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Humanities | University of Toronto Quarterly

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But when a community lacks reliable energy, children Business divisions. Our history. Management Committee. It is being erected under contract by M. It will be a wood frame and stucco structure, x ft. It was designed also by the Exposition architectural department. This structure will be x ft. All of these buildings were designed by the Exposition architectural department.

Construction will be reinforced concrete and structural steel. It will be circular in form, approximately ft. Adjacent to it will be an open-air bowl for concerts. It is being built under contract by B. Modern Housing will provide one of the most extensive exhibits planned for the exposition. Grouped around it will be the exhibit of the Federal Housing Administration, comprising small scale models of homes illustrating different styles of architecture, different types of construction and different floor plans. These models will be made from designs prepared by architects and selected by competition under the supervision of David J.

Witmer, district architectural director of the FHA. Construction of buildings in the Amusement Zone is well advanced. San Diego Union, April 12, , San Diego Union, April 15, , San Diego Union, April 17, , School exercises in park present problem for Exposition Board.

San Diego Union, April 18, , , San Diego white spot on United States business map; 35 percent upturn noted as Exposition opening nears. San Diego Union, April 21, , , One hundred shut-ins ready with wheel chairs to broadcast program of good cheer; invalids will go to park for unique radio hour; music, interviews to be feature; flowers sought.

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San Diego Union, April 21, , Sam Hamill, San Diego architect, shows house drawings of competition. San Diego Union, April 23, , New York Times, April 28, , X The San Diego Exposition this summer is expected to attract a throng of visitors to the coast, by James F. San Diego Union, April 28, , , San Diego Union, April 28, , Aubrey Davidson defines Exposition psychology. Fred M. Gazlay recalls Exposition days of Thelen recounts embarrassing moments of Miss Alice Klauber recalls Persimmon Room and art shows. Elaborate city of merry-making in Amusement Zone will provide attractions for old and young.

Abbott, director. Gander, County Supervisor of Nature Study. Scientific library in Balboa Park provides facilities for extended research, by Alice M. San Diego Union, April 29, , We want the world, too, to see our prosperous and beautiful city.

Jewish Museum of Belgium shooting

The entrance to the Theater has been placed well back in the general exhibit area for the purpose of increasing circulation around the exhibits. The exhibit area can be reached either a from the aisle in Building 11, across a gang plank and onto a wharf suggestion to create the impression of landing from a ship or b the main aisle in Building A principal element in creating the tropical island setting will be the cycloramic drop featuring tropical verdure, mountains, etc.

The foreground of the cyclorama consists of actual plants both real and artificial and rock paper mache formations, possibly with trickling waterways, ferns and other appropriate items. The columns of the building are to be made to simulate palm trees. Set out some three feet from the base of the cyclorama will be a native style, thatched roof hut, the walls of which will largely open to afford a view of the background.

The front of the hut will be a low stage on which will be exhibited the large size replicas of the toys featured on the sugar bags. These figures will pass across the stage with varying characteristic movements. To the left of the foregoing will be a display of actual sized dolls, such as can be made from the patterns on the containers. These will be sold for a nominal figure, mailing facilities being provided. A placard can suggest that the toys can be obtained without cost by purchasing the 10 pound bag of Sea Island Sugar which has the figures printed thereon.

To the right as one descends the gang plank will be shelves for a display of Sea Island packages.

In this general area tables and chairs may be placed. These will undoubtedly proved inviting to foot-weary visitors. These might lend to the Sea Island idea by having beach umbrellas over the tables. To the south of this area is located the Cooking Demonstration.

This will be surrounded by a counter at which refreshments will be served, probably at a slight charge.

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While at the counter the cooking demonstration can be observed. Much atmosphere would be created by the introduction into the scheme of various tropical birds and a few monkeys. These would have to be located with due regard, both for their own safety and that of the public. It might be possible for the monkeys to be dressed in suits giving them the appearance of animated Sea Island sugar bags. The attention-attracting power of these features, particularly the monkeys, would be great.

In view of this experience, the present scheme features a small theater, seating about one hundred and fifty, in which can be shown both the educational motion pictures which it is desired to present, as well as other entertainment as may be desire. While the people are entering the entertainers can reach the stage through an overhead passage way and continue to entertain the audience until the time to show the film. On leaving the theater, the public will again traverse the exhibit area.

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San Diego Sun, May 1, , This is to advise that we now have an excellent amateur radio broadcasting station among other exhibits and attractions here in the grounds. The station will be maintained and operated without cost to the Exposition under the management of Messrs. Earl Kiernan, Howard Breedlove and A. Wayne Prather.

It is strictly an amateur station, and operators will be chosen day to day from the ranks of amateur radio operators here in San Diego. The broadcasting equipment is being built and will be installed without cost to the Exposition, and the radio station will operate in broadcasting short-wave messages on highlights of the Exposition to other short-wave stations. Its power is sufficient to reach all parts of the world, and we should gain some good publicity from this source. The station will be open to the public without charge, and an attendant will be maintained to explain the operation of the short-wave equipment.

San Diego Sun, May 3, , San Diego Sun, May 4, , San Diego Union, May 5, , , Letter, May 6, , H. Broadway, Los Angeles, Calif. I have been advised that we are sending our men to San Diego tomorrow with complete plans and specifications for the construction of the foot tower to be erected at the entrance of our water exhibit — together with other floor plans which you requested. The engineers have planned for a very elaborate entrance detail consisting of this foot tower which is to have water cascading over it — all to be flood-lighted at night — making a very pleasing and spectacular feature for the exposition.

This tower will have a very desirable and conspicuous location at the end of the California Flower Gardens and facing on the large forecourt of approximately 7, square feet where suitable benches are to be placed for the accommodation of the public.

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In order to avoid so much red tape and construction details in the way of bids, etc. However, since we find our finances are limited, if your guaranteed cost for this tower is excessive and too far out of line with reasonable costs, it will mean that this entire tower feature must be eliminated from our plans — unless there is some way in which your officials can arrange to absorb some of this expense. In view of the fact that the erection of this tower with water cascading over it will be an asset to the exposition itself, and feeling sure that it will be to the interest of the entire exposition to retain this feature, I would recommend that this tower construction be handled on a basis.

I would greatly appreciate it if you would go into this matter quite thoroughly and will hope that you can see your way clear to make the necessary arrangements with my representative in order that they may carry out their present plans as far as our finances will permit. San Diego Union, May 6, , , San Diego Sun, May 6, , , New York Times, May 7, , A special three-cent stamp will be issued to commemorate the California-Pacific International Exposition which opens in San Diego on May San Diego Union, May 7, , , Exposition to floodlight sky; electrical display to be dazzling.

San Diego Sun, May 7, , San Diego Union, May 8, , , Group to confer today on California State exhibit; Eagles establish quarters; Swedes set flag raising; actors announce plans. San Diego Sun, May 8, , San Diego Sun, May 9, , New York Times, May 10, , During the fair starting May 20 [sic].

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  5. San Diego Sun, May 10, , San Diego Union, May 11, , San Diego Union, May 13, , San Diego Sun, May 14, , , San Diego Union, May 14, , Exposition construction at new peak; work started on lakes, gardens. San Diego Union, May 16, , San Diego Union, May 17, , , Work on radio station; system of amplification starts at Exposition; broadcasting facilities to be of network magnitude.