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    Other JDaters looked for subtle ways to telegraph their preferences. I wanted it out there.

    “Are there gay Jews?”

    Rosner, a year-old graphic designer who lives on the Upper West Side, is typical of some of the gay New Yorkers who turn to the site. He is a strict observer of Shabbat, the Jewish Sabbath, which allows no cooking, no spending money and no skipping out on praying at temple. Such rules make Friday-night dating difficult.

    He says he would like to find a man who is gay but not flamboyant and who is Jewish without being, as the joke goes, merely Jew-ish.

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    • Site Index;
    • New Dating Site 'Saw You At Stonewall' Caters To LGBTQ Jews | Jewish Week.
    • Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Jews;

    As Mr. Rosner puts it in JDate profile, "I love surprising someone I'm with and being romantic from time to time, but I'm not into constant mushy gross stuff like making out while waiting to cross the street at a light.