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Self-reported and actual involvement of community pharmacists in patient counseling: a cross-sectional and simulated patient study in Gondar, Ethiopia. Using simulated interviews to teach junior medical students to disclose the diagnosis of cancer. A vertically integrated geriatric curriculum improves medical student knowledge and clinical skills. A Web-based geriatrics portfolio to document medical students' learning outcomes. American College of Surgeons Resident Objective Structured Clinical Examination: A national program to assess clinical readiness of entering postgraduate year 1 surgery residents.
Cost and logistics for implementing the American College of Surgeons objective structured clinical examination. Physicians' psychophysiological stress reaction in medical communication of bad news: A critical literature review. Nursing students' conception of clinical skills training before and after their first clinical placement: A quantitative, evaluative study.
Skills of internal medicine residents in disclosing medical errors: a study using standardized patients.
Best LGBT+ friendly destinations in Europe
Development and evaluation of an instrument for assessing brief behavioral change interventions. Emotional intelligence and clinical skills: preliminary results from a comprehensive clinical performance examination. Talking with patients about sex: results of an interprofessional simulation-based training for clinicians. From see one do one, to see a good one do a better one: learning physical examination skills through peer observation.
Does Appearance Matter? Stojan JN. Schiller JH. Mullan P. Fitzgerald JT. Christner J. Ross PT. Middlemas S. Haftel H. Stansfield RB. Lypson ML. An instructional module in musculoskeletal examination for residents incorporating physical therapists as patient-instructors and evaluators. An assessment of house staff's knowledge of alcohol and substance abuse utilizing standardized patients. Stillman PL. Swanson DB. Stillman AE. Ebert TH. Emmel VS. Caslowitz J. Greene AL. Hamolsky M. Hatem C. A new program to enhance the teaching and assessment of clinical skills in the People's Republic of China.
Use of trained mothers to teach interviewing skills to first-year medical students: a follow-up study. An assessment of the clinical skills of fourth-year students at four New England medical schools.
Regan MB. Case S. McCahan J. Feinblatt J. Smith SR. Willms J. Nelson DV. Results of a survey on the use of standardized patients to teach and evaluate clinical skills [see comments]. A comparison of free-response and cued-response diagnosis scores in an evaluation of clinical competence utilizing standardized patients.
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The use of a patient note to evaluate clinical skills of first-year residents who are graduates of foreign medical schools. Assessment of clinical skills of residents utilizing standardized patients. A follow-up study and recommendations for application. Early predictors of summative assessment performance in general practice post-graduate training: A retrospective cohort study.
The introduction of standardized clinical surgical teaching: students' and tutors' perceptions of new teaching and learning aids. Development and pilot testing of an objective structured clinical examination OSCE on hoarseness. Medical students retain pain assessment and management skills long after an experiential curriculum: a controlled study. Ensuring global standards for medical graduates: a pilot study of international standard-setting.
Empathy, authenticity, assessment and simulation: a conundrum in search of a solution. Assessing internal medicine residents' communication skills with a standardized patient perception questionnaire.
Assessing musculoskeletal examination skills and diagnostic reasoning of 4th year medical students using a novel objective structured clinical exam. The significance of de-roling and debriefing in training medical students using simulation to train medical students.
Exploring the influence of feedback given by people with lived experience of mental distress on learning for pre-registration mental health students. Does feedback matter?
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Practice-based learning for medical students after a multi-institutional clinical performance examination. Patient-oriented learning: a review of the role of the patient in the education of medical students. Spencer J. Heard S. McCrorie P. McHaffie D. Scherpbier A. Gupta TS. Singh K. Southgate L. Impact of a standardized patient simulation on undergraduate nursing student knowledge and perceived competency of the care of a patient diagnosed with schizophrenia. Comparison of single vs multiple learners in standardized patient communication skills training in palliative care.
Reporting achievement of medical student milestones to residency program directors: an educational handover.
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The General Medical Council's Performance Procedures: the development and implementation of tests of competence with examples from general practice. Evaluating problem solving based on the use of history findings in a standardized-patient examination. Assessing the invariance of a factor structure for a measure of clinical competence across examination forms. Solomon AB. Reed R. Benkov K. Kingsbery J. Lusman SS. Malter LB. Levine J. Rabinowitz SS. Wolff M. Weinshel E. Twelve tips for asking and responding to difficult questions during a challenging clinical encounter.
Does hearing the patient perspective improve consultation skills in examinations? An exploratory randomized controlled trial in medical undergraduate education.
Comparing effectiveness of 3 learning strategies: simulation-based learning, problem-based learning, and standardized patients. Correlations between graduates' performances as first-year residents and their performances as medical students. The effectiveness of intensive training for residents in interviewing. A randomized, controlled study.

The Effectiveness of gynaecological teaching associates in teaching pelvic examination: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Using simulation and patient role play to teach electrocardiographic rhythms to physical therapy students. Teaching clinical skills in musculoskeletal medicine: the use of structured clinical instruction modules.
Prospective evaluation of cardiac ultrasound performance by general internal medicine physicians during a 6-month faculty development curriculum. A comprehensive new curriculum to teach and assess resident knowledge and diagnostic evaluation of musculoskeletal complaints.
Smith CA. Hart AS. Sadowski LS. Riddle J. Evans AT. Clarke PM. Ganschow PS. Mason E. Sequeira W and Wang Y. Successful e-learning programme on the detection of child abuse in emergency departments: a randomised controlled trial. Effectiveness of the 'availability, current issues and anticipation' ACA training programme for general practice trainees on communication with palliative care patients: a controlled trial.
Behavioral coding for evaluation of medical student communication: clarification or obfuscation? Cancer pain management skills among medical students: the development of a Cancer Pain Objective Structured Clinical Examination. The structured clinical instruction module: a novel strategy for improving the instruction of clinical skills. The Objective Structured Clinical Examination. The new gold standard for evaluating postgraduate clinical performance. Assessing medical students' and surgery residents' clinical competence in problem solving in surgical oncology.
The use of objective structured clinical examination OSCE for evaluation and instruction in graduate medical education. Using standardized patients to teach point-of-care ultrasound-guided physical examination skills to internal medicine residents. Unexpected enlightening of a "female world". Male medical students' experiences of learning and performing the first pelvic examination.
Medical students learning the pelvic examination: comparison of outcome in terms of skills between a professional patient and a clinical patient model. Acting as standardized patients enhance family medicine residents' self-reported skills in palliative care. A comprehensive collaborative patient safety residency curriculum to address the ACGME core competencies. Performance-based assessment of clinical ethics using an objective structured clinical examination. The educational utility of simulations in teaching history and physical examination skills in diagnosing breast cancer: A review of the literature.
The advantages and challenges of unannounced standardized patient methodology to assess healthcare communication. A participant observation study using actors at 30 publicly funded HIV counseling and testing sites in Pennsylvania. A novel approach to training police officers to interact with individuals who may have a psychiatric disorder.
A novel approach to supporting relationship-centered care through electronic health record ergonometric training in preclerkship medical education. Changing pharmacists' and pharmacist assistants' practice in dealing with direct requests for non-prescription analgesics. Teaching the rectal examination with simulations: effects on knowledge acquisition and inhibition.