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In this study 29 salix farmers and four entrepreneurs that work with salix harvest were interviewed to find out more about their attitudes to, and experiences of growing salix. Most of the farmers interviewed were not satisfied with their salix plantation. The reasons given were the low profitability and problems with the harvest systems. Key reasons for the low profitability are cited as: old plantations that are planted on poor soil; lack of fertilization; an ineffective organization to taking care of the harvest and to sell the salix chips; and a low price for the salix chips.
In addition the system for harvesting needs to be more flexible and there is a need for machine systems adapted for harvest of smaller fields. Response of Salix alba L. Ni and Pb led to reduced accumulation of Pb. Key words: Cd, Ni, Pb, phytoremediation, phytoextraction, willow, Salix alba. The Populus clones were chosen because of their high biomass production capacity and willow- because it is native in Iran.
The highest diameter growth rate was exhibited for all three plant species by the treatment with an average of 0.
Over a period of eight months a higher growth rate of height was observed in P and treatment for S. Salix spp. We demonstrate, in field, that Salix viminalis can remove Cd from agricultural soils and thereby reduce Cd accumulation in grains of wheat subsequently grown in a Salix -treated field. The higher the plant density of the Salix , the greater the Cd removal from the soil and the lower the Cd concentration in the grains of post-cultivated wheat, the Cd reduction remaining stable several years after Salix cultivation.
The effect occurred in both sandy and clayey soil and in winter and spring bread wheat cultivars. Already one year of Salix cultivation significantly decrease Cd in post grown wheat grains. With this field experiment we have demonstrated that phytoextraction can reduce accumulation of a pollutant in post-cultivated wheat and that phytoextraction has no other observed effect on post-cultivated crops than reduced uptake of the removed pollutant. Full Text Available Arsenic As is a toxic element for plants and one of the most common anthropogenic pollutants found at contaminated sites.
Despite its severe effects on plant metabolism, several species can accumulate substantial amounts of arsenic and endure the associated stress. However, the genetic mechanisms involved in arsenic tolerance remains obscure in many model plant species used for land decontamination phytoremediation, including willows. The present study assesses the potential of Salix purpurea cv. Differential gene expression revealed transcripts encoding proteins putatively involved in entry of arsenic into the roots, storage in vacuoles and potential transport through the plant as well as primary and secondary indirect toxicity tolerance mechanisms.
A major role for tannin as a compound used to relieve cellular toxicity is implicated as well as unexpected expression of the cadmium transporter CAX2, providing a potential means for internal arsenic mobility. These insights into the underpinning genetics of a successful phytoremediating species present novel opportunities for selection of dedicated arsenic tolerant crops as well as the potential to integrate such tolerances into a wider Salix ideotype alongside traits including biomass yield, biomass quality, low agricultural inputs and phytochemical production.
Yanitch, Aymeric; Brereton, Nicholas J. Arsenic As is a toxic element for plants and one of the most common anthropogenic pollutants found at contaminated sites.
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However, the genetic mechanisms involved in arsenic tolerance remains obscure in many model plant species used for land decontamination phytoremediation , including willows. Evaluation of the Efficacy of Crude Extracts of Salix subserrata and Tricomas tectores ocorrem em ambas as faces da folha. Its bark, stem-bark and resin are used to treat various ailments.
In this study, the anatomical and histochemical characterization of vegetative organs is reported. Samples were collected and processed according to usual techniques of plant anatomy and histochemistry. All organs have, by cross-sectional view, uniseriate epidermis and secretory cavities. Thick cuticle occurs in all aerial organs. The root is tetrarch. Lacunar collenchyma was found in the stem. Sclerenchymatic sheath of fibers surrounds the vascular bundles of the aerial organs.
Stone cells occur in the petiole. Trichomes occur. Preliminary tests for Salix sp. The species of Salix genus constitute potential sources of germplasm in the prevention of the environment degradation, and offer remedy for about two third from the all degradation types. The majority of the willow species, present a good adaptation to hypoxic conditions, feature which suggest that they manifest a preference for mineral nutrition in comparison with organic one. Thus, the willow species, posses the capacity for development in degraded areas, natural or anthropic, as swamps, abandoning crops areas, sandy dune, riparian sandy areas, gravels, a.
In this paper are present some laboratory comparative tests of heavy metals tolerance on four Salix sp. As plant material were used one-year-old cuttings cm long , with buds each. Per genotype, per heavy metal and each of three concentration five replication were used. The cuttings were maintained in metalic solutions for 15 days. At the end of the experiment the content in heavy metals was determined in roots and shoots by atomic absorption. Genetic variation for characters of importance for growth in Salix viminalis L.
Final report; Genetisk variation foer karaktaerer av betydelse foer tillvaext hos Salix viminalis L. The overall goal for this project was to study the genetic variation and the genetic relationships for different growth characters and for water use efficiency WUE in Salix viminalis and also to use this knowledge to formulate breeding goals for Salix. Two factorial crossings with Swedish and Polish origin, each with families have been used. Part of the Polish material was used to study the genetic variation for carbon isotope quota. Carbon isotope quota gives a measure of the WUE for the plant.
Crossings have been made to change and improve the WUE in Salix viminalis. Construction of a genetic linkage map has started and the map can be used to identify genetic markers for WUE. The results show that most of the growth characters have both additive genetic variation and also a high degree of dominance genetic variation. A strategy in the breeding where both additive and dominance variation can be utilized should be adopted.
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WUE show mainly additive genetic variation but also a high heritability. This gives great opportunities to improve Salix material for WUE through recurrent selection. Assessment of Salix spp. Full Text Available Pollen and nectar produced by flowers of species from the genus Salix are an important source of food for various insect groups in early spring. Most willows are entomophilous species; however, substantial amounts of airborne Salix pollen can be noted. The aim of the study was to evaluate the content of pollen of this taxon in the air of Lublin central-east Poland in — and to identify the period of its greatest availability to insects.
We found that the date of the pollen season onset fluctuated greatly between March 16 and April The greatest availability of Salix pollen to insects was noted from the end of the first day-period of April to the first day-period of May. The mean annual sum of airborne Salix pollen grains was In Lublin, Salix pollen accounted for ca. The investigations have demonstrated a 2-year cycle of Salix pollen abundance. Mass spectrometry, 1D- and 2D-NMR, circular dichroism and polarimetry were used for their structure elucidation and verification by comparison with the literature.
Differences in the composition of different flavanol units and the middle chain length were observed. In vitro regeneration of Salix nigra from adventitious shoots. Black willow Salix nigra Marsh. It is a candidate for phytoremediation of polluted soils because it is fast-growing and thrives on floodplains throughout eastern USA.
Our objective was to develop a protocol for the in vitro regeneration of black willow plants that could serve as target material for gene transformation.
Unexpanded inflorescence explants were excised from dormant buds collected from three source trees and cultured on woody plant medium WPM supplemented with one of: 1 0. All plant growth regulator PGR treatments induced direct adventitious bud formation from the genotypes.
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Although most of the TDZ-treated inflorescences produced buds, these buds failed to elongate into shoots. Buds on explants treated with BAP elongated into shoots that were easily rooted in vitro and further established in potting mix in high humidity. The PGR treatments significantly affected shoot regeneration frequency P Feeding preferences of the willow sawfly Nematus oligospilus Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae for commercial Salix clones.
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Las larvas de N. Estos resultados indican que todos los clones utilizados en los ensayos fueron palatables para el insecto y que S. Diversity of cuticular wax among Salix species and Populus species hybrids. The leaf cuticular waxes of three Salix species and two Populus species hybrids, selected for their ability to produce high amounts of biomass, were characterized.
Samples were extracted in CH 2 Cl 2 three times over the growing season. Low kV SEM was utilized to observe differences in the ultrastructure of leaf surfaces from each clone. Homologous series of wax components were classified into organic groups, and the variation in wax components due to clone, sample time, and their interaction was identified. All Salix species and Populus species hybrids showed differences in total wax load at each sampling period, whereas the pattern of wax deposition over time differed only between the Salix species.
A strong positive relationship was identified between the entire homologous series of alcohols and total wax load in all clones.
salix martiana leyb: Topics by tt.ng1812.com
Similarly strong relationships were observed between fatty acids and total wax load as well as fatty acids and alcohols in two Salix species and one Populus species hybrid. One Salix species, S. These data indicate that species grown under the same environmental conditions produce measurably different cuticular waxes and that regulation of wax production appears to be different in each species. The important roles cuticular waxes play in drought tolerance, pest, and pathogen resistance, as well as the ease of wax extraction and analysis, strongly suggest that the characteristics of the cuticular wax may prove to be useful selectable traits in a breeding program.
Selection of Willows Salix sp. Full Text Available Background and Purpose: Willows compared with other species are the most suitable for biomass production in short rotations because of their very abundant growth during the first years. Nowadays, in Croatia, a large number of selected and registered willow clones are available. The main objective of the research should be to find genotypes which, with minimum nutrients, will produce the maximum quantity of biomass. These clones are now at the stage of registration and these results indicate significant potential for further breeding aimed at biomass production in short rotations.
Conclusions: Willow clones showed high biomass production on marginal sites and dry biomass could be considerably increased with the application of intensive silvicultural and agro technical measures. No nutrition or pest control measures were applied a practice otherwise widely used in intensive cultivation system, while weed vegetation was regulated only at the earliest age. Effects of contaminated soil on the growth performance of young Salix Salix schwerinii E. Wolf and the potential for phytoremediation of heavy metals.