- We need to talk about how Grindr is affecting gay men’s mental health
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Accounts relating to propaganda activities lectures, exhibitions, Eugenics Alliance, etc. Admission book. Longmore, ; Death certificate of Dr T. Akeroyd, Mary Elizabeth Alan R. Liss, Inc. Publishers Alan T. Albertus de Saxonia ? Stairs, Surgeon Thomas H. Parke, Captain R. Nelson and Mr. Album of photographs of Indian Medical Service officers? Ticehurst and Colonel A. Alchemy: 15th cent. Alchemy: 16th cent. Alchemy: 17th cent. Alchemy: 18th cent. Knopf, Inc. Sloan Foundation Alfred P. Allan, T. Alleyne, Philip Allia, E. Etteilla Allison, Anthony C. Amylin Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
From his arrival there in to his death and burial in ; also the exhumation of his remains for conveyance to France in , by an old inhabitant, W. An account of the operations of Second Army in Europe Anderson, Ephraim S. Anderson, French Anderson, N. Leigh Anderson, Norman G. Anderson, Thomas F. Anderson, W. Andrews, M. Browne, W. Mad Artists Annon.
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Appreciation by Major General M. Archives fifth test record. Archives fourth test record. Archives second test record. Archives test record. Archives third test record. Ardrey, Robert Are we all cracked? Aristotelian treatises, etc. Aristotle to Zoos: reviews Arm band? Armitage, D. Use of Bat symbol on vehicles, uniform, equipment, direction boards, etc. Bailey Army Council instruction leaflet no. Barr and Major-General A. Sachs Army Training Memoranda, Nos. Medical treatises Arnold, P.
Arnold, William Arnoldus De Villanova, d. Boase Arthur, J. Articella Articella and other tracts Articella.
We need to talk about how Grindr is affecting gay men’s mental health
In a version conforming to the first printed edition, with the addition of the medical section of the Pseudo-Aristotelian Secreta secretorum Articella. Articles, letter Articles, photographs, letters and copies of letters. Portrait photograph; copies of letter to his family from the Crimea; biographical sketch Assistant Surgeon William G. Kopec, re Not listed in Bibliog.
Comprehansive tables and maps of world distribution, with A. Kopec and K. Domaniewska-Sobczak, Bibliog.
The Atlantic Jan. Richardson The absolute sign of certain phase-shift mutants in bacteriophage T4 - Crick; Brenner ["Aggregate" Cases] ["Anthropometry at Schools"] ["As a basis for discussion"] ['Addresses'] ['Antenatal diagnosis and prevention of genetic disease using genetic linkage information' grant application to the Association for the Aid of Crippled Children ] ['The Army Medical Services of the Territorial Force, , as recorded in ' with unit members and titles, , added , by Warrant Officer R.
Samuel Newington and Mrs. Eleanora Newington] [Account book: private accounts of Messrs H. Hayes Newington [Trustees of Mrs. Eleanor Newington], Dr. Alexander S. Newington and Mr. Samuel Newington, Mrs. Eleanora Newington and Dr. Lilly and Ted Kelsey? Belgian agents. New York. Bulletin of the International Association of Medical Museums. Batsford, BT' 'Booksellers, English.
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Blackwells, BH' 'Booksellers, English. Edwards, F' 'Booksellers, English. Foyle Ltd' 'Booksellers, English. Goldschmidt, EP' 'Booksellers, English.
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Goldston, E' 'Booksellers, English. Heinemann Ltd' 'Booksellers, English. Hodgson' 'Booksellers, English. Maggs Bros' 'Booksellers, English. Quaritch, B' 'Booksellers, English. R-Z' 'Booksellers, English. Robinson, WH' 'Booksellers, English.
Thorp, T' 'Booksellers, English. Times Book Club' 'Booksellers, English. Weil, E' 'Booksellers, English. Wheeler, H' 'Booksellers, foreign' 'Booksellers, foreign' 'Booksellers, foreign. A-B' 'Booksellers, foreign. Bhajanlal' 'Booksellers, foreign. C-K' 'Booksellers, foreign. Charavey, G' 'Booksellers, foreign. Degrange, MV' 'Booksellers, foreign. Duhem, MJ' 'Booksellers, foreign. Dumani, M' 'Booksellers, foreign.
Fock, G' 'Booksellers, foreign.

Heck, VA' 'Booksellers, foreign. Hirschwaldsche Buchhandlung' 'Booksellers, foreign. International Antiquariat' 'Booksellers, foreign. Koch, HC' 'Booksellers, foreign.
Koehlers Antiquarium' 'Booksellers, foreign. L-P' 'Booksellers, foreign. Libreria Layetana' 'Booksellers, foreign. Lyotard, E' 'Booksellers, foreign. Nourry, E' 'Booksellers, foreign. Q-Z' 'Booksellers, foreign. Schumann, H' 'Booksellers, foreign. Schwarzschild, E' 'Booksellers, foreign. Bolton, Recipe Book B. Conference papers B. Industries B. Bangalore Bio Bangham, C. Bangham, D. Barclay, G. Barnicot, N. Baynes, Martha E. Beads Beale, A. Beautician with another client having nails done Beautician with client having nails done Beauvais, Dr.
De Beaven, G. Beckman, L. Bennett, Michael V. Bergel, F. Berget, Susan M. Berresford, Alice Berrey, Elizabeth M. Berridge, Grace Berridge, N. Berrington, Kathleen Berry, R. Best, Dr. Bethell, I. Bett, C G Between H. Longmore, Rosalie Longmore, and Messrs. Moorsom Between J. Longmore concerning Longmore papers.
Longmore and Isabella Graham in Luxor chapel. White Between T. Longmore, his parents, brothers and sisters Between Thomas Longmore, Sr. Bhargava, Pushpa M. Bird, Dr. Edmund F. Bird, G. Bird, Mary B. Birth Control Investigation committee: reports, etc. Birth Rate. II Birth Rate. III Birth Rate. Bishop, C. Of the 68 men implicated on sodomy charges, most never faced a jury. Local businessman W. Allen was in such a state of disgrace that he attempted suicide via chloroform in his bed at the YMCA. Several other indicted men were also residents of the Y—enough that the establishment itself was investigated for being a hotbed of sodomy.
While YMCA officials were cleared of accusations that they were gay sex ringleaders, the organization itself retained its reputation for being a great place for guys to hook up as evidenced by the popular Village People song 65 years later. In , owner Theo Kruse closed the Louvre and, to much celebration and fanfare, opened the glamorous Rainbow Grill in the Morgan building on Southwest 7th and Washington.
Lagging profits very likely due to what was, after the Vice Clique scandal, an even more deeply closeted gay population led the Rainbow to close less than two years after opening. Another year passed, and it reopened again as a new restaurant and candy store. Oregon eventually became the fourth state in the union to decriminalize consensual sex between men, and less than a century after the Vice Clique Scandal, Portland elected its first openly gay mayor. Dear readers, Now more than ever, The Portland Mercury depends on your support to help fund our coverage.
Thank you and we are truly grateful for your support. Feature Jan 10, Levi Hastings.