- Aarschot betaalt buurtwegactivist 1,6 miljoen om te stoppen met procederen : belgium
- The gay men risking their health for the perfect body
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Last summer, following the comments, he tried to kill himself. Manchester-based charity the LGBT Foundation has warned that body image issues are becoming more widespread in gay communities. It says gay and bisexual men are "much more likely" than heterosexual men to struggle with them. A number of gay men have told the BBC they are going to extreme lengths to change their bodies - including using steroids and having plastic surgery - just to become "accepted" by others in the LGBT community.
Aarschot betaalt buurtwegactivist 1,6 miljoen om te stoppen met procederen : belgium
Several said pressure from social media platforms and dating apps was exacerbating their body issues. I would honestly have plastic surgery if I could afford it. Instead of surgery, a few years ago Jakeb turned to anabolic steroids - class C drugs that can be misused to increase muscle mass. It was like there was a harsh voice telling me I'm skinny. Jakeb had his second near-death experience in November last year when - after several years of heavy steroid use - he suffered heart failure.
Months later, Jakeb has stopped taking steroids and has lost the extra muscle he gained, but he continues to have health problems for which he is receiving hospital support. James Brumpton - a software engineer from Lincoln - found himself "catapulted into this world of self-consciousness", after he hooked up with a man at a local gay bar. When James went back to the man's house and took off his T-shirt, his date looked at him and made a disgusted noise.
Eventually, the experience led to James deciding to have an abdominoplasty - otherwise known as a tummy tuck.
The gay men risking their health for the perfect body
Prof Afshin Mosahebi, of Baaps, says gay men are currently having more cosmetic procedures done than straight men, although he notes that women have more procedures than men overall. After James's tummy tuck went wrong, he was left with permanent scarring, which made him even more conscious of his body. Dating apps have fuelled body image concerns, he says. Images on social media and in leading gay magazines have also led James to feel he is an "invader in the space". Photos of "sexy bodies" drive sales of gay magazines, according to Matthew Todd, a former editor of one such publication, Attitude.
When Matthew put a photo of Stephen Fry on the front of the magazine in , "it was one of the worst selling editions ever", he says.
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Matthew, the author of Straight Jacket: How to be gay and happy, says homophobia has fuelled gay men's body issues. If you don't like yourself, that manifests as not being happy with the way you look. The result has been that gay men are under more pressure than straight men to have the perfect body, Matthew says.
Often it's a small path between two fields. Farmers hate it, so the next plow session, they just plow it over, creating one field. And then you're out on your mountainbike with a GPS trail and all of a sudden GPS says "turn left here" and you are looking at a wall of corn. Sorry, not talking about the farmers who plow them over. Thats's a dick move in the first place, but those are easily enforceable I think.
I'm talking about the people who bought land and built a house without knowing about the road. How can they solve that? Even if they compromise by moving the road to the gardens those people lose a lot of land value. They bought "verkaveld" land so I'm not sure how they can fix that without confiscating land. Don't buy the "not knowing" part. These roads are legally protected since , and are marked in the kadaster. There will be a copy in your act. We had a similar case in our neighbourhood. A small road that lead from the church path to the river, where there is a ferry.
That was running between two gardens.
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One day the path is gone, and there is a wall of green cypresse trees along the two houses. The two neighbours simply decided to eat the path. You can scrub through google earth to see the road "accidentily"get eaten and landscaped away. Screw them. If you buy a house, you look at the act. Even if you buy a house and later on find out that the seller ate a road, I'd sue the fukker.
Most people probably never heard of this site. Consulting Geopunt is a must when you're looking to buy something. Or just like to look at maps. It has loads of information and it's overwhelming. I didn't even realize it also had this old atlas and how important it is.
It seems to be quite accurate for the small roads I know about but some of those on the old map I can't find on recent maps. Would you happen to know how to find out if that was done with the proper procedures? Asking for a friend who's casually looking to move. Also, on geopunt, check out the map with floodplains.
Low self-esteem
See what the chance is of getting your house flooded. Could save your friend some headaches. Fully agree. The amount of people that don't know the content of what they buy is staggering based on info from our notary. In any case whether knowing or unknowingly you can't simple close a road because you don't like it. Wouldn't the notary be liable for not finding out or mentioning this or any other big thing? Probably a journey to hell and back trying to sue anyone for it. They have the high ground.
I can imagine it gets really complicated if something like this has been forgotten for ages and the property changed hands a lot.
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It is important that those slow roads stay open; they are way to easily closed off by greedy neighboring groundowners with a little fence or a plow that goes a meter to far. This, however, is more the commune of aarshot who did stupid. And when people act stupid instead of rational, perversions like this happen.
Go to the atlas der buurtwugen, cross reference with goole maps which ones aren't available anymore, check if they followed legal procedures to remove it. I don't know if the 30 year "verworven recht" is valid with this one. If you find such a case : do what this man did. Maybe it's time to update that atlas, or the law which can still force owners to open those forgotten roads based on that atlas.
It dates from the Napoleon era.

A time when people just walked across the fields in a near straight line from point A to point B e. It's no longer relevant nor realistic to uphold. Which is why there are procedures in place to close the ones that are not relevant any more. That's not just letting them grow over, plow them over or fence them in hoping that no one would notice however. Nah he's a total prick.
It's not only the municipalitys he screws over. He bikes around and reports random citizens too. Better hope all your shit's in order if he rides through your street. Are you talking about random citizen building over a footpath? Or because their garbage can is out on the wrong day? If he reports garbage cans, he's a dick. But private owners that build over footpaths deserve short arms and an itchy back, as far as I am concerned. Edit: too many details, shouldn't give too much info about someone that isn't me.
But yeah, it was garbage can territory imho. Conversations with people he reported. I own a shop in Aarschot and have had customers that have been reported by him. Interesting, a neighbour redditor. Which shop?