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London, United Kingdom contributions helpful votes. Loved it! The woman who served me spoke English better than I speak French not difficult it was nice to be in shade for once. The records of the Commission's imports during the third year of its activity ending with October show the disastrous effect of the unrestricted U-boat campaign on the relief of Belgium and Northern France. During the twelve months only , tons reached Rotterdam, 60 which was less than the total of the first year of operations and only about 50 per cent of requirements. In drafting its program of imports for the fourth year the Commission followed the same method as in preceding years, when American representatives were still in the occupied territories.
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In the execution of the program, however, new conditions prevailed. Whereas, before it was the Allied blockade, after it was the German U-boat campaign which chiefly affected the realization of the program. During the last year of the war, therefore, the Commission's negotiations respecting its import program dealt primarily with questions of shipping and purchase. The documents relating to these matters appear in the two immediately following chapters.
I was also, somewhat to my surprise, called upon by representatives of the German Government in Belgium who had been sent out to talk over present conditions with us, from whom a good deal of valuable information was obtained. The whole range of the relief work was thoroughly discussed with these gentlemen, attention being given to the native resources of the country, the manner in which the German undertakings were being carried out, the possibilities of increasing the importations of Holland native products, etc. As a result of the changed conditions in Belgium and France, the decrease in native products available and changes in the overseas food situation, it is necessary to adjust the minimum monthly ration the new table for November 1st, , is attached and based upon it, to redetermine our required monthly imports.
The statement for November , is shown under 9. Owing to a lesser area being planted and the considerably decreased unit production resulting from lack of fertilizers, improper cultivation, etc. I am unable to say whether this was a sincere statement. There is no doubt that some flour furnished to Northern France did come from German mills, but the wheat may have come from France.
However this may be, our investigations make it seem probable that the Germans are correct in their statements that the native crop of Flanders and Northern France this year will provide the civil population with not more than grams of flour milled at 90 to 97 per capita per day. This issue of grams of flour per capita per day replaces the grams provided last year, upon which our previous ration sheet was based. It will now be necessary to make up the deficiency to the people of these territories by the importation of extra wheat. We are providing in our program for Northern France this year, as last, a total per capita ration, including the native product of grams of flour per day.
To this would be added a small extra allowance for the people of the congested industrial districts such as Lille, Roubaix, Tourcoing, Valenciennes, etc. In Belgium we are endeavoring to provide, as heretofore, a ration of about grams per capita per day for the whole population as a basis, to which are added extra amounts for child feeding, soups for the destitute, extra rations for heavy workers, etc. The agricultural community, on about grams per day, retain their own supplies. Owing to the decrease of native bread grains in France and Belgium and the corresponding increase in exotic imports, the total amount of wheat required on this absolutely minimum basis, as appears on the attached ration sheet, is 68, tons per month.
After bread grains the next most important food item is native fats, comprised of bacon, lard, butter, tallow, margarine, cheese, etc. In France there are practically no native cattle, the milk-butter products of the few remaining animals being almost completely commandeered by the German armies. The conditions in Flanders now closely approach those in France although not quite so severe. In Belgium, owing to the lack of fodder, animal fat products in the form of milk, butter, cheese, etc.
It is quite possible that later experience will prove that we have been using too high a figure in our estimate of native products of this kind. The British Foreign Office is well informed of the strong efforts we made at their request to reduce the bacon, lard, and meat imports into Belgium and force the consumption of native stocks. The result was simply to deprive the population of these essential fats and to drive great numbers of workmen into the arms of the Germans.
We have slightly increased the amount of bacon and lard to be allowed to Belgium from 4, to 5, tons per month, but this still is less than the December program of 5, tons. A slight reduction at the same time is made in the imports for Northern France on account of the somewhat decreased population due to deportation, etc. We are not sure that this quantity will prove adequate, but the world shortage seems so serious that with the help of the native Dutch supplies we must at least make the effort to have the people maintain themselves upon it.
Poor as the native crop of potatoes was last year, the prospects are that, due to lack of fertilization, proper cultivation, and decreased acreage, it will be 25 per cent poorer this year. We have, however, succeeded in getting the Germans to relieve their pernicious restrictions upon inter-regional traffic, which caused great wastage of crops last year. With careful distribution it now seems justifiable to count on grams of potatoes per capita per day for Northern France and Flanders and about the same for Belgium.
The Germans have guaranteed to reserve to the civil population of France and Flanders the entire native crop, which they estimate will produce grams per day. The inhabitants of the regions, however, are not so optimistic. In the attached ration table we show considerable amounts of food imported from Holland. This supply is uncertain.
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It is necessary to have permits for import from the German, the Dutch, and the British Governments. Everything that can be shipped from Holland reduces the potential German food supply, obviates a certain amount of overseas shipping, and reinforces a far too meager program; as emphasized in a footnote, if at any time the Holland importations are cut down, the overseas imports must be correspondingly increased. As little restriction as possible should be put upon Dutch imports into Belgium and France.
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Certain imports from the United Kingdom are counted upon. These cover peas, beans, and rice, which are practically impossible to obtain in the United States and are absolutely necessary items of supply for the invaded territories. The people have suffered greatly during the last six months because of the interruption of these supplies. Were we not able to obtain them in the United Kingdom we should have to import from Burma and Saigon, thereby reducing the capacity of our limited overseas tonnage. Smoked herrings are an important food item. Early in the year we made arrangements to import Norwegian herrings, but at the request of the British Government, the Fisheries Department took over this for us and have arranged to supply between 15, and 20, barrels smoked herrings per month, which should produce from 1, to 1, tons net of fish.
Taking into account the most generous estimate of the native resources which we believe possible, it will be seen that this minimum monthly ration provides for Belgium 2, calories per capita per day and for France 2, calories per day. The slight difference is based on the fact that, aside from wheat and potatoes, there are no longer considerable native supplies to be obtained in France, while in Belgium there is still a fairly well-to-do agricultural population, which, as is always the case with agricultural classes, may be counted on to take care of its own most pressing needs before supplying others.
The provisions of this November 1st ration sheet represent the irreducible minimum food which must be served out to the people of France and Belgium without interruption month by month to prevent actual starvation and the breaking down of the physical and moral standards of the people. It is founded on the assumption that considerable stocks of native products will be available within the country.

If, later on, the vegetable and other local supplies are reduced or the Holland imports are curtailed, or the bean and fish supplies, for instance, from the United Kingdom become unavailable, immediate steps will have to be taken to replace these foods from overseas. It must be distinctly understood that there is no elasticity whatever in this ration; it must be supplied every month without question of failure. As all the reserves in Belgium, France, and Rotterdam have been wiped out, it is essential that these be built up as rapidly as possible, so that there may be some provision against shipping and other irregularities.
This monthly ration must therefore be increased by 20 per cent as shown on the attached table, to represent the imports into Rotterdam.
For the months of November, December, and January, supplies have been purchased or contracted for to an extent which justified us in being confident of ability to fill completely the food requirements from overseas of this program of imports. The Governments of England and France are hereby asked, in the event at any time in the future of our inability to obtain the necessary supplies from our own organization, to guarantee monthly to the Relief, from their own resources, the full cargo required by this schedule. During the summer of the Allies were nearer defeat than at any time during the four years of conflict.
On land there were disasters in nearly every theater of war, which though not decisive in a military sense reacted heavily on the morale of the war-weary people of the Entente countries. Actually the Allies were nearer defeat on the sea than on the land, though this was not widely realized by the general public. It was this struggle of the Allies to maintain their sea communications that affected particularly the work of the C. The decreasing tonnage led the Allies to concentrate their shipping in the Atlantic. America thus became practically the sole food market, but was an extremely short crop year in America.
The Commission thus had to compete for both tonnage and supplies with desperately worried officials of the Allied states who were hard pressed to provide military materials for their troops and food and other necessary supplies for the people. Everywhere there was a tightening of food control and a stringent regulation of shipping. Poland, the Commission's European Director, after an arduous campaign, prevailed upon the newly organized Supreme War Council to grant, in December , priority to the C. B in both food and ships for the supply of the civilian population of Belgium and Northern France.
In spite of this decision it was some time before the Commission was able to make any headway in the realization of this program. This delay was due partly to the shipping situation and partly to differences between the American and British Governments over the financing of the European expenditures.
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From July onward this arrangement worked in a highly satisfactory fashion, and for the first time since November the Commission was more nearly able to realize its program of deliveries. Though the Commission was able to deliver an average of only 60, tons per month during the first half of the fourth year, the second six months saw an average of , tons placed in Rotterdam. Though there was a serious shortage of clothing in the occupied territories, the need of clothing was not comparable to the need of food, and hence the Commission never undertook a program of clothing deliveries on the scale of its food program.