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Webdate is a stout, ' he in nigeria. The film is in japanese with English subtitles. Taiko initiatie marathon During the weekend of June, we want to play the drums quasi continuously and enjoy its joyfull and cheerfull sound with everybody. The performative series that Van Marcke created in Japan reflects her experiences as a Belgian in Japan. Oguro was born and raised in Japan, but has long since left Japan and built a life in Belgium. She has fully assimilated into Belgian society and visual culture which is reflected in her photography.

The works of both artists are staged, fictitious, surreal. International Emerging Artist Award — laureate Takayoshi Ueda The 4th edition of International Emerging Artist Award presents worldwide laureates in drawing, illustration and other techniques on paper.

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Takayoshi Ueda from Japan is one of them. Come by and discover this promising artist. Please join us on the opening of this exciting new exposition from 17h - 19h.

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Tea ceremony Sashiko is a sewing technique that uses traditional geometric pattern stitching. It looks like drawing with thread on the various fabrics. Originally, sashiko was used in Japan to repair holes in clothes, reinforcing them and allowing the scarce fabrics to be used for as long as possible. Sashiko is a simple and easy way to have a feeling of taking care of things.

It allows us to express ourselves with familiar materials. There, you will savour a bowl of light matcha from Kyoto, and feel the moment of cha-no-yu. Try making an artwork on fabric from your own pattern and enjoy the cha-no-yu moment! Akihito Obama Shakuhachi Workshop Rising young shakuhachi star Akihito Obama, who has studied various styles of shakuhachi from the most traditional techniques to min-yo, or folk, and contemporary shakuhachi, offers workshops and private lesson plus demonstrations for players of all levels.

Taiko Workshop Masterclass and for all the level with Takuya Taniguchi. Takuya Taniguchi kept already several master classes for our academy. The academy invites several times a year internationally renowned taiko teachers to share their knowledge and skills with us. The ideal opportunity to get acquainted with different playing styles and teaching techniques in order to discover your own style of play and develop. Shakuhachi and Marimba Concert. Supported by: Embassy of Japan in Belgium.

Ikebana ohara-ryu workshop en Ardennes belge. Atelier vert aux Tailles This year will be the thrid year for the ikebana workshop at my atelier in the nature. This workshop will be for the beginners and experiences ikebananists. Brugge - Japan Day Presentation of Japanese traditional culture including concert, dance, Kimono show, tea ceremony, Ikebana, etc. Re: Ikebana demonstration 27 June Reservation.

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Initiation workshop of Sumi-e japanese painting with black ink At first, we learn about the movement of brush with your breath and body. Creation of Doll House with Origami During 3 days, we'll fall into the origami's world and create doll houses. We need a bit of patient to realize, but it will be the real challenge!

Event Archives | Embassy of Japan in Belgium

Ommegang The Ommegang is a historical folk pageant that takes place on the Brussels Grand Place, in the Royal Park and in the streets of the inner city of Brussels that retraces the celebration organised by the town's notables when Charles the Fith entered Brussels in Japan is the guest country of the edition of the Ommegang.

Workshop of Modular Origami We create the real Japanese art with origamis! Modular ori-gami or unit origami is a paperfolding technique which uses two or more sheets of paper to create a larger and more com-plex structure than would not be possible using single-piece origami techniques wikipedia We can choose the colors you want, and make a magnifique objet en 3 hours…. Baritone Saxophone Concert for the th Anniversary of Friendship between Japan and Belgium "Tokyo Chutei Iki" is formed with 13 baritone-sazeophone players without any other instruments even drums and bass.

We use only human voices. It is said that sya-kyo likes one of the meditation because we leave from our daily life from the strong concentration on it. Tokyo Chutei Iki. Be there! URL FaceBook. Workshop of Japanese recycling paper children and adults from 6 years old We create the post card with the brick pack of juice and milk. The narrator interprets two or more characters, using only voice changes and subtle movements to set down the dramatis personae. The entrance is free of charge, but registration is required.

Rakugo workshop and performance Imagine you are an actor sitting on a cushion - entirely on your own - bringing a story to life with a few simple props and making people laugh. That is exactly what the Japanese comic storytelling theatre Rakugo does. On 24 July you can discover it together with your family. The afternoon starts in the Japanese Garden at 15h with a Rakugo workshop for children aged between 9 and In the evening, the event relocates to the auditorium of the University of Hasselt for a genuine Rakugo performance. Entrance for the performance is free, but places limited.

So you need to make a reservation via japansetuin hasselt. Rakugo theatre and Japanese dinner The rakugo master Ichinosuke Shunputei is on a European tour for the th anniversary of the belgo-japanese relationship. You will discover this demanding art that requires a vocal technique, a rhythm control, face expression and mime.

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Words are essential but the way the actor plays is so impressive! He has to play all the roles and make them recognizable only with the moves of his body, his head and a fan or a tissue. This time there will be a French subtitles and some explanations. It will be a rare occasion to discover this art. Origami for Peace According to an old Japanese story, you can recover from the worst diseases if you can fold 1, cranes. After the atomic bomb on Hiroshima this story acquired another dimension: a girl who suffered from radiation disease took the legend literally, hoping for healing and peace for all child victims.

Since then cranes, origami and wishes for peace have been closely linked. So, the Japanese Garden every year commemorates the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima on 6 August with a crane-folding Origami contest.

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Comic Strip Night A ghost in the museum? No, it's the Comic Strip Night, a midsummer night with activities for all ages. In the context of the celebrations of the th birthday of the diplomatic treaty between Belgium and Japan, we honour the relations between our countries through the looking-glass of comic art. The Comics Museum welcomes you for a Kendo demonstration, cartoon movies, an illustrated live concert, and much more! Keiko's story A peace concert in commemoration of the bombings in Hisoshima and Nagasaki "Keiko's story" is an evocation for storyteller, choir, harp, clarinet and percussion.

Mrs Nadja Delbarre resumed this story starting from diaries of Japanese young ones who suffered the bombings in ' Be on time to have a nice seat and to enjoy fully our performance. Immersion totale et cadre verdoyant dans les Ardennes belges. Cathedral of St. Michael and St. Gudula Parvis Sainte-Gudule Brussels.

Aikido summer camp directed by Miyamoto Shihan. Obon Matsuri — Evening Opening There is nothing more enchanting than the atmosphere of lanterns and festive decoration during a night-time event. In this fairy-tale festival matsuri you will experience the Japanese Garden in a very different light. Let yourself be carried away by a captivating obon dance demonstration or by a narrator who you will immerse you in a magical Japanese atmosphere. The emotion will come to a head when the wishes the visitors wrote during the Tanabata festival are burned and sent to the gods in order to make them come true.

A real crowd-puller! They discovered that, they were having activities inspired by the Japanese culture or following the path of traditional Japanese crafts. To celebrate the th year anniversary of friendship between Japan and Belgium and the 15th edition of the Iaido Summer Seminar, they decided to share their passion through an exhibition of the best pieces of their work.

Three of them have produced for this occasion 4 knives that are going to be shown for the first time. Ikebana Ohara workshop Ikebana lessons on the base of full boarding for 2 nights stay. The number of the participants is very limited and lessons given by the Japanese master. The seasons of Yasujiro Ozu Unlike the epic overtones of a Kurosawa or the jagged alloy of violence and poetry of a Mizoguchi, Yasujiro Ozu has spent more time trying to reach out to Western film lovers. Imbued with a delicate sensibility, his intimate stories hone in on everyday details, swathed in the atmospheres of different seasons, rather than on intrigue.

Restored versions. Couperin S. Ives C. Le carillon aux couleurs du Japon To announce the exhibition of Ikebana by master Horikoshi and her students and of calligraphy by master Nakano, a selection of traditional Japanese and Belgian music will be played on the carillon during the weekly concerts, on Wednesday September 7th and Saturday 10th from 11 to 12 am. Snake Dance is a film about a story that unfortunately dominate the entire history of civilization.