast as the devils behind it all. The head pornographer does autopsies for a living, which allows the director to cut between the pornographer cutting up flesh and directing the boys like pieces of meat. Really clever and gory. Often, when the director isn't bashing you over the head with his point, the boys manage to say something of real interest, though. Frameline blurb. Mandragora Prague beckons boys from their poverty to the promise of a better life.
With each arriving train another innocent steps off into a maelstrom and the new "rabbit" is quickly lured into the world of drugs and prostitution. In this beautiful but brutal city, there is no shortage of buzards circling, watching and waiting for the wounded.
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Once again director Wicktor Grodecki has created an unflinching and all too real look at the sex trade that grabs your heart and leads you through the horrific life these boys are forced to endure. From the distributor's site. Andrew Horton in CER. Septej Whisper , by David Ondricek Called a Czech "Kids," this film tracks Generation X in Prague and includes a kid who works as a rent boy. See Andrew Horton's excellent review.
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A documentary look at homosexuality in Czechoslovakia, a country just beginning to understand that an estimated , of its citizens are gay and lesbian. Through incredibly honest interviews with gays, gay rights leaders--and blatant homophobes--director Vladislav Kvasnicka has created a film that captures the innocence of an incipient social movement as well as a chilling look at the culture they're up against. The border guards start getting suspicious when the West Berliner starts making frequent trips, and the boys plan an escape for the East Berliner.
Philipp, a closeted teacher is dating a female collegue to keep up appearances.
- Sex, porn and toxic masculinity: the struggle to bring up better boys.
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- Sex, porn and toxic masculinity: the struggle to bring up better boys | Society | The Guardian.
One night, by 'accident' he stumbles into a gay bar, meets and promptly falls in love with a young man. Transformed by this love he is no longer afraid to face up to who he is. My review in Out in the Mountains. Perhaps the best known and best lesbian or gay film to come out of Eastern Europe. Complex, fascinating account--inspired by John Osborne's A Patriot for Me as well as by actual historical evidence--of an ambitious, homosexual career soldier, whose ordinary family background does not hinder his rise to a position of high military rank in the Austro-Hungarian Empire prior to WW1.
An incisive examination of the politics of power, highlighted by a superb Brandauer performance. Leonard Malten. Bruno, a bisexual but closeted young man lives in rural Hungary with his girlfriend Mari. Also on the scene is her homosexual brother Ringo.
More information: Perry N. DOI: Provided by Rutgers University. This document is subject to copyright.
Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study or research, no part may be reproduced without the written permission. The content is provided for information purposes only. Breakthrough in childhood brain cancer will save lives 3 hours ago. Related Stories. Jul 02, Sep 15, HPV infection high in minority men who have sex with men despite available vaccine Apr 03, Jan 06, Jun 04, Recommended for you. Healthy food labels that work and don't work 15 hours ago. Nov 16, Mediterranean diet helps reduce effects of stress in animal model, study shows Nov 16, User comments.
What do you think about this particular story? How about the boys then?
All attempt to show that boys need urgent help to express their feelings and deal with what society expects of them. And all three have met with a negative reception in some quarters. Sex education for boys, they warn, has been left to the pornographers and football coaches, while the effects of changing male hormones are commonly misunderstood. By concentrating on examples of poor, insensitive male behaviour, Stanton believes the findings of the authors are just fuelling calls for current ideas of manhood to be ripped up and chucked away.
The Digital Sex Lives of Young Gay Teenagers
Defining any social group, including young men, by its extremes is wrong, he argues. Before writing, she took two years out to talk to boys across America, mostly college-bound and between the ages of 16 and Quite the contrary: the definition of masculinity seems to be in some respects contracting.
It also argues that teenage boys should not be allowed to retreat into monosyllabic and fleeting family interactions.