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Anyone heard of Moises Montoya? Start talking to LA on words for friends then went to hangout first his name on wars for friends was Austine Bobby Wallace then on Austine Williams. And on aRig on the Ocean working on a machine. I knew it was fake and I would call him out all the time but he kept pursuing it and he reviews and pictures of a guy that I knew was not him say and he was from Italy trust me not an Italian accent!
Then just ask me for Amazon Gift cards. He to told me how much she loved me and was going to marry me even though I never said that in return and Would laugh after ignoring him he was still sending me stuff so I had to block him. I wish we could post the pictures. I feel bad for the pictures that they stored from somebody else and are using. Here's the latest one. On OurTime, named Martin.
Recently move from San Francisco to Miami. Is an independent gold miner.
Runs the whole operation. Has bid on a new contract. When he gets it he'll be in Peru for five weeks. Then he is going to come home and retire. Of course he's sure that he and I will be together. One photo. Nice looking gray haired guy with glasses. Says his parents were Norwegian. Wife died of cancer I think. He has a daughter studying medicine abroad. It's classic scammer. I wish I could post his messages here because the grammar is so swful. English is definitely not the first language.
Beware of this dude. I am now sniffing out about two or three of these scammers a week and reporting them to OurTime.
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I can't believe how many of these criminals are trolling the dating sites. Beware people and don't be foolish! He even professed his love for me the first week we started chatting. A week later, he tells me that the contract he applied for 3 years ago just got approved—in West Africa. I purchased it. Then an emergency happens- he calls me and tells me that his son passed out in school and that he was rushed to the hospital.
I knew he was scamming me. Later he called me back and asked if I could put him on my cellphone plan and I said NO. I blocked him immediately!!! Recently I was scanned by 3 different men at the same time.
Same story The other one also had insisted I buy a gift card for his daughter. The 3rd one was priceless. He wanted iTunes card that were hot purchased on line they resell then. This one said he wa a dermatologist working for doctors with out borders. He also wanted money to pay for his flight back. There is a lot more to this but I am rushing out of space. Ladies just please stay away from these guys. Dear questionable I think I met you guy using the name Anthony maxwell and he is a dermatologist working for doctors with out borders in Syria.
Don't send this one any money. I just started talking to Christopher Jackson coming up on 2 weeks. Born in the US, moved to London when he was a baby, mom left him and his dad when he was 5 years old. His dad passed away. Got drunk last night and his gun was stolen. The thieves are asking for iTunes gift cards. He only gets paid a stipend and does not have the money. We started talking on Instagram and then he wanted to switch to Google Hangouts site. Has been telling me he loves me since the second day of talking.
I met a gut on spiritual singles. He professed love for me. While there he said could I help him get access to his money in the United States? I said NO. I looked up romance scams on FBI and sent him a copy. He stopped writing. I know I cant do anything until the sting occurs, however I would like to know if there is anything I can do to report it before anyone does get hurt or caught out.
I went in with my eyes open and ready for it but some people are not so luck, by the way he is on Tinder Spain I would really like to know how best to catch this so and so before his ship gets invaded by "piratas" within the next couple of days lol His last message to me this morning! I am in a state of confusion praying for God to help us here. Our ship has developed a major fault here in the Indian Ocean and now we are moving at a very slow pace and our ship has been propelled by waves due to a rigid propeller.
The information we are getting from the signal house is that there are marine pirates from Somalia who are blocking the sea. They are about km away from us and the closest place to anchor this boat is the island of Port Klang somewhere along the Indian Ocean coast in southern Malaysia to dock for safety. From our location, it will take another 8 hours to reach the island. The captain of the ship has announced that all passengers must unload their goods for another means of transport, since the SHIP will bend until it is safe to continue sailing.
Actually, I have my own valuables on this ship, like my watches and gold necklace, the DEED contract documents that I have with a Mexican company, my palm oil business capital. I want to buy enough because I want to concentrate only on the palm oil business and I never wanted to sail again. I want to be on earth to enjoy my new home with you. I'm very afraid of losing all this to the dengerous pirates. OK - so I just met this guy 3 weeks ago on e-harmony, very smooth talker, and we have been texting everyday and same story he tells me I am his only friend and he is falling in love with me.
His wife died 3 years ago and he has a daughter in school in Germany. He says he was born in Germany but now lives in US. We have never met only text everyday and spoke to him one time. So he tells me he has to take a business trip to South Africa to the diamond mines. He claims he is a gemologist and was hired to go and certify diamonds.
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I said to him don't you have a credit card, and he tells me that he did not bring one because the diamond mines and that area do not accept them. I say to him, your a grown man who told me you had to transfer 3 million dollars to the diamond mines before you went there and you don't bring a credit card.
I told him to go to the bank there and get money, if you had 3 million dollars last week I am sure you have more money somewhere. Needless to say I am not sending him a dime. This is all happening right now, so I am going to tell him that I can not get the money and I will see what he says.
I am just glad that I did not give him my last name.
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This is just crazy and I am going to notify e-harmony. I have been chatting with a guy who I met on Zoosk told me he loved me after the first week! I had the same thing happen to me. The guy said hey to me on Instagram. His name was George Anderson. His email address was georgeanderson gmail. He deleted his Instagram account and told me he didn't need it anymore because I was the one he had finally been waiting for. He also said he lost his wife during there third child birth.
He went on to even send me photos even though they were not of recent photos I believe them to be of him until I finally printed them all off and realized they were of different time periods. I also realized that the last pic was probably the recent pic of himself. Needless to say when he sent the last pic of himself he did not realize he had a shirt on saying 60 is the new sexy.
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How was this not a dead give away something is not right. It is true right away not long after being off Instagram that he started to tell me how comfortable he felt talking to me and that eventually he was in love with me. Even showed me pics of his little girls which is probably grown now. NEEDLESS to say after a lot of other things that went on he did not get my money and once he did not get the money I saw another side of him that no women wants to meet.
He had such a narcissistic behavior. We ended up having bad words between us and ended the conversation by me blocking him on hangouts and deleting the app all together.