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- 2011 Lexington Selected Yearling Sale -- Session 5
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Hall 1,00,xxi,1. Flanders 1,00,xx,1. Scribner 0,75,xix,7. Sage 3,00,xxii,6. Leighton 1,00,xix, Baldwin 0,50,xx,6. Clark 0, 50, xix, Wilcox 3,00,xviii, Thomas K. Henry 25e. Donations to Publishing Association. From a friend. Church at Hanover, a. Church at'ompkins, s. Scribner 1, Maria West 5. For Shares in Publishing Association. George Cobb John M. Brown 5. Kinne Lucy M. Smith Hilliard Felehaw 10, A. Daniels Bryant 5. Styles 5.
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Books Sent By Mail. Report juri8o5f9. General Coona seyr. A Word for the Sabbath, or False. Theories Exposed, 5 " Illustrated Review.
Atlas and plat book of Lenawee County Michigan.
A Double Number of the Rs. Spiritual Gifts Vol. I, or the Great Controversy between Christ and his angels, and Satan and his angels,. Experience, Views and Incidents in connection with the Third Message,. These small Tracts can be sent, post-paid,in packages of not less than twenty-five. Home Here and Home in Heaven, with other Poems. This work embraces all those sweet and Scriptural poems written by Annie R.
Smith, from the lime she embraced the third message till she fell asleep in Jesus. Price 25 cents. The Chart. Price 15 cents. On rollers, post-paid, 75 cts. Tract of 80 pp.

Price 10 cents. Translated from the same as the German. Arnold 25c. Hart 60e. Drew 80c. Price 5 cents. Andrews 2. Martin 80c, postage 80e. Miss L. Johnston 56e. Wolf 4. Paton 1, Hastings 80e.
2011 Lexington Selected Yearling Sale -- Session 5
A Tract of 32 pp. THE Lord willing, we will hold meetings with the 2, Milk 15c. Johnson 80c. Zeal- These publications will be sent by mail, post-paid, at their reWolcott, Jan. Moses Hull 2, Vaughan 42c. When ordered by the quantity, not less than 5 Bristol, Feb. In this case postage added, Roxbury, If sent by mail.
Orders, to insure attention, must be accompanied Books Sent by Express, We are prepared to supply the brethren with new with the cash, unless special arrangements be made. Address Hymn Books. Robert O'Brien, Walton, Hants. Scotia, 5. Show less. C This poem was read by Elder H. Camd Show more atlantic Union team "Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.
Camden Lacey at the conclusion of the baccalaureate sermon, which he delivered at Atlantic Union College, May 17, The author wrote the poem for that occasion, at Elder Lacey's request. But lei us take heart and go on to perfection, And press toward the prize at the end of the race; We know that our Captain will be our protection, And we shall rejoice in the light of His face. Though our eyes may not pierce the dark vail of the future, If we walk in the path that the Master hath trod, We may know of a truth though the chalice be bitter, It is held in the hand of a merciful God.
But it may be the path that He bids us to follow, Shall shine with the light of His glorious face, But e'en though it lead through Gethsemane's garden, We will "press toward the mark" at the end of the race. The pathway of some may be bordered with flowers, While others must battle with sorrow and pain; But the Master knows best whether sunshine or showers Or darkness or light shall best ripen the grain. And some may be called over mountain and desert, To lay down their lives in far distant clime, To herald the news of a soon coming Savior, In glory triumphant and splendor sublime.
And some in the homeland must work for the Master, Who gladly would go, though the journey be rough, But a gladsome reward shall be paid by the Lord, To those who shall faithfully "stay by the stuff. God help us to glimpse the all-glorious future, The city of gold with its crystalline sea, Where the ransomed shall bask in the fullness of glory, And eat of the fruitage of Life's fadeless tree.
Historically, this field is of outstanding interest. In the organization of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, years ago, the embryo of this great republic was formed. This tercentenary year is observed throughout the nation in commemoration of that event. Looking back go years, we see in this territory, I believe, more than in any other part of the world, the small and remote beginning of the great world movement by which the final message of mercy is being proclaimed to every nation and people, the progress of which we witness with rejoicing in this great convocation.
It is with gratitude to God that I bring greetings from the believers of our field, the birthplace of our nation and the cradle of the great second advent movement. We have enjoyed God's signal blessing the past four years. A protecting Providence has cared for our people, workers, and institutions, and the utmost freedom has been enjoyed in carrying forward all lines of our work. With fifty per cent of our population foreign, and with our large city problem in the conservative East.
Yet we see many being won to this message from all classes and nationalities. As in other parts of the world, God is giving the latter rain in abundance and with unmistakable manifestations throughout our field. On every hand honest ones are seeking for light and are being brought into our churches through the Spirit of God going on before us.
We have sought to accomplish the full purpose of our departmental lines of work. Excellent results are seen in our church schools, academies, and College the past four years. We can report progress in our Missionary Volunteer activities. The work of the Home Commission has been fruitful in good results. The subscription hook work has held strong throughout the quadrennial term.
From year to year our home missionary activities have increased in effectiveness in all lines. The Sabbath school work has reached a higher plane than ever in all the conferences of Our Union the past term. We have maintained the religious liberty and medical departments in form, with such activity as conditions and resources would warrant. Brevity requires that T say no more than to assure von that decided advancement has been made in all these lines the past term.
Ve are holding strictly to a safe financial policy.
This year will witness all of our educational institutions free from debt. Tri no conference are the operating expenses in excess of the income.
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On the contrary, a good operating reserve is maintained in the Union and in all local conferences. We are holding strictly to the debt-prevention and debt-reduction policy in all of our conference and institutional management, as well as in the handling of our local church business. At the same time, to a large. A large number of new church properties have been acquired during the past four years.
The New England Sanitarium at Melrose. The Past year has been by far the best in its history. Its circle of influence is enlarging year by year. The place is pretty well filled nearly all the year, and some of the time to its full capacity. The future for this institution looks bright. I may say that the Atlantic Union College. Many improvements in add- ed equipment and industries contribute to attaining a higher standard in the work of this educational center.
Unhampered by debt, and backed by a faithful membership, the College is certain to become stronger as one of the important training centers in the American field.
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Our records indicate a gradual increase in tithes and offerings throughout the years. The year closing December 31, 1g2g stands the highest in the amount of tithe paid of any past year. During the four year period we have remitted mission funds to the foreign Mission Board treasurer amounting to an average of sixtyfive cents a week per capita.