The parcels were collected by the young people in large trays, after which the plate was passed around. The result was twentyeight parcels and 16s. These meetings are held about once each month, and a good work is thus done for those who need a helping hand. Although delayed in starting, as explained by Pastor Blunden in this issue, they have had a successful campaign and we extend to them our congratulations. FROM Queensland we have received word that the southern portion of the conference has been successful in collecting , which is their. Our members in the northern section of this wide expanse of territory, have an aim of , which we feel confident they will also be able to gather in a little later.
The same day he had visited another house which stood away back on a farm and had received 12s,, so he felt encouraged to visit this one. He found the front door open, windows up, clothes on the line, and every evidence of occupancy. Not a soul was about, so he sat on the door step and considered matters. On the grass outside was a piece of bone, whitened by the weather.
He thought, " That is just the thing to write an appeal on, and use it as a weight on the Appeal magazine," which he decided to leave on the hall floor inside the door. This he did and prayed that the Lord would give a harvest. And he did, for a little later the following letter was received at the conference office, with 5s. This is just a small subscription from a soldier settler, his sister, and friend.
I pray it may help to disseminate the knowledge of Godthe only power to save upon this earth. ONE of our sisters was so crippled with rheumatism she could hardly walk, but felt that she must have a little part in the Harvest Ingathering, so she decided to call on her near neighbours. As she was in constant pain, she would rest sometimes for an hour in the home where she was calling ; however, she spent her time talking the truth.
An interest was awakened, and she called for a Bible worker.
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After a time, three of her neighbours accepted the truth, were baptised, and joined the church. Fulton, W. Allum, Anna L. Hindson Office Editor All copy for the paper should be sent to Mrs. Hindson, "Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. Will Queensland members please take note of this date. As some of our leading workers who were to have taken an active part in the home missions' convention appointed for South New South Wales, are visiting the mission fields and find it impossible to return in time for this meeting, the convention has been postponed indefinitely.
While in the Hamilton district they baptised four persons, two of whom, an aged couple, had been keeping the Sabbath for twenty years, but had never before taken this step. Piper writes from West Australia "You will be interested to know that I have just returned from the country, where we have organised a church at Geraldton.
This makes five churches that have been organised in West Australia since my arrival here. Generally speaking, the work is encouraging, and our financial returns are also coming in well. Parker writes from the New Hebrides " We as workers in this field have set apart the midday for a special season of pleading with the Lord for His special help and the power of His Holy Spirit for each other and the needs of this field.
Prayer bands have met each evening at some of the missions, and we thank the dear Lord for the change He has wrought. We have had a wonderful demonstration of His divine power. The early morning and evening meetings each day were largely attended, and there was a spirit of freedom and earnestness in taking part at every opportunity for prayer and testimony. The " last day of the feast," an excellent service of re-consecration was held, at the close of which the annual offering was given to missions.
Although very little had been said about this offering, it was pleasing to know that the goal of assumed by the church was more than reached.
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ONE of our correspondents writes from the New Zealand Missionary School "Although it was necessary for our school to open six weeks late, we have now settled down to good earnest study. We are at present enjoying the blessings of the Week of Prayer. Among the students there is a very earnest desire to become better acquainted with the Friend that sticketh closer than a brother. Occasionally we have a visit from one of the Wahroonga workers.
This week we were pleased to see Brother W. Johanson and Brother A. Pascoe wrote from Melbourne. At these centres the Lord greatly blessed. The attendance was good, and at the call for renewed consecration and for a closer cooperation in pressing together for the finishing of the work, at our last meeting both at the Depot and at North Fitzroy every soul in attendance responded to the appeal.
Pastor A. Knight conducted the Sabbath meeting at Windsor, and there also a wonderful manifestation of God's blessing was manifested.
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We have not yet heard from other churches. We are expecting Pastor Allum back from Geelong tonight.

Here I am at Noumea, New Caledonia. The trip has been rough from the Sydney Heads. The steamer commenced to roll opposite Manly, and never ceased until she tied up here at the wharf. Besides the roll she had a list to port, and as my cabin was on the port side, much of the time the port hole in my room was submerged in the sea.
It was closed at Sydney Heads and not opened until today. The air was thick. The decks were awash so badly one could not get on to them at times, so there was only one thing to doto be shut up down below. After three days my cabin sprung a leak, so the cabin boys were kept busy mopping up the water. I am now in another single cabin on the opposite side of the ship. The chief steward has been very good and attentive. Today I went ashore. I am very glad to be thus far on my journey. Thirty hours after leaving here we reach Vila in the New Hebrides.
Noumea is pretty in its surroundings. Just now the town itself is wet and muddy, so shows at a disadvantage. About 8, altogether. It was misty and rainy coming into the harbour today, but tomorrow I hope to see more of the town and get a few photos.
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Friday, May 8. The port was open, the air was cooled by the showers of yesterday, and with a new, dry cabin on a still ship, I had a good rest last night. Having been told that the early morning market is worth visiting, I left the ship shortly after six and went to the square in the centre of the town. Here on little tables all the supplies were spread out. Carts with additional supplies were backed up close to the tables. What was really interesting were the fish carts.
They are made to hold water, and here were numbers of them, with living fish in the water. Police are about, and when fish are dead they must be cast away and not sold. I bought some mummy apples, oranges, and mandarins. I am impressed with the people here, French and native. They are a fine class.
The French are very kind. Business on account of the fall in currency is bad, and I think the people have more time to think than if they were rushed with business. I saw some reading as I passed shops yesterday. The natives, especially those from the Loyalty Islands, impress me as a hopeful class with whom to do missionary work. I suppose farther from the city in their own native villages the people would be better. There are about 30, natives, I believe. May God help us to get the message before them quickly. In many ways the Loyalty Islanders remind me of Fijians.
They have the same frizzy hair and the same happy laughter and song. The New Caledonians are more sullen and darker. I wish I could see them in their village life. Last night I heard the Loyalty Island natives sing. Today some other's were chanting,very pleasant to hear. We are making a long stay at Noumea.
We arrived here on Thursday and do not leave again till Monday night at nine o'clock. The weather has been very wet, but today has been fine. I took a few photos of the town for our papers. Nearing Malekula May. It is getting hot this end of the voyage, and we have still further to go. It has been a long tiresome trip.