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Year of upheaval: These are the trends shaping Middle East tech

Retrieved 24 May Retrieved 10 June Ansa in Italian. Retrieved 20 May Regolamentazione delle unioni civili tra persone dello stesso sesso e disciplina delle convivenze". Gazzetta ufficiale in Italian. OII Europe. Retrieved 26 August Deutsche Welle. Retrieved 5 December The Independent. The Pew Research Center. Retrieved 29 January Archived from the original on 8 February Archived from the original on 5 September Retrieved 7 May Archived from the original on 29 March Archived from the original on 5 May Retrieved 21 February Archived from the original on 3 October Archived from the original on 2 February Retrieved 19 February Retrieved 30 June Retrieved 6 July European Commission.

October Archived from the original PDF on 17 October Retrieved 27 March Retrieved 5 November Bay Windows. Archived from the original on 12 June Irish Times. Retrieved 15 September Retrieved 26 April June—July Retrieved 9 February Retrieved 22 March Retrieved 17 November December Retrieved 5 March Luxemburger Wort. Retrieved 15 August Times of Malta. Retrieved 13 March Retrieved 26 June Retrieved 29 December March Retrieved 19 May Constitutional Court of Austria in German.

The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies. Retrieved 4 November Ustavni sud Republike Hrvatske. Retrieved 16 February Retrieved 3 April Retrieved 15 November Published on 16 June Czech Radio.

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Reading Eagle. Sejm RP. Retrieved 5 May Marriage, being a union of a man and a woman, as well as the family, motherhood and parenthood, shall be placed under the protection and care of the Republic of Poland. Woltera, A. Zolla, A. Garlicki Komentarz do art. Komentarz, Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, Warszawa Berlin: Springer. Marek Safjan; Leszek Bosek, eds. Konstytucja RP. Tom I. Komentarz do art. Warszawa: C. Beck Wydawnictwo Polska. Scherpe JM, ed. Stewart J, Lloyd KC Family Advocate. Article 18 of the Polish Constitution limits the institution of marriage to opposite-sex couples.

The Slovak Spectator. Retrieved 4 June Pravna Praksa in Slovenian. The Homosexuality of Men and Women. Prometheus Books. SWI swissinfo. Federal Department of Justice and Police in French. Retrieved 9 May United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Retrieved 8 June Axel Tschentscher, LL-M.

Retrieved 5 January Retrieved 11 August The Government of Moldova. Retrieved 11 March Digi Retrieved 12 September Retrieved 14 August UK Gay News. Retrieved 12 August Retrieved 17 June Retrieved 29 May Sveriges Radio English. Retrieved 4 October The Sofia Globe. Retrieved 27 October Retrieved 9 August Retrieved 10 October Corriere della Sera.

Archived from the original on 23 May State portal of the Republic of Kosovo. Constitution of Kosovo.

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Retrieved 8 July Para , p. Serbian Government. Retrieved 8 November Retrieved 17 March Historical, contextual and symbolic factors" PDF. Retrieved 30 December Noticias Juridicas. Retrieved 18 April Govern de les Illes Balears.

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Retrieved 6 November El Gobierno de La Rioja. La Verdad.

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Petersburg Times. Retrieved 8 January Indian Journal of Gender Studies. Retrieved 23 July Gay Times Magazine. Guernsey Legal Resources. Retrieved 11 April Retrieved 31 May The Irish Times.

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The Adoption Authority of Ireland. Retrieved 11 July Archived from the original on 19 July Retrieved 19 July Luxembourg Times. CBS News. Retrieved 21 January BuzzFeed News. Retrieved 29 March The Herald. Retrieved 23 September European Union. Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Intersex rights. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version.

Wikimedia Commons. Allowed to serve openly in 40 out of 47 states having an army Allowed in all 6 dependencies and other territories. United Kingdom. Czech Republic. Legal in all 27 member states []. Legal in all member states. Membership requires a state to ban anti-gay discrimination in employment. Daarin verwijzen wij naar menselijke waardigheid en het verbod op. It is about a disproportionate. Het gaat hier om de. The show trials of political opponents, and the exception al l y cruel punishment o f s toning, which is used legally in Iran today, as well as other forms of cruel and inhumane torture, treatment and punishment, are characteristic of a regime which deserves robust moral condemnation.

Showprocessen tegen politieke tegenstanders, de buitengewoon brute straf van steniging die in Iran tot op heden legaal wordt toegepast, evenals andere vormen van onmenselijke marteling, behandeling en bestraffing zijn typerend voor een regime dat het verdient moreel gezien krachtig te worden veroordeeld. De EU beschouwt de doodst ra f als ee n wrede e n o nmens e lijk e straf d ie e r niet toe leidt [ Het voorstel van de Commissie voor een verordening van de Raad betreffende handel in bepaalde apparaten en producten die. They comprise restrictions on trade with third countries in goods that could.

Zij omvatten beperkingen voor de handel met derde landen in goederen die. These controls should apply to equipment that has been designed in such a way that it could easily be. Deze controle dient te worden ingesteld op instrumenten die zodanig zijn. Annex I comprises both equipment which has no, or virtually no, practical use other than for the purpose of capital punishment, and equipment which has in fact no, or. Bijlage I omvat zowel instrumenten die geen, of vrijwel geen andere praktische toepassingen kennen dan de doodstraf en instrumenten die geen of vrijwel geen.

Equipment which has no, or virtually no, practical use. It is also necessary to impose controls on exports of certain goods which could be used not only. Voorts dienen controles te worden ingesteld op de uitvoer van bepaalde goederen die. The measures of this Regulation are intended to prevent both cap it a l punishment a n d torture and o th e r cruel , i nh uman or degrading treatmen t o r punishment i n t hird countries. De maatregelen van deze verordening hebben tot doel zowel de doodstraf als foltering of ander e wrede , onmenselijke of onterende behandeling of bestraffing in derde landen te voorkomen.

It is therefore appropriate to lay down Community rules on trade with third countries in goods which could be used for the purpose of capital punishment. Het is dan ook passend dat de Gemeenschap regels vaststelt voor de handel met derde landen in goederen die gebruikt zouden kunnen worden voor de doodstraf, en in goederen. Article 5: No one shall be subjected to torture o r t o cruel , i nh uman or degrading treatmen t o r punishment. The aforementioned Guidelines state that, in order to. Bovengenoemde richtsnoeren bepalen dat, om doeltreffende maatregelen te kunnen.

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In order to contribute to the abolition of the death. Om te kunnen bijdragen tot de afschaffing van de doodstraf in. Any transferred person shall be treated humanely and in accordance with international human rights obligations, embodied in the Constitution of Mauritius,.

Een overgedragen persoon wordt humaan behandeld overeenkomstig de internationale mensenrechtenverplichtingen die zijn verankerd in de.