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Please go to FAQ point 3. As soon as the club has been created, each participant concerned has to select it as his new competition club in his participant data and save it. From the next flight of a new season on your flights will be scored for the new club. Please enter coordinates in degrees, minutes seconds. The airport name must not have more than 20 characters. A merger of clubs is not possible. Note for iPhone users: Unfortunately there are technical hurdles with the new standard Apple image format HEIF, because position data may not be transferred when converting to jpg format.
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We are still working on a simple solution. This has to be set before the flight. OnlineContest Innovations for Soaring. FAQ: Questions and solutions. Questions flight section 1. It did not score any points or is not ranked at all. The logger file is invalid. The flight scored less than 50 points please have a look at OLC-Plus 4.
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The flight was reported too late. Please check the OLC comment in your flight information, you may find a hint here. Remedy: None, only the manufacturer can update your logger. There are different possibilities to merging files. Unfortunately there is no support from the OLC. Questions system section 2.
This is explained in the current privacy policy published on the OLC website. The scoring club is entered in your participant data. Service Area 3.
Formular 3. OLC- Story 4.
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