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Similarly, the "Open Job Testing" project, backed by Brussels MP Didier Gosuin, was launched by CCIB in October with aims to address the obstacles to employment faced by individuals when accessing the job market and compile statistical evidence pertaining to discrimination in the labour market. Following the passage of Executive Order by U. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. See also: Islamic schools and branches. See also: Antisemitism in Islam.
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Please improve the article by adding information on neglected viewpoints, or discuss the issue on the talk page. April Main article: Brussels bombings. Belgium portal Islam portal. The Oxford Handbook of European Islam. Oxford University Press. Archived from the original on 21 April Retrieved 20 April BBC News. Archived from the original on 1 July Retrieved 28 April The Independent. Archived from the original on 29 April Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor. United States Department of State. Archived PDF from the original on 25 October Retrieved 1 October The New York Times.
London, United Kingdom. Archived from the original on 1 October Retrieved 8 June Archived from the original on 8 April Retrieved 7 April Archived from the original on 7 April Causeur in French. Archived from the original on 30 April Retrieved 30 April France Archived from the original on 7 May Retrieved 28 May Archived from the original on 28 May Retrieved 24 August Archived from the original on 3 July Retrieved 26 March Archived from the original on 4 October Retrieved 4 October Retrieved 29 May The Jerusalem Post.
Retrieved 18 February Retrieved 25 May The Coordination Forum for Countering Antisemitism. Retrieved 29 June La- Libre. Retrieved 26 August The Telegraph. Archived from the original on 14 July Retrieved 14 July Archived from the original on 22 April Non-essential travel to Belgium from countries outside the EU are not permitted until 31 August as provided by the Ministerial Decree of 30 June.
Belgian authorities continue to carry out active checks and several border crossings remain closed. There has been no public information on whether new detention orders are still being made. Yes, people have been released from immigration detention as a result of the Covid pandemic.
The ministry says that there are two reasons for people to be released from detention.
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First, because forced removal was no longer possible as a result of the closing of international airspace and limitation on flights. According to law, in certain cases, detention could therefore not be prolonged. Second, detainees were released to guarantee safety of other detainees and personnel. There needed to be less people in the facilities to guarantee the social distancing measures. On April 8, the minister said that detainees were released from detention, whereas were still residing in detention.
This selection was made by the Immigration Services Dienst Vreemdelingenzaken.
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Decisions on who gets released and those whose detention is continued are made on an individual basis, file by file. In the first place, the Immigration Services look as to whether removal is still possible within the official term. All elements in the individual file are taken into account, most certainly those having to do with public order. Following the guidelines from the European Commission, detention of the aforementioned groups can be prolonged. There are still judicial procedures in place to check if requirements for prolonged detention are still lawfully permitted.
On 19 March, a Belgium newspaper mentioned that at least detainees were released. The first group included people with chronic diseases, diabetes or heart conditions.
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Also people who were detained on the basis of a Dublin claim were released from detention, as removing them is currently not possible. A spokesperson for immigration authorities said that migrants with criminal convictions would remain in detention; this was later reiterated by the Minister for Interior and Migration in a parliamentary debate on 8 April. On 27 April, there were still detainees in detention centres — 15 in Bruges, 62 at Merksplas, 36 at Vottem, 18 at Steenokkerzeel, 25 at Caricole and 6 at Holsbeek.

Minister De Block mentioned that this occupation rate causes no problems for guaranteeing social distancing. She mentions that in some instances, people also sleep in small dorms alone, instead of together.
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She said that this is the case for the majority of cases. Detainees can be picked up by family members in the proximity of the centre, or released in proximity to public transportation. In principle, local governments are responsible for providing reception for individuals without papers. Minister De Block mentioned the possibilty of demanding that hotels or campsites give up their rooms to accommodate undocumented migrants and other homeless persons.
Detainees are only tested when they show symptoms.
On the agenda (8)
Similar procedures are followed in regular reception centres for asylum seekers see Q6 — they are isolated and get the necessary medical attention. On 8 April, there were two people in medical isolation, and there were four known cases among detention centre personnel. On 29 April, Minister de Block confirmed that tests remained available in detention centres but that there were still no confirmed cases among detainees. For example, detainees are spread out more evenly through common rooms such as dining halls and dorms. Also, the number of persons who can take part in one daytime activities is limited, all to ensure limited contact between different residents.
Visits for detainees are also temporarily suspended, but not for all: parliamentary members and attorneys still have the possibility to visit their clients. Detention centres have the possibility of digital visits, offer more flexible use of telephones and expand internet capacities in the centres. Staff in detention centres also wear mouth masks when the required distance cannot be respected.
Detainees have also been offered mouth masks. De Block mentioned that, apart from the centre in Bruges, that this occupation is no problem for guaranteeing social distancing, also not in the dorms. She mentions that in some instances, people also sleep in small dorms alone. Deporations still take place on a case by case basis.
Between 13 March and 8 April, 93 removals took place, according to the minister, however the specific destinations were not provided. A minority of those are Dublin transfers. Escorts on removal flights are not possible anymore, but people are sometimes accompanied until they board the plane.
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At the same time, Caritas Belgium mentioned that there was no alternative reception in place for these new asylum seekers, and hence that they were forced to live on the streets, also in case of extremely vulnerable persons, or families with minor children. Preference is given to vulnerable people, unaccompanied minors, families with minor children, pregnant women, and persons with severe medical complications. Several members of parliament feared that this application procedure might disproportionately impact illiterate asylum seekers, or those without access to the internet.
Other measures taken in the application procedure to guarantee safety are altering the rooms in which asylum hearings take place, by amongst others placing Plexiglas. Employees assessing applications for international protection first try to make decisions on cases which already had hearings, and then also look for possibilities via video conference.
The minister added that those who come to the Immigration Office for their appointment get a medical screening upon their arrival, and are isolated if an infection is suspected. In the period of 3 — 27 April, questions for an appointment with the Immigration Office were made, and more than still are awaiting a date for their appointment.
In the same period, requests for asylum were made. Persons admitted to the facilities will need to reside in pre-registration reception for 7 days first at Klein Kasteeltje in Brussels , where registration for asylum happens and they are tested for covid symptoms. Only after examination, if they do not show any symptoms, they can move to Sijsele or Marcinelle. The medical services in the reception centres also take preventive measures to limit spreading of the virus, and giving necessary medical attention. All non-essential medical attention is postponed for now.