- What it’s like being a male escort who earns £1,200 a night for sex
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- Meet the Male Escort Who Makes $7, a Night
Occasionally they're 24 hours, which is my preference because I get the opportunity to create a real fantasy for her. Last week, after an intense session with a client, we ordered room service and then decided to go for a late night drive through central London. It was completely unplanned but she loved it despite being half scared to death as we raced down Park Lane.
Then when we got back she got into bed, I lay between her legs on my side, my arm around her waist and slowly licked her clit until she was close to orgasm. Then she pulled me inside her.
What it’s like being a male escort who earns £1,200 a night for sex
After that I massaged her and we fell asleep. We started with a very honest and open conversation on the phone discussing why she contacted me and what she hoped to gain from our time together. We've often exchanged messages since then. The script I created is tailored specifically to her taste. Imagine calling up a female escort and asking her off the bat how tight her vagina is.
Kissing is definitely allowed if we have agreed to spend time together. I read the situation. Often the woman will instigate if you create the right atmosphere. Maybe me stroking her neck whilst discussing how she likes to orgasm around the dinner table might have something to do with it Many of my clients are married and they intend to stay that way, so a nice hotel is usually the location of choice.
Most female clients tend to be very different from guys when hiring escorts. My clients require a lot more time and attention. Sex is mental after all. The average age is between 38 to 50 but it does vary. Not really, I tend to be quite in tune with my surroundings and if something feels off, I excuse myself. On the whole, the women I meet are all very nice. If the chemistry is good it can be a lot of fun.
Ok, so lets call spade a spade: escorting is prostitution and with that comes certain preconceived ideas, like having to sleep with absolutely everyone who calls you up.
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There was more to it than that of course, we had a very strong connection and had spent a lot of time exploring our sexuality together. It was so awesome I blogged about it you can read Madison's blog here.
I enjoy many things from the wining and dining, to meeting new people from all walks of life, to watching women orgasm uncontrollably as they curse me in foreign languages. Not often, but occasionally it can happen. Is that true? Josh Brandon: You went there already! Well, my end of year return is due soon, and I don't fancy filing it early.
Let's say I'm not going to pop up on the Forbes rich list anytime soon, but I'm not going broke anytime soon either. How do you earn so much? Are you doing something other escorts aren't? It's easier to make a lot of money if you love what you do. I think anyone who enjoys their job is going to make more than those who think, Damn, I gotta work again. Plus, it's about being creative. I have VIP cards—kind of like Starbucks.
So it's just being creative and using regular good business practices, and the money follows from that. Where do you draw the line with extreme requests from clients? Or is it just a case of, "That'll cost you another grand"? Things like bodily fluids and bondage on the receiving end are a no-no. Being in control is very important. Anything unsafe is off the menu, regardless of price. You prefer the term "escort" to "sex worker.
The business has changed since the advent of the internet. The term "escort" covers more areas. For example, sex happens, but sex doesn't always happen. I have disabled clients who can only cuddle or chat; I have clients who want companionship in non-sexual ways. And a lot of escorts now are true entrepreneurs.
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If someone disagrees with that, I would say, "Why? This is a capitalist country after all. Everything is OK to sell except for sex and companionship? That's just bizarre. Where I'm from, in America, there are a lot of Christian fundamentalists who would label you "bizarre" for being an escort. What would you say to the people who make those kinds of moral judgments about you?
I am very spiritual, believe it or not.
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But I don't buy the dogma. I keep it simple. The universe has laws. It's always expanding, growing; everything is in a constant state of change. It must love all things equally if it created everything and creation is done out of love.

I don't think you can create from hate. Do you feel society stigmatizes you, as a male escort, less than it does your female counterparts? Oh, trust me, I still take flak—and occasional death threats.
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But it's much easier for males in my line of work. But among the bisexual guys I've dated, many have said they would never date a woman who did what I do, yet they'll date me. When they explain, it comes to down to general sexism. You've compared being a sex worker to a psychologist. What have you learned about the human psyche from your clients? As a gay escort, learning how many people believe that "fitting in" is more important than personal happiness is the biggest eye opener. Many of my clients have a lot of repressed feelings and desires—and not only older clients.
I'm still amazed how many young 18—year-old clients still feel they "have to" get married and yet don't want to. It's also quite evident how nationality and race affects those beliefs. Then there's a lot of clients who bring up early sexual experiences they need to relive and express feelings they've never talked about with anyone. Do you feel you've helped any of these people in some deeper way?
Meet the Male Escort Who Makes $7, a Night
With a client in New York I met weekly over a few months, the effect the experience had on him—he was questioning everything, and he told me on our last meeting how his life had changed because of our time. He was happier. Family life, business, everything got better.
He said he felt like he dealt with things that were beneath the surface.