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The man later died of his injuries, a judicial source said. Before being shot, the teenager had posted a grisly video of the severed head on social media before being shot dead by police, AP reported. French anti-terror prosecutors confirmed they were investigating an assault in which a man was decapitated on the outskirts of Paris. The unidentified killer then fled to the nearby town of Eragny-sur-Oise where he refused to surrender.
Around ten shots were heard. France's parliament suspended Friday's debate after news of the decapitation, with session president Hugues Renson, visibly moved, calling the attack 'abominable'. Lawmakers and teachers' unions hailed the slain teacher's courage for confronting challenging taboos in French society. Freedom of expression was a core tenet of democracy, they said.
The police must be commended for intervening with such speed. Other politicians lined up to express their horror at the killing, with Xavier Bertrand, centre-Right president of the Hauts-de-France region, saying: 'Islamist barbarity has taken aim at one of the symbols of the Republic: school. The terrorists want to shut us up, to bring us to our knees. They should know that we will not bend, they will never forbid us to read, write, draw, think, teach.
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We are in France with this level of unbearable barbarity. Islamism is waging war on us: it is by force that we must drive them out of our country. In fact, the assassin takes himself for the god that he claims he follows. He is sullying religion. And he is inflicting on us all the hell of having to live with murderers like him. Local lawmaker Antoine Savignat said, 'If we cannot talk about the Charlie Hebdo caricatures in school, we end up in denialism In France, the country of freedom of expression, this cannot be allowed to happen. Parents of pupils laid flowers at the school gate.
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Some said their children were distraught. How will I explain to her the unthinkable? Muslim leaders condemned the killing, which many public figures perceived as an attack on the essence of French statehood and its values of secularism, freedom of worship and freedom of expression. Tareq Oubrou, the imam of a Bordeaux mosque, said of the killing, 'It is not a civilisation that kills an innocent person, it is barbarity'. The attack follows a terrorism enquiry being launched in Paris last month after two news agency staff were stabbed outside the former offices of Charlie Hebdo — the magazine where staff members were murdered in after publishing cartoons mocking the Prophet.
Those on trial range in age from 29 to 68, and are charged with providing logistics to the terrorists, including cash, weapons and vehicles. Samuel Paty was school teacher who had enraged parents by displaying cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed to pupils.

Pictured: Armed police stands near a police car in the outskirts of Paris where the attack took place. The first bloodbath took place in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, a suburb some 25 miles from the centre of the French capital on Friday. Pictured: More emergency services gathering after the attack and subsequent shooting. Paris-born brothers Said and Cherif Kouachi murdered 12 people in the Charlie Hebdo offices using Kalashnikovs, before escaping in a stolen car, and later being killed by police.
A third terrorist, Amedy Coulibaly, gunned down four shoppers in a kosher supermarket and a policewoman during three days of carnage before he too was killed.
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Charlie Hebdo now produces its magazine from a top secret location, and in September re-published the controversial cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed which had provoked outrage in the Muslim world. There have been a series of bomb, gun and knife attacks carried out by Islamic State and al-Qaeda operatives in France, dating back to early The deadliest single terrorist attack ever in the country came in November when people were killed in Paris.
Suicide bombers pledging allegiance to ISIS targeted the Stade de France, cafes, restaurants and the Bataclan music venue, where 90 died. Earlier in the year, two Paris-born gunmen linked to Al-Qaeda broke into the offices of the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine, leaving 17 people dead inside and three outside. In July , 86 people were killed and more than injured when a tonne truck was deliberately driven into crowds on the seafront promenade at Nice, in the South of France. The terrorist turned out to be a Tunisian immigrant who was shot dead by police.
During the same month, two Isis terrorists murdered an year-old Catholic priest during a church service in Normandy. Nog eentje die ik niet in de vergetelheid wil doen belanden. Band van Bornyhake Borgne,…. Een maand lang mochten de lezers van Zware Metalen wikken en wegen over welke albums - uitgekomen in de afgelopen twintig jaar - de beste zijn.
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Op het moment dat ik deze recensie schrijf, krijg ik via Bandcamp de melding dat Zombi vandaag nog een nieuwe release heeft uitgebracht: de EP Evans City. Niet geheel vreemd met Halloween voor de deur natuurlijk. Ik wil het echter hebben over de meest recente langspeler van het elektronische duo uit Pittsburgh Pennsylvania , dat in juli het album uitbracht, die naar mijn mening een uitstekende instrumentale, elektronische soundtrack voor de pandemie is geworden.
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