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In the context of dietary rules, pork and blood, as well as meat from birds of prey and reptiles, are defined as haram and so forbidden to practising Muslims. God's name must be invoked in a one-line blessing called the Tasmiyah, said before any slaughter. Orthodox Jews recite similar everyday blessings, including a prayer used before performing kosher slaughter. The Islamic method of killing an animal for meat is called zabiha. After reciting the blessing, the slaughterman uses a surgically sharp instrument to cut the animal's throat, windpipe and the blood vessels around its neck.

The blood is then allowed to drain from the body. Only one animal can be ritually slaughtered at a time and the other animals must not witness any death. The religious law also says how the animal must be treated during its life, with the animal not allowed to have been mistreated or caused any pain. It must also be provided with enough space to roam, clean water, food and fresh air. The British Halal Food Authority approves of low-voltage electrified water baths to stun poultry and electric tong stunning for sheep and goats. However, it is forbidden to use methods of stunning that can actually kill the animal, such as bolt guns.

Animals not killed by ritual slaughter are considered carrion meat, which is haram. The question of whether religious slaughter is more or less humane than other forms is a matter of debate. Shuja Shafi and Jonathan Arkush, writing in The Guardian , say religious slaughter is as humane as the alternatives, arguing that traditional methods of stunning, using a captive bolt, gas or electricity, only paralyse the animal so it cannot move.

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Animal health experts and campaigners disagree. Unlike halal, the Jewish method of slaughter, known as Shechita, cannot involve pre-slaughter stunning at all. According to The Independent , existing European law requires animals to be stunned before they are slaughtered, but grants exemptions on religious grounds.

Both halal and kosher ways of killing are now illegal in the southern region of Flanders, where animals now have to be electronically stunned before they can be killed. The ban is set be extended to Wallonia in southern Belgium from September, meaning the only place where it will be possible to buy halal or kosher meat will be Brussels, which is home to around , Muslims and 30, Jews.

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We call on legislators to step back from the brink of the greatest assault on Jewish religious rights in Belgium since the Nazi occupation of the country in World War Two. The British government has repeatedly resisted pressure from animal welfare groups such as the RSPCA to outlaw halal slaughter without pre-stunning and opposed EU measures that would have required meat to carry labels confirming whether it came from animals that had been stunned before slaughter on the grounds they discriminated against Muslim and Jewish groups.

However, it is as yet unclear how regulations surrounding halal meat will be affected once Britain leaves the EU. In a highly publicised case last year, Lancashire council became the first local authority to ban unstunned halal meat in school dinners.

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Following an impassioned and at times bitter campaign between council leader Geoff Driver and the local Muslim community, the Conservative-controlled council narrowly voted for the ban. These tools allowed the client to come up with solutions that led to real, measurable value for its finance function — and the business as a whole. With these new Cloud-enabled processes, they identified the potential to remove the need for manual reconciliations between different systems or data sets.

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