Throughout all of this, it is worth thinking, for a moment, about how we conduct ourselves in all that we do; the true judge being doing the right thing when no one is looking, that being more relevant in the field than on Horse Guards. Today, of course, that premise is changing given the advent of pervasive surveillance, much of it self induced, such that our actions are likely to be constantly scrutinized in a way that puts huge pressure on decision making at all levels.
Standards, on and off duty, are key.
We represent the Army in much that we do, whether by virtue of Division or role. We must live up to the values that we espouse recently tweaked to being professional, ethical and lawful and take pride in so doing whether on or off duty.
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Similarly professionalism, at Home and Away, is fundamental to what we are. It matters not whether we are riding down The Mall, building flood defences or fighting overseas. It underpins the very capability that we maintain and is key to the fabric and long term well being of the Household Cavalry.
Separately we need to work at our recruiting and its bedfellow retention alongside our mental and physical robustness. Tauter establishments, more stringent employment criteria and corporate responsibility demand it and we shall be unable to meet our outputs without it.
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Above all, a full establishment with everyone fit and able reduces pressure and improves the quality of life for one and all. The old joke has it here there are only two certainties in life - death and taxes. However, in our game there are at least two others. There is always a new Defence and Security Review around the corner, and the future of Hyde Park Barracks is still under review. We shall need to show to all comers that the Household Cavalry is capable and ready to meet all the challenges that will.
The story of the last decade is an impressive one, but we would be wise to maintain that prowess rather than rest on our laurels. Darwinism speaks to the survival of the fittest, but it is the species who can adapt that will survive; the trick will be to adapt with our traditions intact. And, on that note,. The Regiment has fed off the success of the Squadrons, and has done well this year, with some notable and high profile achievements. What is extraordinary about this is that the year has been very fragmented and hard to control, and the Regiment could easily have been twisted out of shape by the unexpected requirements placed upon us to support all the other tasks the Army has been conducting.
It is also representative of the year that HCR had to force Troop Tests into the calendar and it was made difficult to execute them; the system would have had it otherwise. But we did it, and HCR is better for it. The other way of looking at this year is to see it as being a year in which HCR seized every opportunity available. In a more deliberate fashion, we rehearsed for and executed our part in the Standards Parade well, I thought, and HCR and our families had a tremendous day. It is my assessment that in the manner in which the Regiment has completed its tasks this year, HCR has shown that it is resilient, flexible, and has enduring quality and style.
In this introduction, I aim to give a sense of the issues that I am dealing with. We, the Regiment at Windsor, need the support of all elements of the Regimental. The critical piece is that the new role ACR is here, now, and we remain in CVR T ; the arrival of the Scout vehicle with different capabilities will change the situation again. HCR has the exciting opportunity of being the intellectual lead on doctrinal development. For those of you who are familiar with Brigade level tactics, think of us as a Covering Force.
The enduring element of all of this is, of course, the people. It is important that we define what it is that our men, who fulfil the role of scouts, offer. The characteristics that I demand of all our officers and soldiers are: independence of thought and judgement, robustness, cunning, accuracy of reporting, good observation skills, and determination. Combermere and Scout Vehicles. It weighs 38 tonnes and is the same size as a Warrior Infantry Fighting Vehicle.
It needs to be moved on transporters and some have sought to argue that it cannot be housed in Combermere. But Combermere has enough space for the basic unit holding. Recruitment and Retention. Recruitment is steady, but still we need more soldiers to join us. HCav have re-established the Recruiting Team and they want to hear about events and activities that they should support.
Retention is holding up well when compared to other Regiments but we are undermanned and remain tireless in our efforts to reduce the. Major Achievements. My most sincere congratulations go to those who individually, or as part of a team, achieved Operational Honours. In other fields:. HCR will continue to pay heavy attention to sports and battlefield studies, and we are hugely looking forward to Waterloo commemorations and to The Life Guards who have recently received the Freedom of The City of London and The Blues and Royals marching through the City to the Guildhall.
Foreign visits for sports clubs, language training, an increased effort to help families, and plenty of leave will hopefully provide the balance I think the Regiment needs to be healthy, happy and fit to fight. Main Effort. HCR needs to continue to improve its deployability; that is to say the number of officers and soldiers who are fit and correctly qualified and. The newly formed Sniper troop has proved their worth over the last year. This result meant that the successful section advanced to the Divisional and triService shooting competition. The Regiment took 1st place in the.
Ably captained by Ct Cameron Bacon, the all-ranks team went on to win a very closely fought final. The Regiment finished top in the 1 Brigade Inter Unit competition, where we were assessed on all aspects of PD, including for example, sports, health and adventurous training. Our footballers made it to the quarter finals of the Cavalry Cup and two members of our basketball team have been selected for the Army side. The regimental swimming team won the 1 Bde Festival of Sport swimming competition and have representatives in the Army team, too. It is possible to do that and achieve balance.
Carlos Chantor
Everybody within the wider Regimental family can help us achieve our aims. After finishing 10 solid years of campaigning in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Regiment began with the view of returning to the basics of Contingency warfare. The process of taking the excellent lessons learnt since and re-finding the nuances of mounted combat proved, and is still proving, to be a challenging task.
The events of have seen the Regiment progress and become the lead in forging the basis for Armoured Cavalry doctrine. They were subsequently called back in order to assist the Royal Tank Regiment as part of the Bde efforts. Combermere Barracks quickly became the focal point for. Once the waters had receded, the training restarted and the Squadrons were able to begin the refresher process with low level training.
March saw the opportunity to catch up on some time at home with families and friends. This has meant a return to slightly more familiar names of Command and Support Squadron but has also led to the loss of the constant 16 Air Assault Brigade ties with D Squadron. The Regiment has, however, made every effort to remain at the forefront of deployability and routinely interacts with the 16 Brigade study days and events. The beginning of the year was marred by awful weather which resulted in the flooding of large parts of the south east. This was a Regimental. It required many a trip to Germany to support 4 Bde but was incredibly worthwhile and appreciated at all levels by the deploying troops.
Post Easter leave, the Regiment set it sights firmly on the Standards Parade and the seemingly impossible task of moving an ageing fleet to London via some rehearsal time in Aldershot. The Parade grew and grew as it came closer with more and more families and friends wanting a chance to experience such a momentous occasion. The Parade and the following Garden Party were a huge success in spite of the dreary weather in the morning. The Regiment were able to show the true style of Household Cavalrymen in every possible guise.

The Garden party was a great honour as. The end of Parade was not the end for the vehicles as they were quickly sent to Salisbury Plain in preparation for the next round of Squadron level training.
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For the first time in seven years the Regiment underwent Troop test, with the winners being presented with the Zandvoorde Cup. The competitive nature of the troops was obvious and an excellent standard was on show for all to see. The pace continued to gain momentum with an almost immediate deployment to Castlemartin to conduct ranges. The range package was conducted to an excellent standard, with the troops being able to partake in both mounted and dismounted ranges. The Regiment have since been credited by the Range staff as having had the best shoot within the RAC. This accolade is one of great pride to the Regiment and something we hope to extend in These were quickly followed by the main body of HQ, A, and B Squadrons who, amongst the continuous equipment care, managed to find time to conduct a battlefield tour of Montana, and enjoy the many delights the USA and Canada have to offer.
The Battlegroup deployed in support of the soon-to-be Lead Armoured Battlegroup LABG in September and were able to bring together the lessons of campaigning and the re-found. Whilst A Squadron were trying their best to stay warm during river crossings and below freezing temperatures, the rest of the Regiment went to Belgium to commemorate the battle on Zandvoorde Ridge which, alongside the Royal Welsh, was attended by well over spectators and serving soldiers. November saw the Regiment, complete, back in Combermere Barracks for the first time since the Standards Parade and provided an excellent opportunity to get cracking on the start states for BATUS and also get much needed career courses under the belt.
There is a lot about that was not expected but, ultimately, the Regiment has once again proven its flexibility and agility to deal with any task that befalls upon us. It has been a year of change in which long lasting ties have been lost in 16 Bde and the role of the dedicated Commander post. However, not everything goes to plan, even in RHQ. But Maj Giffard was able to bring his old recovery training into play on CT1 on Salisbury Plain, grinning through the embarrassment felt by him and the Ops Offr.
Carlos Chantor - CWCki
In our first truly post-Afghanistan year, A Squadron have focused on developing a team that is ready to fight - what this means in practice is that we are able to train using mission command, develop the leadership qualities throughout every rank, and take the time to improve upon our basic soldiering capabilities. The early days of January swept quickly by in a maelstrom of career and professional courses, even as augmentees arrived to bring us up to full strength.
This type of operation tests the character of the Squadron made all the more demanding by being. Fortunately Easter Leave in April provided a well deserved break and chance to refocus on the careful rehearsals for Standards Parade on our return.