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An empirical evaluation with country panel data. Position taking, agenda setting, legislative influence. Energy autonomy and state behaviour: A model of energy and international cooperation and conflict. Why do states commit to international criminal justice? An Austrian Case Study.
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Breaking with the past? Reforms of size and structure of the welfare state, in comparative perspective. Novel Multi-sector Networks and Entrepreneurship in Metro Vancouver and London: a comparative study of small businesses as emerging non-state actors i. Rhetoric''s open hand or dogma''s closed fist? Cleavage Structure or Mass Media? What mobilizes the German Voter nowadays? Catalonia across the Decades.
A Mixed Blessing? Does the economic cycle affect self-placement on the left-right political spectrum? Evidence from public opinion surveys in European Union countries.
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The governing dynamics of Council decision making on the Western Balkans. It is not the institutions but ideas! Ambiguous discourses in family policies, population politics and gender rights in Poland and Turkey. Being far away from home — the price Civil Society Organizations pay for involvement in EU policy-making. The pension-''frame in thought'' and its impact on willingness to reform.
Evidence from a German survey. Institutional Trust. An element of convergence and divergence between elites and citizens in Latin America. Rhetorical uses of justice and international re- organization - Developing countries and the WTO world trade rounds. Government Communication 2. Legitimate governance in the forest sector? A comparative study of self-legitimation practices of global governance arrangements. The Europeanisation of national foreign policy in non-EU Europe: Analysing the ideational alignment of Western Balkan states in multilateral forums.
History, conflict, constructive amnesia and the absence of collective memory: personal narrative as a restorer of lost histories and cultural heritage.
The extraordinary anti-Nazi legislation in postwar Austria — a special way of coping with war crimes and crimes against humanities. Crises now and then — comparing integration policy frameworks and immigrant target groups in s and s. Mediated, interpersonal or interactive?

Digital Traditions? Spatial planning, energy and sustainable development: A view on Austrian regional governance structures. Representing European in-group and the ''other''.
Live Science podcast "Life's Little Mysteries" special report: Coronavirus (May 7)
The vision of social democratic parties , Reanimating multilateral international climate change policy? Online environments and the quality of deliberation: exploring criteria to measuring online deliberation. No participation without representation: demands and supplies on representation in European participatory governance. Is the welfare state catching a cold?
Materialism and support for welfare among year old Belgians. Ethno-business -- the unexpected consequence of the policies for political representation of national minorities in Romania. The role of political and administrative practices in the reception of foreigners in the definition of immigration policies. Analysis of a French bord. A comparative study of citizenship concepts in Dred Scott and Rottman.
To vote, or not to vote, that is the question: How young voters make up their minds at federal elections in Germany. Dialogue and performance based governance: redefining the supra national, national state and local government relations? An outlook on the implications of a changing mandate. The human rights diplomacy of Jimmy Carter and the transition to democracy in Brazil: a causal or a casual connection? From Majesty to Justice? Policy designs as configurations of meaning: explaining the role of policy instruments as drivers of substantive policy change.
Marketing politics: New communication strategies and party leadership. A case of a radical right party. The challenges of diaspora politics for normative political theory: lessons from the case of Roma, an allegedly non-territorial stateless nation. Participants and non-participants. Problems of representativeness in deliberative democracy experiments. The problem of coordination in defining public policy: a case study of the zero carbon homes agenda in England.
The institutional model of political party in Central and Eastern Europe as a factor of their Europeanization. Returns of War: The contentious memorialisation of political violence and European bodies politic. Prime ministers, presidents, and redistribution: a formal model of redistributive responsiveness and some evidence.
European integration as a security project - an ideational approach to EU-neighbourhood relations. French policy toward the Palestinian issue from to Llansol and Kristjana Gunnars. Explaining party ideological stances: from simulation to real elections. A comparative analysis using CSES survey data.
Raising the Stakes - The impact of institutional decentralization on voting behaviour in regional elections.
Microblogging meets politics. The influence of communication in characters on Romanian presidential election. Ethnic party competition in a multi-level perspective: Intra- and inter-ethnic coalitions in local elections. Effects of power in council and innovation governance on local entrepreneurship in the Swedish IT sector. The consequences of pressures for enhanced performance: A study of project performance and organizational characteristics of humanitarian NGOs.
Online politics through the mediating domain of civic cultures: a theoretical and empirical investigation. Secession in the 21st century: the right to secede in liberal-democratic contexts. Legitimacy and new perspectives. The Study of Internet Use in Latvia. Who supports liberal interventionism?
Citizens'' Attitudes towards European Democracy Promotion. Denomination of the victims and stages of their destruction in some testimonies of direct perpetrators of mass violence. Populist Framing in Election Campaigns: A comparative empirical analysis of populism frames in political PR and the media coverage during the Aus. Whither accountability? Questioning democracy through the state of "civil society", Romanian civil society as study case.
The impact of Integration Policies on national and religious identification of first and second-generation Muslim Immigrants in Europe. Rolling back the state and building new governing technologies. Challenges for bureaucrats, managers and professionals responding to retrenchment and. Windows of Opportunity: How women''s networks seize peace processes to advance feminist objectives.
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Asian values and the consolidation of authoritarian regimes in China-Analysis of a public opinion survey. Independence or cooperation? Strategic dimension of negotiations within the monitoring mechanism of international conventions. Personalization — yes, but… An analysis of campaign coverage in Germany and Austria Comparative view of Western and Eastern democracies in dealing with diversity issue to day s Europe. Another kind of justice? It Is Simply Too Much. When self reflexivity leads to political success? Wanting to act, but needing orientation: Using creative approaches to political symbols for democratisation in times of crisis.
An Attempt in the Ethnography of Regulatory Enforcement. Two cases of financial crisis and pension reform. A comparison between the Swedish case in the s and the Spanish case in Same numbers, Different Practices: Transformation of Interests representation through Europeanisation. EU Economic support to European Civil Society: constituency building strategy or democratic governance?