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Didn't receive the code? Don't have your phone? Please contact support. You are now leaving Pornhub. Go Back You are now leaving Pornhub. Later he had a small studio in the attic — so cramped that he had to store his paintings rolled up. Round the corner, in Vlaanderenstraat street, his maternal aunt Mimi ran a similar shop, its living quarters on three floors above. She sold all manner of things: rare shells, puffer fishes dangling from strings; stuffed swans and many more masks.
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It must have had a powerful effect on an artistic boy. When Ensor was 27 his alcoholic father died and Ensor had to run the shop, look after his aunt Mimi, his mother, and his divorced sister.
From this point the traditional realism of his earlier works vanished. A married couple lived in and looked after him. Though he closed the shop, he kept it, and it is still there, jumbled with curiosities, just as it was. This large room with two full-height windows was where he entertained and painted.
A photo of him there shows its florid flocked blue wallpaper, piano, harmonium, his own paintings all around and lots of bric-a-brac.
Today the room is still decorated in that late Victorian to Edwardian taste, with a heavily patterned Brussels carpet, swagged curtains, a chandelier, and stuffed with solid, scrolled furniture in expensive, heavy woods. At the piano sits a beautiful shell-scrolled stool.
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Next door, the orange-red dining room also had a figured carpet and orangey patterned walls. His early traditional style changed dramatically, his mature expressionistic works influenced German painters Emile Nolde and Paul Klee. These works, which feature masks, and skulls so long before Damian Hirst adopted them, can be seen as playful, their often pastel colours appealingly luminous and bright.
His self-portrait at 23 show a handsome man with an amused face.
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In later life, on his daily strolls along the esplanade, Baron Ensor was a popular, avuncular bearded figure.