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So Fauci couldn't speak. At some point, would a reporter please ask him why he doesn't leave the government so he can speak plainly and frequently. Wouldn't he do more good that way? To my reporter friends, please pass this on. The Repubs do something awful. The Repubs do it again.
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The Repubs say the Dems will do something to fix the awful things the Repubs did. The press goes for it. Journalism is fed the question by Repubs, ignoring what a majority means for the people. I continue to regularly log my dev work to the status outline. Two items there for today.

When you see a program you want to watch, look for the icon in the upper left corner of the program box. Click it. The program is added to your watchlist, displayed just below the box. The icon changes to a checkmark. Click again, it's removed from the watchlist and the check icon changes to a icon. The icons are weird, imho, but they are the ones Netflix uses for their watchlist, and Amazon Prime video copied them. So I went with Netflix's icons. As usual thanks to Font Awesome there was no work to finding the icons.
I have a few more projects in mind for BingeWorthy. This one was a relative quick hit, took three days from beginning to end. Of course when I started I thought it would take one day. I think there might be another API layer possible for SQL databases that would make such a job much quicker, but I'm not ready to approach that yet. Inline videos on Scripting News Added a new feature today to the blog.
Still have to check it out in the nightly email. I can now include videos inline, which is a feature I've wanted for special occasions. Below is a video I took on a country road as some bikers roared by. It seems like I must have been standing there waiting for them, but it was a coincidence. They are really awful, incredibly loud, you can hear them for ten minutes as they go up and down the hills in and out of the valley. I'm not sure why they don't use their mufflers or if their bikes have them, but they really do disturb the peace.
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Anyway here's the video. I can't think of a single issue that he's associated with. Oddly I think that's exactly what we need from a president in New blog feature. In a desktop browser it's in the right margin. It was tricky on a phone, so I just had the ad overlay the page, at. You can still read the text underneath it, but it's better if you scroll it out of the way. A blog version of a lawn sign. Which would it be? Interesting fact. It's the same in Europe as in the US. Thank you. My online front lawn extends to Twitter too.
Happy to see John Naughton quote my howto on breaking up tech monopolies. He calls it radical.
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It's the kind of judgment courts issue all the time. Look for ways to set things right. Make everyone whole. The web should have remained open. Google and Facebook didn't respect that. So undo what they did. It's the way a programmer looks at things, and imho that's the right way, because it's tech we're talking about setting right.
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Usually they don't consult techies in these things, however. Yesterday's Daily podcast is an eye-opener. They interview Trump supporters in the middle of Pennsylvania. They don't think Trump is racist, and that he did the best he could with Covid.
Anytime someone is inviting me to be enraged online, I'm suspicious that I'm being manipulated. The net is not good at shades of grey. Or accepting different perspectives. Or compromise. Friday, October 9, A podcast about the View From Nowhere, and how journalism has given up on it, and that's a good thing. I did this podcast as an adjunct to the piece, below, on packing the court.
Whenever you eat something with some mass to it, a big Diet Coke is great because it gets in underneath all that and moves it around.
I don't know why that feels so good but it does. Why do police unions support Trump when Repubs aren't funding local governments. I don't see how that's good for police. If I had a column in a publication that people respected and read, my first piece would be about this. The power in the United States comes from the people. When we make everything about the parties and their personalities we lead the country to authoritarianism. I hope Trump does his rally in Florida tomorrow.
His supporters should see him in his all his Captain Queeg paranoia. Explaining the strawberries and how no one listens to him. Calling for a former president who many of them voted for to be put in jail, or perhaps worse. Maybe some of them will be shaken out of their entertainment stupor and realize this is the president of the United States, a formerly great country that is being flushed down the toilet because people in the middle of the country feel unappreciated, bored and purposeless.
Packing the court The court at , if it gets to that, will be far out of sync with the people they're meant to govern. This has to be resolved somehow.
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The Constitution doesn't say what we should do, but it isn't up to the Dems, and I wish Harris had said that in the debate, it's up to the people. The people will demand it, as soon as it becomes apparent that the court as configured is going to reverse Roe v Wade. Further, if it is a huge win for Dems, they will be mandated to do something else. Change the Constitution so we have a democracy, not something that can be so easily hijacked. The press has a lot of gall trying to pin the Dems to 'packing' the court.
The press are citizens too, and voters, and have an interest in how the country works. They should ask themselves, before trying to make a controversy, in alliance with the Repubs, do they accept a conservative majority?
BMC Public Health
Now is the time for the press to stop and think, am I in favor of the United States? That is not too big a conflict of interest to carry. Then you should be careful when you try to create controversy. Remember how the press set up the Hillary's Emails thing. Don't back us into a corner.
We're going to have to reconfigure the court if the Repubs do what they plan to do. We will have to do it. President Biden will do it for us. Stop ignoring the people. We are the government. We really are. That will be more clear at the end of the year. It would have been esp sinister in , with Trump's and his deadly virus. BTW, this time I tried to watch the debate, but gave up after a few minutes. Pence lies and spins. I find it insulting to be lied to that way. And then he talks over his limit, way over.
Then you realize he's setting it up so that when he starts answering the question he was asked, it's already past the time limit, so the moderator keeps interrupting him with 'Thank you Mr Vice President. At her request.