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Perhaps I find way to p n the let Juan know dis; yes?
The blow was a light one. Had she been, she would have struck to wound, to draw hlood. She urged her horse forward to come closer to the Irish girl; she would flog her to her knees before them all! But Bridget also moved, sprang straight to- wards Maria, grasped her whip-arm, gave one swift, strong, desperate pull.
The whip was torn from her hand: It was raised high by Bridget and fell with cruel force upon Maria's squirming body. Up again went Bridget's muscular arm, and this time she was aiming at Maria's face with the cry, "I'll spoil your beauty, you bawd! Already Wentworth and Camrose had sprung off their horses.
But before they could interpose between the two maddened. He flung it away, and held Bridget tightly. She was no coward, she was strong enough. But, struggle as she might, Camrose would not let her go; while Patrick also held Bridget in a grasp from which it was impos- sible for her to extricate herself.
Those people in the settlement who were not too far away to notice, gazed at this scene with curi- ous eyes that registered surprise. This was some- thing most unusual. But it was none of their busi- ness. They would not venture to intervene unless called upon to do so.
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They wanted to see what might happen next. Wentworth at once took command of the situa- tion. To the demand of Camrose that Bridget should be flogged, to the shrill cries of Maria for vengeance, he interposed his orders, which had the effect of quieting the two vociferous persons.
And please re- member, Canirose that it is I who will give orders for flogging on New Settlement, not you when I am in charge. All the provocation came from you. And here she is under my direct protection, you under- stand? An' I will fine means of letting her Captain Juan know of it.
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There was nothing to be gained now by a bandyin, of words. Later on there might be action to useful purpose. At this moment he would practise discre- tion.
His reward was inamediate. In fact I have heard quite decent reports of you: you have done well since you have been here. Now take Bridget away to my house, and pacify her. I'll see her later. An' I will see you an' her every day, an' will be so veery happy to see you. Went- worth, before riding off. He was not sorry that there was someone of Patrick's age, and apparently of calm and reasonable temper, to be near Bridget in these lays.
Soon, of course, she would have no need of Patrick: she would be well protected by himself, and happy. He had made up his mind as to that.

That man. But just at present he is our friend. He will not trouble you for a while; he may not be back here for another week. Before that time we should be ready to flee; I will make my plans. And Juan may come. At any moment now. I shall be ready to go with you at any time.
Even if we perish in the woods. He took Bridget to the house of which Rnb-rt- Wentworth had said she was to be housekeeper: 'he wished to inspire the new chief with confidence in him.
Brussels, Belgium Male Escorts
He felt certain that Wentworth would give instructions regarding him to the men in perman- ent charge of the settlement or plantation. He would now be allowed a certain latitude. That would suit him immensely. And as he had surmised, so it was.
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Wentworth left New Settlement that afternoon, but not before making arrangements that Patrick should become a sort of guardian, if necessary, of Bridget. And Bridget was to cease cooking for the indentured ser- vants and to be attached entirely to the main dwell- ing house. Camrose was also charged to keep Maria from harming or insulting the Irish girl.
This he promised to do, for he wished for no quarrel with Wentworth. But he disliked and mistrusted Patrick. Nor' could Maria suggest exactly how. Of all of which Patrick O'Brian had a shrewd suspicion. He had seen Mr. Camrose, had instinct- ively realized that worthy's dislike of him, and he knew Maria very well.
How she had developed in character, he thought whlimically, since those times when he had suggest- ed to Juan that he might marry her!
The Independent Florida alligator
That she pos- sessed temper and strength of purpose he had al- ways known; but had never suspected she could be- come a little fiend. Perhaps change of circumstances had had much to do with the emphasising of this part of hetr temperament; there would have been slight opportunity for any manifestation of it in the old quiet days and life in Santiago de la Vega. As Juan's wife she might have become shrewish as the years went on; but Juan's calmness would have been proof against her railing.
Now, from a sinpleh Spanish Jamaica girl, she had blossomed into an enemy of her own people, an intriguant, the mis- tress of an EInlihshmitnt. There was no forgiveness to be expected of her, especially because it was she who had soIught to harm Itulidget and the Spanish cause, not they who had plotted against her. So even had there been no Wentworth to take account of, IBridget must leave New Settlement as early as pissihle Happily though this had not been told to Bridget-Patrick had confided to Jose, Juan's faithful follower, the way he would take if he should decide to escape with Bridgel to where the hand- ful of Spanish Jamsiicans still held out in the north under General Arnaldo de Sassi.
There were eight of them. These knew that the voyagers were no foes, other- wise they would not have been so few in number or have so openly sailed along the desolate, thickly wooded Jamaica coast. Larger vessels had come and gone in these last two years between Cuba and Jamaica. This was evidently the latest from the is- land to the west.
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A voice hailed in Spanish from the boat, was nn-cered. It was a strange and dramatic foregathering Otn its landward side the little shore was sheltered by a thick grnwth of trees; in a clearing, half beach. The men who had built them. Those who had just arrived were dirty and ragged also, but strong and muscular. Around the shoulders of Juan Mendez were thrown the arms of the old Governor.