- Section 6. Discrimination, Societal Abuses, and Trafficking in Persons
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- The Absolute Best Places to Eat Vegan in New York
From then on, many other television shows followed this example. The creation of private TV stations in resulted in a stronger LGBT presence in the media by the end of the decade. In , the German Government decided to overturn any convictions for homosexuality made during the Nazi period. In May , Justice Minister Heiko Maas announced that gay and bisexual men who were convicted of same-sex sexual activity after World War II would have their convictions overturned.
We will never be able to eliminate completely these outrages by the state, but we want to rehabilitate the victims.
The homosexual men who were convicted should no longer have to live with the taint of conviction. In October , the German Government announced the introduction of a draft law to pardon around 50, men for the prosecutions they endured due to their sexual orientation. Same-sex couples have been legally recognized in Germany since That year, registered life partnerships eingetragene Lebenspartnerschaft were instituted, giving same-sex couples rights and obligations in areas such as inheritance , alimony , health insurance , immigration , hospital , jail visitations, and name change.
Subsequently, the Constitutional Court repeatedly ruled in favor of same-sex couples in registered partnerships, requiring the Bundestag to make incremental changes to the partnership law. In one case, the European Court of Justice ruled that refusing a widow's pension to the same-sex partner of a deceased person is direct discrimination if the partnership was comparable to marriage see also " same-sex unions in the European Union ". This changed on the final sitting day of the Bundestag before the summer break, when the junior party in the coalition, the Social Democratic Party , introduced a bill to legalise same-sex marriage and adoption which had previously passed the Bundesrat in September The first same-sex weddings in Germany were celebrated on 1 October In , the registered partnership law originally passed in was amended, effective on 1 January , to give registered same-sex couples limited adoption rights stepchild adoption only and reform previously cumbersome dissolution procedures with regard to division of property and alimony.
In , the Supreme Constitutional Court ruled that if one partner in a same-sex relationship has adopted a child, the other partner has the right to become the adoptive mother or father of that child as well; this is known as "successive adoption". There is no legal right to assisted reproduction procedures for lesbian couples, such as artificial insemination and in vitro fertilisation , but such practices are not explicitly banned either. The German Medical Association is against explicit legalisation and directs its members not to perform such procedures.
Since this directive is not legally binding, however, sperm banks and doctors may work with lesbian clients if they wish. This makes it harder for German lesbian couples to have children than in some other countries, but it is becoming increasingly popular.
Section 6. Discrimination, Societal Abuses, and Trafficking in Persons
If a married lesbian couple conceives a child via donor insemination, the non-biological parent is not automatically recognized on the child's birth certificate and must go through an adoption procedure. This is not the case for married heterosexual couples, where the non-biological father is automatically recognized as a legal parent.
This specific case involved a lesbian couple from Saxony , who had converted their civil partnership in mid-October into a marriage.
At the beginning of November, their child was born via artificial insemination. When trying to record the birth, only the biological mother was allowed to register. The couple then unsuccessfully applied to the registry office to correct the birth record so that the non-biological mother could also be listed as the child's mother. The office rejected this request, whereupon the woman filed suit. A district court in Chemnitz initially ruled for the couple, but the Dresden Higher Regional Court overturned this decision in April Eventually, after another appeal, the Federal Court of Justice ruled against them.
The Ministry of Justice has begun looking into legal reforms to grant automatic co-parent recognition for lesbian couples. In May , Federal Minister of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth Franziska Giffey recommended that teachers use forms that are gender-neutral, which no longer use "mother and father" but instead "parent 1 and parent 2". The Bundeswehr maintained a " glass ceiling " policy that effectively banned homosexuals from becoming officers until First Lieutenant Winfried Stecher, an army officer demoted for his homosexuality, had filed a lawsuit against former Defense Minister Rudolf Scharping.
Scharping vowed to fight the claim in court, claiming that homosexuality "raises serious doubts about suitability and excludes employment in all functions pertaining to leadership". However, before the case went to trial, the Defense Ministry reversed the policy. Nowadays, according to general military orders given in the year , tolerance towards all sexual orientations is considered to be part of the duty of military personnel.
Sexual relationships and acts amongst soldiers outside service times, regardless of the sexual orientation, are defined to be "irrelevant", regardless of the rank and function of the soldier s involved, while harassment or the abuse of functions is considered a transgression, as well as the performance of sexual acts in active service. In September , the Germany Government issued a formal apology for past anti-gay discrimination in the military. In the fields of employment, goods and services, education and health services, discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity is illegal throughout Germany.
As a signatory to the Treaty of Amsterdam , Germany was required to amend its national anti-discrimination laws to include, among others, sexual orientation. It failed to do so for six years, due to discussions about the scope of the proposed laws. Some of the proposals were debated because they actually surpassed the requirements of the Treaty of Amsterdam namely, extending discrimination protection for all grounds of discrimination to the provision of goods and services ; the final version of the law, however, was criticised as not fully complying with some parts of the Treaty, especially with respect to the specifications about the termination of work contracts through labor courts.

Having come into force on 18 August , the law bans discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in employment, education, health services and the provision of goods and services. Some state constitutions have anti-discrimination laws that include sexual orientation and gender identity, including the constitutions of Berlin since , Brandenburg since , Bremen since , Saarland since and Thuringia since , and Saxony-Anhalt in the public sector since No one may be prejudiced or favoured because of sex, birth, race, language, national or social origin, faith, religious or political opinions or sexual orientation.
The Absolute Best Vegan-Friendly Restaurants in NYC
Hate speech on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity is banned in Germany. According to the Ministry of the Interior, cases of homophobic and transphobic attacks occurred in the first half of , compared to recorded in all of In , although a majority in the Joint Constitutional Commission of the Bundestag and Bundesrat voted in favor of the inclusion of a prohibition on discrimination based on sexual identity in the Basic Law Grundgesetz , the required two-thirds majority was not achieved. In June , the states of Berlin , Brandenburg , Bremen , Hamburg , Rhineland-Palatinate and Thuringia submitted a draft bill to the Bundesrat to amend article 3 of the Basic Law to add the characteristics "sexual and gender identity".
In July, the draft proposal failed after the state of Berlin requested that it be rejected, as it became clear that the two-thirds majority would not be achieved. In May , the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of the Interior presented a draft bill to reform the law. It was criticized by LGBT groups for failing to adopt a self-determination model and still requiring transgender people to go to court before a legal gender change.
In addition, it would introduce the concept of "spousal veto", and requires a three-year waiting period before the applicant can reapply to change gender after a spousal veto or a negative court decision. The German Society for Transidentity and Intersexuality estimates the number of transgender and intersex people in Germany at between , and , people. The Swiss activist group Zwischengeschlecht criticised this law, arguing that "if a child's anatomy does not, in the view of physicians, conform to the category of male or the category of female, there is no option but to withhold the male or female labels given to all other children".
In November , the Federal Constitutional Court Bundesverfassungsgericht ruled that civil status law must allow a third gender option, [82] meaning that intersex people would have another option besides being listed as female or male or having a blank gender entry.
- In the conext of the residence of Circus Zonder Handen at Bozar.
- English | Gay Classic Car Club.
- LGBT rights in Germany.
Additionally, parents are able to use the "divers" category for newborns with unclear sex traits. In April , the Ministry of the Interior clarified that the "divers" option is applicable to intersex people only, not transgender people. Conversion therapy has a negative effect on the lives of LGBT people, and can lead to low self-esteem, depression and suicide ideation. It is opposed by every medical organisation in Germany. In , the German Government declared itself completely opposed to the pseudoscientific practice.
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A petition calling on the Health Ministry to ban the practice was launched in July , and had collected about 60, signatures by mid-August In February , openly gay Health Minister Jens Spahn stated that he wanted conversion therapy for both minors and adults to be made illegal, calling it "a form of assault". Spahn said he hoped to work together with Justice Minister Katarina Barley for a law to ban conversion therapy, that he hoped would be approved by the autumn of The panel would then present its final report in autumn.
The commission met in May and June for two full-day workshops. Likewise, the Ministry of Health invited politicians, scientists and those affected, as well as institutions from abroad who have already gained experience with legal prohibitions, to participate in the exchange. In June, Spahn presented in a press conference the results of two scientific reports that denounced conversion therapy and called for a legal ban. Conversion therapy on adults would also be banned, provided there was a "lack of will power" such as coercion, threats, deceit or misapprehension. The ban would also be in effect for psychotherapeutic and pastoral conversations, but only if "the conversational partner purposefully tries to influence one's sexual orientation".
People charged with illegally performing conversion therapy may face up to one year in prison. Both people performing the therapies and legal guardians "grossly violating their duty of care" may be charged. There was also an initiative of several federal states for a ban on conversion therapy.
The states of Hesse , Berlin , Bremen , Saarland and Schleswig-Holstein tabled a joint motion in the Bundesrat , which was presented in plenary on 12 April The motion was to be voted on in plenary in the Bundesrat in May, but was later postponed. In Germany, as in many other countries, men who have sex with men MSM were previously not allowed to donate blood. In June , German health ministers announced that the MSM ban would be lifted, replacing it with a one-year deferral period. Bone marrow donation has been allowed since December There are several prominent German politicians who are openly gay.
Among them are former Berlin Mayor Klaus Wowereit having outed himself with the famous words "Ich bin schwul — und das ist auch gut so! In addition, former Hamburg Mayor Ole von Beust CDU did not deny anything when his father outed him but considered it a private matter; after leaving office he began talking about his homosexuality. With the rise to power of the Nazi Party , officials closed the bars and censored and banned gay publications. HAW began to lose influence from the late s; founding the gay club SchwuZ SchwulenZentrum and eventually shuting down in the late 90s.
The first Christopher Street Day occurred in Berlin in with masked participants. This exhibition is currently closed until 19 April. Fancy a culture sandwich? If you have bought a ticket for the Family Weekend, it will remain valid for a visit to the Keith Haring exhibition between 19 May and 21 July During an afternoon, only you will have access to the Keith Haring exhibition rooms to enjoy your interactiv When the first case of AIDS was confirmed in the United States on 5 June nobody could have imagined the impact this disease would have on the world.
At first it was mostly homosexual men who were For All Queens! Keith Haring loved to party, and Afro-American culture On the eve of the 30th anniversary of his death, BOZAR celebrates and discusses his art and activism in a frank conversation with Juli Bill T. Jones is an outstanding American choreographer, director, author and dancer.
Dema is a graffiti artist and a calligrapher since more than 30 years. Keith Haring, pillar of the gay underground scene of New York, always seemed convinced he would die young, and in the little time he had he threw himself in the creation of playful works of art that w Gia Abrassart is an independent journalist and activist of decolonial culture. Her blog C New York in the late s was a depressed city, on the brink of bankruptcy and almost wholly overrun by criminal gangs. In the south of the city, and particularly south of 14th Street and east of Gre For full functionality of this website, it is necessary to enable Javascript in your web browser.
Vegan cheese keeps improving, and so does vegan pizza. Vegan Thai has joined Mexican and French options. And with the ever-increasing number of vegivores prowling the streets, the appeal of a plant-based diet continues to grow exponentially, as do the number and quality of places catering to it. Some are strictly vegan; others will happily veganize otherwise vegetarian items upon request.
The Absolute Best Places to Eat Vegan in New York
Some rely on mock meats made of wheat gluten or soy products to mimic familiar fare; others choose to showcase only vegetables. Here, the absolute best places to eat vegan food in New York, for vegans and omnivores alike. Superiority Burger E. A; And yes, it might be overstating the case to call a broom closet-sized room with only a handful of seats and no actual tables a restaurant. But in his willingness — make that unbridled enthusiasm — to veganize nearly everything, in his restless culinary creativity, and in the inclusive community he fosters at the counter and on his endearing and hilarious Instagram feed, Brooks Headley has catapulted Superiority Burger to the top spot on this list of the best places to eat vegan food.
Headley has made vegan food not only cool, but atypically seasonal, objectively crave-able, and exciting.