We strongly oppose all detentions, especially the detention of undocumented migrants. However, in view of the ever more worrying situation that authorities at all levels and responsible officials trivialise, we would like to make some updates. The situation which has been brought to our attention, lead us to raise awareness on certain aspects and unacceptable facts in the detention of undocumented migrants.
This is strictly limited to the time necessary for the execution of the measure, without the detention period exceeding two months. A two-month extension of the initial period of detention is possible in certain situations, for example:. In fact, a systematic extension seems to be the rule!
The exception becomes the rule when if it is politically convenient for the authorities.
This is happening far from the public gaze, without many people being alerted! After a first extension, a new extension decision can be taken by the Minister. After five months of detention, the migrant must be released. How could these people, imprisoned and detained in scandalous conditions, endanger public order? But regardless, what public order are we referring to here? If we oppose the very principle of the use of force stated here, we stress that the police and the administration, which are tasked with implementing such practices are, apart from all human consideration, outside the law.
In detention centres the roles are well defined: the management is there to ensure the proper functioning of the centre. There is no question of getting together with other members of the staff in order to threaten and put pressure on the detainees. This is neither the job nor the role of the management. The medical and psychological service is responsible for the medical and psychological monitoring of detainees at the centre.
However, it is well known that the medical profession, including nurses, are complicit in the administration of medications to the detainees, of which, they are unaware of the real effects and risks, are sometimes forced to do so by the order of the guards. Is there a follow-up, either medical or psychological, to the side-effects of the sedatives administered in these detention centres?
Some detainees cry for help but what is the follow-up? Solitary confinement, hidden from the public gaze, isolated from everyone, seems to be the only answer to their distress. This is also the fate reserved for detainees who have attempted suicide, which is unfortunately not an uncommon occurrence. This is a double punishment for people who are already in serious distress.
They ensure the follow-up of administrative files.
A DVD, in several languages, which provides information about returns and removals, is made available to detainees in order to help them to accept voluntary return. The detainees testify that it is rather a matter of putting pressure on them, generating fear and anguish, and the violent consequences of a refusal to cooperate. Politicians then exploit the return figures in their reports to increase public support. This is an overview of the main issues encountered in the detention centres.
However, there is still the issue of the airlines which are profiting from these expulsions. Since when does its staff replace the officials of the Immigration Office, when the regulations stipulate that the person to be deported will be notified? It is difficult to understand the hidden agenda behind this unhealthy relationship. We can compare the treatment endured by M and many others locked up in detention centres to torture.
This treatment is often repetitive, imposed on detainees, in all discretion and with peace of mind by the civil servants, which exposes its systemic nature. However, threats, intimidation, humiliation, and imprisonment can also be included in the above definition. More than 20 organizations have already joined the campaign nationwide. For many years, the airline has been benefiting from state payment for the forced transport of people without German citizenship.
In previous campaigns, the company has already been publicly accused of this, but without stopping the forced transport. Here we are. Deconfinement is ongoing, the deportation machine restarted: inside the closed centres, plane tickets are falling.
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Anxiety and panic got hold of the retainees. Michelle has been retained for 7 months now. Seven months of fear, tension and uncertainty leading to a huge psychological distress. Michelle left her country after being the victim of gender violence. She was beaten by her husband and then chased away and beaten by his brothers.
Her death had caused a great political and media stir. For us to speak about it she will have had to suffer 11 minutes of agony. Should we recall that closed centres continue to destroy lives? Should we recall the beating, the racist insults everyday?
The scarcity of food — when it is not rotten- and the psychological pressure? No need to enumerate the conditions, confinement speaks for itself. Confinement literally kills. Because the struggle is far from finished. Behind their walls retainees are shouting their anger and denouncing the injustice. Unfortunately, they do not generate enough indignation to bring them to freedom. However, the use of physical constraint or violence during evictions has still not been explicitly proscribed. Immobilisation techniques are still allowed, notably the use of handcuffs and vests, and they are regularly utilised.
Eviction is intrinsically violent: while being deported under duress, these people are deprived of the fundamental freedom to choose; choose where to go, choose where to settle. They destroy us, I am scared. She opposed her eviction. She fears a third ticket: what if there was a police escort next time? What is the physical and psychological pressure was so hard that time to silence her protests?
Michelle would be sent back to a country where she really fears for her life.
Borders are unfair, they erect visible and invisible walls that divide and stigmatise. They support the power relations at work in our societies: class, race, gender domination. When retainees are evicted, the Belgian state, the European Union and the NGOs worry very little, if they do at all, about their fate. They are far away now. There is no one left to speak out and denounce. Speak the truth, denounce the unacceptable. Tired of the perpetual lack of action by the political leaders, we call for the anger of everyone, for the mobilisation of collectifs, in order to refuse these racist policies and honour the memory of Semira and all the others.
All those who died because of the silence of politicians and the media. All those who saw their freedoms abused. All those who are being retained today and might be evicted tomorrow. We must not allow the State to deconfine raids, imprisonments and evictions.
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Retainees in the bis closed centre in Steenokkerzeel call us and ask us to spread their message. The staff is constantly bothering us. No respect, no hello, no please, no goodbye. All our deeds and actions are controlled by the guards or by cameras everywhere. They keep distributing sleeping pills. It becomes a real psychiatric asylum. They say we are dangerous criminals and that they will keep us the time it takes.

As soon as we ask for something they threaten us. The food is awful and there is never enough. When we ask why they treat us this way they systematically answer that it is the law. Is it really the law? Where in the law is that treatment written down? Some of us are ready to leave the country. But how? The world needs to know. Join the transnational solidarity action where ever you are and show that the struggle against racist border policies continues! The situation of migrants in most parts of Europe and other parts of the world is shameful. Camps at the external borders of Europe are overcrowded.