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Belgium in World War I
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It's how you shape the organization around the opportunities that the tool provides. These measures were collectively known as the Flamenpolitik "Flemish Policy".
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From , the Germans sponsored the creation of " Von Bissing University " which was the first university that taught in the Dutch language. Dutch was also introduced as the language of instruction in all state-supported schools in Flanders in The German measures split the Movement between the "activists" or "maximalists", who believed that using German support was their only chance to realize their objectives, and the "passivists" who opposed German involvement. In , the Germans created the Raad van Vlaanderen "Council of Flanders" as a quasi-autonomous government in Flanders composed of "activists".
In December , the council attempted to achieve Flemish independence from Belgium but the defeat of Germany in the war meant that they never achieved success. After the war, many "activists" were arrested for collaboration. Independently, among the Belgian soldiers on the Yser Front, the Flemish Frontbeweging "Front Movement" was formed from Flemish soldiers in the Belgian Army to campaign for greater use of the Dutch language in education and government, although it was not separatist.
Belgium was poorly prepared for war. Strict neutrality meant there was no coordination of any kind with anyone. It had a new, inexperienced general staff. It started compulsory service in ; the plan was to have an army of , men by In the old system had been abandoned and the new one was unready, lacking trained officers and sergeants, as well as modern equipment.
The army had machine guns and no heavy artillery. The strategy was to concentrate near Brussels and delay a German invasion as long as possible—a strategy that in the event proved highly effective as it disrupted the German timetable. Much of the small army was captured early on as the frontier forts surrendered. In late the King had only 60, soldiers left. That was far too few to launch a major offensive. The Germans had nothing to gain from an attack, so the short Belgian front was an island of relative calm as gigantic battles raged elsewhere on the Western Front.
The total of Belgian soldiers killed came to about 2. King Albert I stayed in the Yser as commander of the military to lead the army while the Belgian government , under Charles de Broqueville withdrew to Le Havre in France. Belgian soldiers fought a number of significant delaying actions in during the initial invasion. The dual significance of the battle was that the Germans were unable to complete their occupation of the entire country, and the Yser area remained unoccupied.
The success was a propaganda coup for Belgium. Belgian troops continued to hold the same sector of frontline, known as the Yser Front and by now a part of the main Western Front , until , a fact that provided a propaganda coup to the Belgian forces on the Western Front for the duration of the war. By 28 September , the Belgian Army had been reorganized in 12 infantry divisions. They played an important part in the Fifth Battle of Ypres , in which they breached the German lines at Houthulst and conquered Passchendaele , Langemark and Zonnebeke.
After a pause between 2 and 14 October, the Belgian Army also participated in the Battle of Courtai , in which it liberated Bruges and Ostend. Between 20 October and 11 November, it fought in the Battle of the Lys and the Escaut and reached the outskirts of Ghent by 11 November.
The Final Offensive had been very costly for the Belgian Army. It lost one-fifth of its forces in casualties, one-third of all the losses it sustained throughout the whole War. German presence in Africa posed no direct threat to the Belgian Congo ; however, in a German gunboat sank a number of Belgian vessels on Lake Tanganyika. The Belgian Expeditionary Corps was a small armoured car unit; it was sent to Russia in and fought on the Eastern Front.
The Minerva armoured car was used for reconnaissance, long distance messaging and carrying out raids and small scale engagements. Sixteen Belgians were killed in action in the east. He had four strategic goals: 1 to restore and expand the Belgian economy, using cash reparations from Germany; 2 to assure Belgium's security by the creation of a new buffer state on the left bank of the Rhine; 3 to revise the obsolete treaty of ; and 4 to promote a 'rapprochement' between Belgium and the Grand duchy of Luxembourg.
He strongly advised against a harsh, punitive treaty against Germany that would eventually provoke German revenge. Belgium also received a small slice of territory in the east of the country known as Eupen-Malmedy from Germany, which remains part of the country to this day. Its demands for a slice of Zeeland in the Netherlands which had remained neutral during the conflict , were rejected and led to ill-will. Britain was willing to guarantee Belgian borders only if it committed to neutrality, which Albert rejected.
Instead, Belgium became a junior partner with France in an occupation of part of Germany under a Treaty. Between and , Belgian and French soldiers occupied the Ruhr to force the Weimar government to maintain payment of reparations. Due to the hundreds of thousands of British and Canadian casualties, the blood-red red poppies that sprang up in no man's land when fields were torn up by artillery were immortalized in the poem In Flanders Fields.
In the British Empire and America, poppies became a symbol of human life lost in war and were adopted as an emblem of remembrance from The suffering of Flanders is still remembered by Flemish organizations during the yearly Yser pilgrimage and "Wake of the Yser" in Diksmuide at the monument of The Yser tower.