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- Index of Belgium-related articles - Wikipedia
While all children deserve love, who is to decide how much love is sufficient? The needs of different children vary hugely and some become hard to handle after puberty, if not before. Well-meaning legislation, brought in at the behest of pressure groups, is often flawed. Parents must be allowed to bring up their children as they think best. While there will be victims in every society, this kind of well-intentioned law may not reach them and it may have the unintended consequence of further undermining the family and parental authority.
Gregory Shenkman London W8 SIR — Compelling parents to provide emotional input to their children represents not only the height of naivety but also typifies the current trend to manipulate us socially via legislation. How can an Act of Parliament force a second-rate parent to love his or her child? Peter Mahaffey Cardington, Bedfordshire SIR — The Government is considering making emotional cruelty to children a criminal offence, and yet the same Government is encouraging young mothers to go out to work while penalising those who stay at home.
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What vindictive fun some would have with the Cinderella Law. We still read of dreadful cases of uncared-for children dying unnecessarily, despite the services in place. Time and money should be spent on securing what is already in place. David Ashton Sheringham, Norfolk SIR — If children will be able to sue their parents when dissatisfied with their upbringing, will parents have equal rights to sue offspring who have not lived up to their expectations?
So congratulations to her for her honesty. She should realise, however, that the recent introduction of the condition that political parties have a minimum quota of women candidates in the next general election, before they qualify for full public funding, has not only focused the debate but it has also started a bitter struggle. Now, when there is a chance that the more than 50 per cent of the electorate that are women might get more of their kind on the ballot paper the insiders and the incumbents will fight tooth and nail to undermine that effort.
As a practising woman politician Ms Power is in a better position than most to see this. Getting women onto the ballot paper, difficult and all as it is, is only the first step. Getting them elected is not going to be easy. Ms Power is wrong when she says that women candidates have the same chance as men. That was true for the election, when the average woman candidate polled as well as the average man. But that was the first time this was the case and the result was influenced by the fact that a large number of male independents stood in that contest and got very low votes.
In previous elections women candidates attracted fewer votes than men. Sir, — I have been living in Dublin since and think it is a wonderful city. Concerning its governance though, I could and still cannot not grasp the low level of decision-making power that elected politicians can exercise vis-a-vis unelected officials at the helm of local government. Dublin is a metropolitan region that is the economic engine for the country. Dublin does compete with other European regions for business. Reassessing the responsibility for the governance of the metropolitan region should not be left in the hands of a small group of politicians in Fingal, who do not seem to see the wider implications of their decision.
The development of a democratic governance structure for a city region like Dublin should not be held to ransom by the outcome of the Fingal vote.
Maybe the process that allowed a predominantly rural area to determine the future of the city should be revisited. The call on the Minister responsible, Phil Hogan, to reassess the boundaries of the city seems appropriate. I hope the people of Fingal will send a clear message to these councillors in May and give these so-called public representatives a lesson in democracy.

What a missed opportunity for an international capital city! Individualised, person-centred, recovery-orientated plans are a basic requirement of a good quality mental health service. In , Mental Health Reform worked with our member organisations to define five components of a recovery-focused mental health service: hope, listening, partnership, choice and social inclusion. In simple terms, people recover better when they are given hope, involved in decisions about their own treatment, offered a range of therapeutic options, and are supported to live a full live in the community.
As a social worker in a multidisciplinary mental health team, I, like others, work with patients with a variety of needs, from the most complex, such as severe and enduring mental disorders, with dual diagnosis of addiction and intellectual disabilities and with limited family support to deal with significant life stressors, to less complex cases where patients can be managed by one worker or be relatively quickly referred back to their GP.
Providing a quality, efficient and effective service entails focusing in on those with the greatest needs, having transparent, screening processes in place to ensure meaningful care plans with a responsible key worker to co-ordinate the plan rather than a superficial one size fits all care plan, merely to tick the box. Why not replace the Bible, not with a blank book but with an image of the Book of Kells which is of course housed in Trinity?
Index of Belgium-related articles
Those who wish to see the Bible retained could find in the Book of Kells the iconic referencing they would prefer; while those opposed to the retention of the Bible would surely be reconciled to an image of what is, after all, a major Irish cultural achievement, and, more to the point, a striking reminder of a longstanding Irish tradition of learning and scholarship.
Yours, etc. His ethics initiative, aiming to place citizens at the centre of the debate about the future of our society is both topical, timely and welcome. For the development model Ireland chose during the Celtic Tiger era has been shown to be fundamentally flawed — yet to date no alternative vision for a fair and sustainable future for our country has emerged. But we have yet to develop a plan on how to manage the challenges arising from this new awareness.
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Our citizens feel less empowered than ever before, and our public goods have been damaged by greed, breach of trust and by global forces of enormous strength. It is not a good time in which to be rudderless. Realising this, our colleagues at the United Nations have spent much of the last two years asking every country to undertake discussions about national values and national priorities.
If we seize the opportunity that the President is offering us to rethink who we are and what our values as a nation are, and ought to be, then we will be all the stronger for it, and all the better able to cope with the challenges associated with being a small country in such an interdependent and volatile world. The application of makeup is an intimate and private moment for women in which they construct their daily mask.
The public application of makeup is fascinating, and very modern. To watch a woman apply makeup is profoundly erotic in the post-Freudian sense. To suffer these small darts of Eros at a time of day when one is moving into the profoundly mundane space of most white collar work is a privilege.
The episode was punctuated by squeals of delight from the stylist and some loud resistance from her man.
This return is being urged as part of a return to a more Anglo-Saxon timetable, which would help Spaniards get sufficient sleep they sleep an hour less than most Europeans and eliminate the huge lunch gap in the middle of the day few have the luxury of working close enough to home for a siesta. Opposition is coming from the Canary Islands, already on GMT, because it might eliminate the mention they get on the radio every hour. It seems the grass is always greener on the other side of the time zone. The problem is, however, not what the people of Crimea want but the fact that the region was effectively annexed by Russia without any diplomatic avenues being explored.
Prostitution in Belgium
Can I suggest that the threat of a permanent exclusion from the Eurovision Song Contest might help get things moving? They cannot expect a huge degree of sympath now that the shoe is inaccurately perceived to be on the other foot. Also in this section Coming back from the mother of all mistakes Taxpayers left to foot the bill yet again Pylons will mutilate our beautiful countryside The real supporters are the people who travel and pay to attend regularly at their club and county games when at all possible.
They will not be like elected officials of county boards, provincial or other councils who seldom have to put their hands in their pockets to attend. Even when they are stuck, they will always get a few from part of a golden circle of sponsored tickets. The same could be asked of the full-time paid officials of the GAA, how many games do they actually pay into? It is very easy to scoff at the cost this Sky deal will burden the real supporter with, if one attends these games free or with sponsored tickets.
There are many people who will only be seen attending games when they do not have to pay to attend. While I agree with the efforts to generate a wider exposure to our games worldwide, I am not blind to how this also results in junkets for our paid officials. When asked on the news programme on TV whether the topic should have been brought before the GAA annual congress for approval, the general secretary appeared to me to think those who made the decision were a higher authority.
I would have no great problem with the deal if another channel was allowed cover the game s on a free-to-view delayed showing. I wonder did this thought enter the minds of those negotiating the deal — but then again, why would it? They will hardly be affected by it. GAA fans are struggling enough as it is — just because a certain number of the population have Sky membership, it does not mean they all have Sky Sports. Time to lance the boil in this debacle and come clean. Each time the heat threatens Alan Shatter, a grave-faced Enda Kenny informs us of another debacle.
To each, Mr Shatter has ordered inquiry after inquiry.
Index of Belgium-related articles - Wikipedia
The problem is this, though: he is the problem. The Attorney General, the Secretary General of Justice and the head of prisons need to consider their positions. Information on their desks ought to reach the minister in a timely fashion. He seems to have a poor grip on his minions. So let him lead by example and step down.
Then let the trio do what they must do and follow suit.
Mr Kenny needs to lance this boil, otherwise he might be engulfed too. The various Christian churches are supporting this peace walk. The walk will be held on Sunday, April 13, Palm Sunday, starting at 2.