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Incidence rate ratios for illness were higher in both the control subjects 1. Infectious agents were identified in only 11 two control, three recreationally competitive, and six elite out of 37 illness episodes. Rhinovirus was the most common respiratory pathogen isolated. Symptom and functional impairment severity scores were higher in subjects with an infectious pathogen episode, particularly on illness days The results confirm a higher rate of URI among elite athletes than recreationally competitive athletes during this training and competition season.
Despite the common perception that all URI are infections, physicians should consider both infectious and noninfectious causes when athletes present with symptoms. Knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors regarding antibiotic use for upper respiratory tract infections: a survey of Thai students. The objectives of this study were to determine knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of antibiotic use in upper respiratory tract infections URI among students at different educational levels Grade 12 students and high vocational students and to examine factors influencing antibiotic use for URI.
A cross sectional questionnaire survey was used with students in one large and one small city in Thailand. Grade 12 students, especially those in the big city, had the highest knowledge scores about antibiotic use in URI , while high vocational students had the lowest. In addition, approximately half of them had taken antibiotics for less than 5 days. Knowledge about antibiotic use in URI , attitudes towards antibiotic use, attitudes towards antibiotic prescribing for treating colds by physicians and by drugstores, belief in the common use of antibiotics for colds, and expectations of receiving antibiotics from physicians significantly influenced intentions and behaviors about antibiotic use.
Students had misconceptions on antibiotic use for URI. The Ministry of Education should incorporate information on proper antibiotic use in the formal health education. Reliable sources of information on the correct use of antibiotics should also be more widely available to improve the use of antibiotics.
Targeting the oxidative stress response system of fungi with safe, redox-potent chemosensitizing agents. Sak A and MpkC appear to have overlapping roles in marshalling the oxidative stress response under treatment by an organic peroxide, tert-butyl hydroperoxide t-BuOOH, or hydrogen peroxide H2O2.
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This was shown by enhanced antifungal activity of AMB or ITZ when co-applied with redox-potent natural compounds, 2,3-dihydroxybenzaldehyde, thymol or salicylaldehyde, as chemosensitizing agents. Hence, redox compounds, which target the antioxidation system in fungi, possess a potent chemosensitizing capacity to enhance efficacy of conventional drugs inducing oxidative stress.
Such chemosensitization can reduce costs and alleviate negative side effects associated with current. Asessing the air pollution distribution in busy street of Copenhagen in the further development of a street pollution model. This monitoring needs to include Ottosen et al. An additional goal for the project is to explore the applicability of low-cost electrochemical sensors for describing In addition a video camera has been installed on the roof of a building next to the street during the monitoring campaign. Measurements are carried out using passive The influence of psychological stress on upper respiratory infection.
OBJECTIVE: To quantify the available evidence for the hypothesis that reduced resistance caused by psychological stress may influence the development of clinical disease in those exposed to an infectious agent. Further analyses showed that effect sizes for the association did not vary according to type of stress, how URI was assessed, or whether the studies had controlled for preexposure. The existing data model is modified in order to take into account the linked data principles.
The implemented service produces an HTTP response dynamically. The data for the response is first fetched from existing WFS. Content Negotiation is used to serve the data in different RDF serialization formats. This solution facilitates the use of a dataset in different applications without replicating the whole dataset.
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In addition, individual spatial objects in the dataset can be referred with URIs. Furthermore, the needed information content of the objects can be easily extracted from the RDF serializations available from those URIs. The dataset is divided to the subsets and each subset is given its persistent and unique URI.
This enables the whole dataset to be explored with a web browser and all individual objects to be indexed by search engines. Prevalence of paranasal sinus opacification in infants and children without overt sinusitis using computed tomography. To evaluate the prevalence of the opacification of paranasal sinuses and to correlate the prevalence and severity of the sinus opacification with presence of upper respiratory infection URI in infants and children using CT.
We analyzed CT scans of children aged under 16 who have no signs and symptoms of paranasal sinusitis. Both sides of maxillary and ethmoidal sinuses were evaluated. We scored from 0 to 3 according to the degree of soft tissue opacification of each sinus and then summed up the scores of each sinus.
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We divided the children into 5 groups according to their age. We paid particular attention to the following respects: 1 the prevalence of the opacification of the paranasal sinuses in each group; 2 the difference in the prevalence between the children with and without URI ; 3 the correlation between the severity of the sinus opacification and the presence of URI. In children between 1 and 12 years old, although the prevalence of the sinus opacification in URI -positive subgroups was much greater than that in URI -negative subgroup, statistically significant difference was noted only in children between 2 and 6 years old.
As to the correlation between the severity of the sinus opacification and the presence of URI , these was a statistically significant difference in children between 2 and 6 years old and between 6 and 12 years old. Although the exact pathophysiology is not fully understood, the opacification of the paranasal sinuses is not an uncommon finding at CT in children without the signs and symptoms of sinusitis.
We thick that. Tiina Mangi kavandatud diivan Sik- Sak. Peasant struggles and social change: migration, households and gender in a rural Turkish society. While migrant labor is understood by local villagers as forming part of a continual battle to preserve local tradition and kinship ties, this article shows how it reduces the dominion of landlords while creating internal household differentiation and gendered hierarchies.
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Installation Restoration Program. Site Investigation Report. Many of these microorganisms play key roles in the decomposer food chain. Cases of lead poisoning have been. GAAP have differentiation. Cloning, high-level expression, purification and characterization of a Mar 15, Wet cells was used immediately for Sisekujundus Rein Nurmse. Projekt , valmis Subunits of the Snf1 kinase heterotrimer show interdependence for association and activity. The Snf1 kinase and its mammalian orthologue, the AMP-activated protein kinase AMPK , function as heterotrimers composed of a catalytic alpha-subunit and two non-catalytic subunits, beta and gamma.
The beta-subunit is thought to hold the complex together and control subcellular localization whereas the gamma-subunit plays a regulatory role by binding to and blocking the function of an auto-inhibitory domain AID present in the alpha-subunit. In addition, catalytic activity requires phosphorylation by a distinct upstream kinase. In yeast, any one of three Snf1-activating kinases, Sak 1, Tos3, or Elm1, can fulfill this role. We have previously shown that Sak 1 is the only Snf1-activating kinase that forms a stable complex with Snf1.
Here we show that the formation of the Sak 1. Snf1 complex requires the beta- and gamma-subunits in vivo. However, formation of the Sak 1. Snf1 complex is not necessary for glucose-regulated phosphorylation of the Snf1 activation loop. Snf1 kinase purified from cells lacking the beta-subunits do not contain any gamma-subunit, indicating that the Snf1 kinase does not form a stable alphagamma dimer in vivo.
In vitro kinase assays using purified full-length and truncated Snf1 proteins demonstrate that the kinase domain, which lacks the AID, is significantly more active than the full-length Snf1 protein. Addition of purified beta- and gamma-subunits could stimulate the kinase activity of the full-length alpha-subunit but only when all three subunits were present, suggesting an interdependence of all three subunits for assembly of a functional complex.
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It investigates how the subjects use their PEDs for reading comprehension. Thirty-nine undergraduate students completed a questionnaire survey. Of these, four were chosen to participate in the experiment. Observations and interviews were utilized to ascertain how the subjects used their PEDs. The findings showed superficial and partial reading of the dictionary entries.
It also revealed several factors that may hinder dictionary look-up success. Hierdie artikel doen verslag van 'n kleinskaalse studie van Thaisprekende aanleerders wat sak - elektroniese woordeboeke SEW's gebruik om 'n Engelse nuusartikel te lees. Dit ondersoek hoe die proefpersone hul SAW's gebruik vir leesbegrip.
Nege-en-dertig voorgraadse studente het 'n vraelysopname voltooi. Uit hulle is vier gekies om aan die eksperiment deel te neem. Waarnemings en onderhoude is aangewend om te bepaal hoe die proefpersone hul SEW's gebruik het. Die bevindings het oppervlakkige en gedeeltelike lees van die woordeboekinskrywings getoon. Dit het ook verskeie faktore uitgewys wat woordeboekopsoeksukses mag belemmer. Full Text Available International accounting topic was rare to adress between accounting practices, especially International Accounting Standard.
It occured due to the restrictive source and difficulty in finding the source. The purpose of the research is to measure the compliance of the SAK per 1st January with the IFRS per 1st January and attain the association between those two standards. Hence, the difference between the two standards and the neccessary steps to be taken for complying can be obtained. The sample for the paper will be 43 accounting issues adressed on both standards that have been chosen and investigated.
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Suburban heat island effect in groundwater energy utilisation in Nordic climate - case study. We present the preliminary results from the initial thermogeological characterization of Finland's first-ever planned large-scale aquifer thermal energy storage ATES facility. The site has been under geological investigation since July At a regional scale, the groundwater's natural temperature is about 5.
However, preliminary measurements during the investigations revealed that local groundwater temperature ranged between 7. The highest temperature was observed underneath buildings, suggesting that higher-than-average temperature is most likely influenced due to anthropogenic heat flux into the ground. The pumping test was performed for 39 days, of which 28 days with groundwater withdrawal and 11 days of heads recovery.