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Hoyt L. Fuller, of California; Staff Sgt. Dale D. Fuller, of Hugo, Okla. Fuller, of California; Naaman W. Fuller, of California, and Glen Fuller, of Ramhurst. Paul Ross provided these pictures: first is of Derrell alone, second with his wife, Lena, and their son, Derrell Oran Fuller. He was born in , their fifth child. The Census of listed the family as: H. Chester, age 38; Katherine M. Adrian, age 6; and H. Chester Hammontree, age 1. Family records indicate that the father was Homer Chester Hammontree, - He was born and died in Murray County.
These records list the mother as Katherine Miranda Youngblood Hammontree, - She was called "Katie. He indicated that he was married, had one year of high school, had worked as a sales clerk. His height was listed as 66 inches and his weight at pounds. At the time of his death he held the rank of Sergeant. He was killed February 24, , but no details of his death were found.
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Hammontree, Nov. His parents are adjacent: Chester - and Katie The Chatsworth Times ran two articles about this soldier. The first, in the issue of March 23, , was " Hammontree is Missing. James Adrian Hammontree, 20, son of Mr. Chester Hammontree, of Fashion, has been reported missing in action over Germany, his parents have been notified. The soldier was a waist gunner with the Air Corps. Sergeant James A. Hammontree, previously reported missing, was killed in action in the European area on February 24, according to a telegram received Wednesday by the soldier's mother, Mrs.
Chester Hammontree, of Fashion. In addition to his parents, the soldier is survived by three brothers and two sisters. Earl Keith and Miss Edith Hammontree. Young Hammontree was 20 years old. He was inducted into the Army Air Corps on November 18, He was sent overseas in November, , having only one furlough at home during his training period. The materials included a Missing Air Crew Report that gave names, rank, crew position and service numbers for all ten aboard the bomber that day.
James A. Information that Green sent indicated that this particular mission of the 68th Squadron, 44th Bomb Group, 8th Air Force, was to bomb an aircraft manufacturing facility that made fighters for the Germans. The bomber, with its crew of 10, after departing its base in England, had flown to Gotha and dropped its bombs at approximately hours.
The pilot immediately began their return flight to England. An eye-witness reported: "Just after the target this aircraft was hit by prop wash and fell out of formation.
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Documents detail the fate of several of the crew members who bailed out of the bomber. One man's chute either failed to open or he did not pull the cord. One was captured by Germans on the ground and taken to hospital. Others were captured and held prisoner until late September , when they were repatriated to the American military. One of the survivors reported that Sgt.
Hammontree had been wounded and was still in the plane when the wreckage hit the ground. Fellow crewman, Sgt. Haynes suffered the same fate and was buried in grave Brief extracts follow: The Gothaer Waggonfabrik, A. The plant was very compact, having over 70 buildings in an 80 acre plot. The principal product of the aircraft division of this concern was the twin-engine fighter aircraft, ME Two attacks, both by the Eighth AF, took place.
A table in the report indicates that during the February 24, , attack, tons of HE bombs were dropped; 74 tons of IB bombs, and tons of fragmentation also were used. The February raid generally destroyed the easterly half of the plant, where aircraft manufacture was centered. The loss of output from the February raid, due to destruction of finished aircraft, damage to production facilities, and disruption of the processes, equaled about six to seven weeks of production, or a loss to the German Air Forces of about planes.
Thanks to Paul Ross for finding and submitting these photos to the museum. The first one is of Sergeant Hammontree, followed by one of him with an unidentified buddy. The last one taken at his funeral is of his parents, Chester and Katherine Hammontree, of the Fashion Community. William G. Hargis William G. Hargis This man's enlistment record indicates that he was born in , in Florida, and entered the service while a resident of Murray County, Georgia.
He had two years of college and had worked in the accounting field before enlisting. He was single.
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Height was 67 inches and weight was pounds. He was assigned service number Two Notes: Museum later discovered that his middle name was Granville, and that he was assigned a different service number, , when he became an officer. Both the and Census listed this family living in Lake County, Florida. Hargis, age 40, born in Tenn. The newspaper article reporting his death indicated that William G. Hargis held the rank of Captain. He was killed in action February 23, , when his plane was shot down over Germany.
The Chatsworth Times reported in their issue dated April 5, , the following: " Capt. Hargis is Missing. William D. Hargis, of the Air Force, son of Mr. Ben F. Hargis, of Deland, Florida, formerly of Murray County, and the brother of Charles Hargis, of Crandall, has been reported missing over Germany since February 23, it has been learned here. Hargis is a member of the famed "Pioneer Fighters" Bomber group of the Ninth Air Force which has the record of destroying enemy aircraft in one year.
Margaret's dad, Charles Hargis, had been a brother to Bill. Thanks to all. Conway C. Higdon The Census listed him in the household of John B. The household included John B. Higdon, age 56; Naomi Higdon, age 52; Ollie M. Higdon, age 25; William E. Higdon, age 20; John M. Higdon, age 17; and Charles C. Higdon, age 6. The Census indicated that Charles was a grandson who had been born in Oregon. It also indicated that the boy's father had been born in Georgia. Rather than calling him Conway, folks opted to call him Connie.
No enlistment form for this man was found. He was listed in the U. Higdon, white, male, Protestant. He died August 21, On September 7, , The Chatsworth Times reported his death. Second Lieutenant Conway C. Higdon, grandson of Mrs. Naomi Higdon, of Cisco, was killed in a plane accident in Italy on August 21, according to a telegram to Mrs. Higdon from the War Department received September 4. Lieutenant Higdon was the son of the late Mr.
Charles Higdon. Besides Mrs. Lillian Conway, of Aspen, Colo. The officer, who was 21 years old, was born in Mill City, Oregon, but lived in Cisco from the age of two until a few years ago. Before entering the service he was employed at Timkin Detroit Axle Company. Shortly after that he visited his grandmother at Cisco. Last Monday, Mrs. Higdon had been killed in Italy in an airplane accident.
Melodrama in Contemporary Film and Television
They came away to go about their daily chores in stricken silence. As his second-grade teacher, we remembered how he most always left his coat at school, his advanced ideas for a 7-year-old, the intensity with which he discussed a subject he loved, and how he always had his nose in a book oblivious to everything around him. During those times when a boy must find an outlet for his artistic talents, Connie invariably came out with a new and improved airplane.
In a two-room school, art as a separate subject can hardly find a practical place in the curriculum. Years later came college days.
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There was a time during the Christmas holidays when we all went caroling. The youngsters away at school always looked forward to this season as a sort of reunion. Finally the war came and Connie knew right away what he wanted.

He applied for a place as cadet in the Army Air Corps. He was accepted and there followed months of hard work which finally bore fruit. He was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in the Army Air Corps in the spring. It was hard to believe this distinguished purposeful young lieutenant wearing his wings could be our own Connie.