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  1. Gay Escorts, Male Massage, RentMen |
  2. What it’s Like Being a Male Escort for Guys With Disabilities
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Anyway, as her son had limited movements—he was completely paralysed below his neck—we agreed it would be better to visit their home. When I got there I went into his room and we spent a few minutes just chatting. He told me he had never had a boyfriend in his life, so he was looking for intimacy and affection.

I said I would not leave him and then I lay down naked beside him. I started kissing his neck, because he had more sensitivity on that part of his body, and then we had smooth sex until he came. One of my favourite clients is blind and one time he asked me to cover my eyes with a tie because he wanted me to experience what sex is like for him. I said yes and, wow! It was a magical experience. Of course, not every day has such a happy ending.

I remember one time a client had a seizure in my bed during sex. On another occasion I had to calm down a client with autism who freaked out when I invited him to take a shower with me.

Gay Escorts, Male Massage, RentMen |

May I come back to your place to have sex? Yes, I love kissing, and to me this is essential to feel the connection with the client. Have you ever imagined how much extra planning a disabled person does to even travel to see an escort? For example, not all public transport locations or taxis are disability-friendly. So, I told him that, in my opinion, he was beautiful. I just let him know what I have in my mind.

He hugged me and cried while repeating that he was beautiful. And both coexist in harmony. As told to Felippe Canale. Follow him on Instagram. By signing up to the VICE newsletter you agree to receive electronic communications from VICE that may sometimes include advertisements or sponsored content.

Sign In Create Account. Meet Pedro: Melbourne's premier disability-specialist sex worker. I have been escorting a very long time. I took a few breaks over the years, but I have always been a sex worker for men. I have not explored sex with women as an escort. I am a gay man, and I only see men who engage with men. Note from website: Another blog will discuss male escorting from the perspective of an escort who provides services to women.

Given the stance on prostitution in USA, this is an important context to understand. The first thing I would recommend is for you to find out about the laws on sex work in your country or state as laws vary. I have been a sex worker for most of my adult life. When I was very young, I would read about street hustlers and I knew I wanted to sell sex for money.

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The truth is, I wanted to be wanted, loved, and objectified. I wanted validation and boy did I get it. Sex work was not always just a way to pay the rent. Years into this work, it became a way of life and a way of connecting with other men intimately. So, everything I write is from my experience.

I encourage anyone looking to enter this line of work to find and create your own experience. Sex work is very spirited and exciting, but it can also be exhausting, so take it easy, have fun, do your best, and help others along the way. There is a very long story to be told about my career as a male escort. However, I have been asked to stay focused on a few questions, as this is a blog to help people who may choose to enter this profession.

What do you need to know about male escorting today? If you are considering this work, you will find out very quickly if it is right for you after your first few appointments. You might ask yourself the following: Do I feel good about what just took place? Was I dishonest or unkind in any way? Be honest with yourself and remember that only you can truly answer these questions. Some important things to keep in mind If you stay in this business you will encounter men who are older, obese, disabled, fearful, married or closeted, and all of them with a wide variety of needs and desires.

Chemistry plays a huge part in connecting with various men.

What it’s Like Being a Male Escort for Guys With Disabilities

We are not all compatible. As a sex worker, some of the men you encounter will not be candidates for love-filled conventional relationships, so it is important for you to remember you are there for them. Trust me, you will discover your clients give far more to you than you give to them. However, that being said, not every escort is a fit for every client. That is perfectly OK. At any time you can end the appointment, be kind and move on. There is a lid for every pot; sometimes you may not be the right lid.

Give your client the freedom to keep looking for the right person to meet his needs.

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  7. The best advice is to keep it simple at first and go slow. With time, you will develop confidence and a set of skills that will make you feel good about the work you do. The money is wonderful. But more important than anything else, you will find you are doing something very special. There is a huge population of wonderful fun men out there who just want to have a great time.

    However, there is also a group of marginalized men who want and need to be touched, cared for and made to feel like they count. When you see that happening on a daily basis in your life, the reward will be obvious. There will be times when other escorts, clients, or media outlets will try to downplay your viability or skills.

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    This is especially true if you become sought after or popular. No matter what, try to shine, despite anything anyone else may write or comment about you. Most importantly do not engage. Negativity or a reputation for pettiness can arise out of misunderstandings, envy or ego. You are better than that. Avoid online spats with one another. We need to give each other a break and help each other out. Besides, airing any grievances in public makes you look bad and creates a poor image.

    Do not gossip unless it is flattering. I often refer clients to other escorts when I am not able or available to see them. However, I do so only if I know for certain the escort is well reviewed or that they are professional and offer a good service to their clients. The client appreciates that I respect him, and the other workers in my profession. Remember, we are contemporaries not competitors. How do you become more than just another face on an escort site? If you create a stage name, then you will have to create accounts for that name.

    Taking ownership of your stage name in a figurative sense in the public media and all other sex and sex worker venues is very helpful. Use that name as much as possible. Websites like Rentmen are worldwide, and in Europe there are sites like Planetromeo, Gaydar, and many more. A quick Google search of male escort websites in your area will help. One thing I strongly recommend, if you jump into the business, is to Promote! Like any other business, do not be afraid to spend advertising money.

    You are in a position to make a good income. I say, make the most of it. Ask any small business owner what they spent their profit on in the first few years of business. Most will tell you they put all their extra money back into the business and especially into advertising. The same applies here: pay your bills; pay your rent; then buy better advertising space; and keep going. I would stick with the pay for play sites that get results.

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    I am very dubious of free sites unless they are just starting out. Build a website of your own and be sure to use it. Many websites like Rentmen allow you to put your own website in your ad.

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    That is a vital trade off. Keep your site and pictures up to date. Try to avoid over-photoshopping your pictures. When it comes to monthly fee or donation based escort websites such as Rentmen etc. The more, the better.