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He was defeated and replaced by Lupus III , who was dispossessed in by the emperor. In an assembly at Quierzy-sur-Oise decided to send an expedition against the Cordoban caliphate. First civil war In , as Louis was returning from a campaign to Brittany , he was greeted by news of the death of his wife, Ermengarde. Ermengarde was the daughter of Ingerman , the duke of Hesbaye. Louis had been close to his wife, who had been involved in policymaking.
It was rumoured that she had played a part in her nephew's death and Louis himself believed her own death was divine retribution for that event. It took many months for his courtiers and advisors to convince him to remarry, but eventually he did, in , to Judith , daughter of Welf , count of Altdorf. In Judith gave birth to a son, who was named Charles. The birth of this son damaged the Partition of Aachen , as Louis's attempts to provide for his fourth son met with stiff resistance from his older sons, and the last two decades of his reign were marked by civil war.
At Worms in , Louis gave Charles Alemannia with the title of king or duke historians differ on this , thus enraging his son and co-emperor Lothair, [4] whose promised share was thereby diminished. An insurrection was soon at hand. With the urging of the vengeful Wala and the cooperation of his brothers, Lothair accused Judith of having committed adultery with Bernard of Septimania, even suggesting Bernard to be the true father of Charles.
Ebbo and Hildwin abandoned the emperor at that point, Bernard having risen to greater heights than either of them. Agobard , Archbishop of Lyon , and Jesse , bishop of Amiens , too, opposed the redivision of the empire and lent their episcopal prestige to the rebels. In , at Wala's insistence that Bernard of Septimania was plotting against him, Pepin of Aquitaine led an army of Gascons , with the support of the Neustrian magnates, all the way to Paris.
At Verberie , Louis the German joined him. At that time, the emperor returned from another campaign in Brittany to find his empire at war with itself.
Judith was incarcerated at Poitiers and Bernard fled to Barcelona. Then Lothair finally set out with a large Lombard army, but Louis had promised his sons Louis the German and Pepin of Aquitaine greater shares of the inheritance, prompting them to shift loyalties in favour of their father. When Lothair tried to call a general council of the realm in Nijmegen , in the heart of Austrasia , the Austrasians and Rhinelanders came with a following of armed retainers, and the disloyal sons were forced to free their father and bow at his feet Lothair was pardoned, but disgraced and banished to Italy.
Pepin returned to Aquitaine and Judith - after being forced to humiliate herself with a solemn oath of innocence - to Louis's court. Only Wala was severely dealt with, making his way to a secluded monastery on the shores of Lake Geneva.
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Though Hilduin , abbot of Saint Denis , was exiled to Paderborn and Elisachar and Matfrid were deprived of their honours north of the Alps; they did not lose their freedom. Second civil war The next revolt occurred a mere two years later The disaffected Pepin was summoned to his father's court, where he was so poorly received he left against his father's orders. Immediately, fearing that Pepin would be stirred up to revolt by his nobles and desiring to reform his morals, Louis the Pious summoned all his forces to meet in Aquitaine in preparation of an uprising, but Louis the German garnered an army of Slav allies and conquered Swabia before the emperor could react.
Once again the elder Louis divided his vast realm. At Jonac , he declared Charles king of Aquitaine and deprived Pepin he was less harsh with the younger Louis , restoring the whole rest of the empire to Lothair, not yet involved in the civil war. Lothair was, however, interested in usurping his father's authority. His ministers had been in contact with Pepin and may have convinced him and Louis the German to rebel, promising him Alemannia, the kingdom of Charles.
Soon Lothair, with the support of Pope Gregory IV , whom he had confirmed in office without his father's support, joined the revolt in While Louis was at Worms gathering a new force, Lothair marched north. Louis marched south. The armies met on the plains of the Rothfeld. There, Gregory met the emperor and may have tried to sow dissension amongst his ranks. Soon much of Louis's army had evaporated before his eyes, and he ordered his few remaining followers to go, because "it would be a pity if any man lost his life or limb on my account.
Men like Rabanus Maurus , Louis' younger half-brothers Drogo and Hugh, and Emma, Judith's sister and Louis the German's new wife, worked on the younger Louis to make peace with his father, for the sake of unity of the empire. Louis was restored the next year, on 1 March Lothair himself fell ill; events had turned completely in Louis favour once again.

At about that time, the Vikings terrorised and sacked Utrecht and Antwerp. In , they went up the Rhine as far as Nijmegen, and their king, Rorik , demanded the wergild of some of his followers killed on previous expeditions before Louis the Pious mustered a massive force and marched against them. They fled, but it would not be the last time they harried the northern coasts. In , they even claimed sovereignty over Frisia , but a treaty was confirmed between them and the Franks in Louis the Pious ordered the construction of a North Sea fleet and the sending of missi dominici into Frisia to establish Frankish sovereignty there.
Third civil war In , Louis crowned Charles king over all of Alemannia and Burgundy and gave him a portion of his brother Louis's land. Louis the German promptly rose in revolt, and the emperor redivided his realm again at Quierzy-sur-Oise , giving all of the young king of Bavaria's lands, save Bavaria itself, to Charles. Emperor Louis did not stop there, however. His devotion to Charles knew no bounds. When Pepin died in , Louis declared Charles the new king of Aquitaine. The nobles, however, elected Pepin's son Pepin II. When Louis threatened invasion, the third great civil war of his reign broke out.
In the spring of , Louis the German invaded Swabia, Pepin II and his Gascon subjects fought all the way to the Loire , and the Danes returned to ravage the Frisian coast sacking Dorstad for a second time. Lothair, for the first time in a long time, allied with his father and pledged support at Worms in exchange for a redivision of the inheritance.
By a final placitum issued there, Louis gave Bavaria to Louis the German and disinherited Pepin II, leaving the entire remainder of the empire to be divided roughly into an eastern part and a western. Lothair was given the choice of which partition he would inherit and he chose the eastern, including Italy, leaving the western for Charles. The emperor quickly subjugated Aquitaine and had Charles recognised by the nobles and clergy at Clermont-en-Auvergne in Louis then, in a final flash of glory, rushed into Bavaria and forced the younger Louis into the Ostmark.
The empire now settled as he had declared it at Worms, he returned in July to Frankfurt am Main , where he disbanded the army. The final civil war of his reign was over. Death Louis fell ill soon after his final victorious campaigns and went to his summer hunting lodge on an island in the Rhine, by his palace at Ingelheim. On 20 June , he died, in the presence of many bishops and clerics and in the arms of his half-brother Drogo, though Charles and Judith were absent in Poitiers.
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Soon dispute plunged the surviving brothers into a civil war that was only settled in by the Treaty of Verdun , which split the Frankish realm into three parts, to become the kernels of France and Germany , with Burgundy and the Low Countries between them. The dispute over the kingship of Aquitaine was not fully settled until Marriage and issue By his first wife, Ermengarde of Hesbaye married ca , he had three sons and three daughters: Lothair - , king of Middle Francia Pepin - , king of Aquitaine Adelaide b.
Another name for Ermengarde was Irmengarde of Hesbaye. Research Notes: First wife of Louis I. She was a Frank. Rotrude, born Louis the German , born ca. She died at Angers , France on 3 October Louis was married to Judith a few years later and became father of Charles the Bald. Sauveur, France.
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Pepin I, of Aquitaine 26 was born in and died on 13 Dec at age Research Notes: Died childless. When his father assigned to each of his sons a kingdom within the Empire in August , he received Aquitaine, which had been Louis's own subkingdom during his father Charlemagne's reign. Ermoldus Nigellus was his court poet and accompanied him on a campaign into Brittany in Pepin rebelled in at the insistence of his brother Lothair 's advisor Wala.
He took an army of Gascons with him and marched all the way to Paris , with the support of the Neustrians. The rebellion, however, broke up. In , Pepin rebelled again and his brother Louis the German soon followed. Louis the Pious was in Aquitaine to subdue any revolt, but the younger Louis' Bavarian insurrection drew him off. Pepin took Limoges and other Imperial territories. The next year, Lothair joined the rebellion and, with the assistance of Ebbo , archbishop of Rheims , they deposed their father in Lothair's later behaviour alienated him and he was on his father's side when Louis the Pious was reinstated on 1 March Pepin was restored to his former status.
Pepin died scarcely four years later and was buried in Sainte-Croix in Poitiers. Louis the Pious named Charles, his son by a second wife, king.
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In , he married Ingeltrude, [1] daughter of Theodobert, count of Madrie , with whom he had two sons: Pepin after , his successor in Aquitaine, and Charles b. Both died childless. Adelaide was born about Hildegard was born about Another name for Hildegard was Matilda. Another name for Judith was Iudit of Bavaria. Beall Baltimore, , line Louis I has m.
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She became Queen consort of the Franks. Marriage and issue She became the second wife of Louis the Pious , Holy Roman Emperor and King of the Franks ; they married in Aachen in and had the following children: Gisela - July 5 , , married Eberhard of Friuli Charles the Bald Impact on the Frankish kingdom Judith ensured that her son Charles received a share of the kingdom, just like his three half-brothers from Louis' first marriage.