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A temporary terminal was planned for use after the reopening. On 29 March, it was revealed that Ibrahim and Khalid El Bakraoui were released from prison due to a law introduced in known as Lejeune , which allows inmates to be released after serving a third of their sentence. Belgian Interior Minister Jan Jambon stated that the governing parties had agreed to update the law in The Lejeune law first came under scrutiny after serial killer and child molester Marc Dutroux was released from prison in Airport businesses were affected.
Following memorials to the victims, disturbances broke out, resulting in riot police using water cannons to disperse violent right-wing protesters against ISIL. On 30 March, plans to reopen the airport were cancelled again due to a strike by airport police over a dispute over inadequate security. On that day, a Brussels Airlines flight left for Faro and a flight to Athens and Turin was scheduled for the same day.
Upon reopening, only passengers were allowed to enter a temporary departure hall and security checkpoints were implemented at the roadway to the airport. Only car and taxi traffic were allowed to enter but public transit remained suspended. On 1 April, religious leaders in Brussels gathered together for a memorial to the victims of the bombings. They expressed their desire to spread a religious message of unity throughout Belgium, and to combat extremism. On 25 April, the Maalbeek metro station reopened with heightened security. The mayor of Molenbeek district, Francoise Schepmans, responded by closing some mosques for "incendiary language" [] It was also determined that of 1, nonprofit organisations registered in the district, had links to criminal activities, 51 of which to religious radicalism or terrorism.
Soon after news of the attacks broke, security was increased, particularly at airports, railway stations and other transport hubs, in China, [] Denmark, [] [] France, [] Germany, [96] Greece, [] Indonesia, [] Ireland, [] Italy, [] Japan, [] Malaysia, [] Malta, [] the Netherlands, [] [] [] the Philippines, [] Thailand, [] the United Kingdom, [90] [] and the United States. Embassy in Brussels warned of the possibility of more attacks, recommending " sheltering in place and avoiding all public transportation".

Exactly a year after these terrorist attacks, the Westminster attack occurred. It was a terror incident in London where five people were killed, including a police officer and the attacker, and dozens were injured. In a televised address to the nation on 22 March, King Philippe expressed his and Queen Mathilde 's sorrow at the events.
He offered their full support to members of the emergency and security services. Hours after the attack the French-language hashtag JeSuisBruxelles IamBrussels and images of the Belgian comic character Tintin crying trended on social media sites. Also, hashtags such as ikwilhelpen Iwanttohelp and PorteOuverte Opendoor were used by Brussels residents who wanted to offer shelter and assistance for people who might need help. Governments, media outlets, and social media users received criticism in some media and academic analysis for their disproportionate emphasis placed on the attacks in Brussels over similar attacks in other countries, particularly in Turkey, which occurred days before.
Similarly, reactions to the November Paris attacks were viewed as disproportionate in comparison to those of earlier bombings in Beirut. On 12 April the Belgian Federal Parliament voted to establish a parliamentary commission to investigate the circumstances of the attacks and what had gone wrong so they could not have been prevented.
The Commission also pointed to the structural under-funding of the security services, noting how a lack of resources and manpower left the police and intelligence services unable to process all the information about the great number of Belgian foreign fighters. In the aftermath of the attacks, the population of Brussels reacted by creating spontaneous memorials as a societal reaction to what was perceived as a collective tragedy. In the hours following the attack, people started gathering at the city center near the former stock exchange Place de la Bourse.
Mourners wrote chalk messages on the pavement and buildings surrounding the square. Numerous messages and mementos, usually every-day objects such as mugs or hats, were left at the Bourse memorial.
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According to Ana Milosevic, a researcher at KU Leuven , societal tensions and the pressure for the answers about the causes and consequences of the attacks, were salient in the first days and weeks after the event. During the two months of the existence, the Bourse memorial was used as a site of contestation and negotiation of the meanings associated with the terrorist attacks. The Archives of City of Brussels were tasked by the mayor Yvan Mayeur and the city council to collect and document the societal reactions to the attacks. Over two months, the team of the archives documented the process of memorialization, also collecting some of the memorabilia left by the mourners.
The first memorialization initiative included the creation of a semi-permanent temporary monument by the Moroccan community of Molenbeek — the part of the city from which several perpetrators of the Paris and Brussels attacks originated. Called "The Flame of Hope", the monument was placed at the main square of the municipality, however it did not attract significant societal or media attention. Following a public competition, [] a monument to the victims was unveiled on the first anniversary of the attacks on the pedestrianised section of rue de la Loi , between Schuman and the parc du Cinquantenaire.
The monument, by Jean-Henri Compere, is called "Wounded But Still Standing in Front of the Inconceivable" and is constructed from two metre 66 foot long horizontal surfaces rising skywards. A smaller memorial a black plaque and a tree was also raised by the municipality of Etterbeek in the Jardin Felix Hap. The "flame of hope" is a sculpture created by the Moroccan artist Mustapha Zoufri in honour of the victims of the Paris and Brussels attacks. Memoriel 22 mars , rue de la Loi , Bruxelles. Memoriel des attentats du 22 mars , Etterbeek Jardin Felix Hap. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
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This article is about the terrorist attack. For the terrorist attack, see Brussels bombing. Map of the bombings in relation to each other 1 Departure hall of Brussels Airport 2 Maalbeek metro station. Timeline of attacks. Main article: Reactions to the Brussels bombings. Belgium portal. The Huffington Post. Retrieved 29 March The Telegraph.
Retrieved 28 March The Guardian. Retrieved 26 March The Independent. Retrieved 22 March Fox News. Retrieved 24 March Brussels is not Delphi". Journal of Strategic Studies. Los Angeles Times. Aviation Week. Retrieved 23 March Retrieved 26 July The Wall Street Journal.
Terrorism and Political Violence : 1— International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence. International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence 32 , p. The Globe and the Mail. Archived from the original on 27 May Retrieved 26 May BBC News.
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Retrieved 1 June CBC News. Retrieved 21 August Retrieved 15 March Retrieved 21 March The New York Times. ABC News. The Daily Telegraph. NBC News.
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De Morgen. We'll show you". Washington Post. Wall Street Journal.
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Retrieved 8 June RTBF Info. De Standaard. The Herald. Radio Sweden. Retrieved 28 May Retrieved 27 March — via Yahoo News. Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. USA Today. Bloomberg Business. Spiegel Online.