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Right after the performances,. Two evenings at Carnegie Hall were again scheduled for the holiday concert. Rehearsals started for the March 1 concert, Rhapsody, with mezzo-soprano Marilyn Horne. Horne performing a memorable Danny Boy. On March 8, the Chorus joined other star celebrities at the Beacon Theatre for the touring company of Heartstrings. On May 13, the Chamber Choir presented their annual concert. Luke in the Fields on Hudson Street. Special dance music was provided by the gay ensemble Hot Lavender.
The concert was held on June 15, a Friday evening. After an initial presentation of songs of the period, Ms. Syms appeared for her set followed by two more Chorus numbers. There was then a dance break and the audience was encouraged to take a turn on the floor. After the music of the war years, there was another dance break. The Manhattan Rhythm Kings then provided their blend to the evening. For the finale, the elegant, tuxedoed Chorus returned with many love ballads; the evening ended with a Duke Ellington medley from arranger Mark Riese. Dancing followed the concert and another wonderful evening was had by all.
There were interview segments with music director Gary Miller as well as several Chorus members. What follows is only a few quick jottings of personal remembrances, not an official history.
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Our first rehearsals took place at various churches which literally offered us sanctuary. If anything brought us together at our first plateau, it was the first holiday concert at Cooper Union in the Great Hall. Never ones to sit on out laurels, we continued singing and eventually sang at Carnegie Hall. Many think you can get there just by practicing. We enjoyed making music and I miss those times more than any other in my whole life. I consider it a privilege to have been lucky enough to work with genius Stephen Sondheim through our repeated performance of his work.
Remember, this was. In addition to being delighted at being included among all the celebrities, I felt our performance had gone well. When Ms. Midler joked about how she dressed up like Poland and her new German-American husband invaded her, there was a bark of loud laughter from the woman next to me. It was Carol Burnett. However, not every performance has gone like a dream. And the one I remember most distinctly occurred a block away from where I live. I led the back row of basses onto a raised platform at the Columbus Avenue Festival where we were singing. I was very proudly showing off my brand new shiny black cowboy boots when I tripped rather severely—clear across the stage.
Horrified, I tried to make light of my humiliation.
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But, then some young boys threw rocks at us as we sang, and I regained my perspective. There is a need for who we are and for us to do what we do. Many people think AIDS memorial services were the first really sad occasions in which the Chorus participated.
I remember the first memorial I sang in my life. The memory of the eerie silence that held in the air afterwards remains still. And I remember the magic created by the warm humor of Dick Cable as Santa. Like being on leave for the HBO Special and not singing on our first two recordings, as well as not participating in either the West Coast or European tours. Judy Sherman, who had produced the earlier albums, was the producing engineer once again. The album was scheduled for release in early This album was to be called Love Lives On. Each recording session was to run for four hours and the 18 selections were split among the sessions.
The repertoire for this album was made up. Traditional holiday favorites were also included on the program.
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The evening ended with an encore of Silent Night, which closed entirely in silence as the full chorus signed the last verse. The audience was immediately on its feet for a rousing ovation. Sheer magic. This album featured soprano Faith Esham and much of the repertoire from the concert with her in This album would be ready for release in the fall, in time for the holiday season.
Faith Esham receives honorary membership. The production, which featured five Chorus members in the cast, was presented at the Harold Clurman Theatre from March and all profits were to benefit the Chorus. Love Lives On was available at retail stores throughout the country. Virgin Label executives were present at the Deck the Hall concert in December. They were so impressed with the concert and the final product of this recording that they contracted for a second recording of holiday music.
After the holidays, Uptown Express presented its solo concert on January 4 and 5, This year they featured Broadway performer Terri White. She received the Bistro Award for her nightclub act.
Hot Ginger and Dynamite, was a nice blend of ensemble and solo singing with Terri joining the group for the finale. Anything Cole was presented as part of the celebration of his centenary that year; his music had become a staple of the Chorus programming. Manhattan Borough President Ruth Messinger introduced the concert, and the sold-out audience was in for a thrilling evening. The opening medley by the Chorus was followed by the first guest, Elly Stone.
The duo. The evening ended with a rendition of My Heart Belongs to Daddy and a rousing Anything Goes, which began with a recorded Cole Porter singing the opening bars of the song. In early May the Chamber Choir presented their annual concert, this year at St. The music ranged from Byrd to Schubert to the Gay Nineties and also included several premieres. Under the direction of renowned music director Robert Shaw, they gave a rousing opening with several other choruses in the official centennial celebration of the hall.
May 11, , was an evening of fun as the Chorus presented a Silent and Live Auction to benefit the Chorus. The evening took place at the social hall of the Church of St. Luke in the Fields in the Village. This concert was an early opportunity for the Chorus to perform their songs from the upcoming Pride concert.
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A stirring, insistently rhythmic plea for justice in South Africa, Azanian Freedom Song, from Bernice Johnson Reagon, brought the audience to its feet for one of many ovations. The Chorus was profiled in the June issue of blueboy magazine. Once again giving national coverage to the work of the Chorus pictured below. This time, the Chorus traveled to six cities in two weeks.

Concerts were planned in each city, and the Chorus— using home stays in each of the cities they were visiting—planned this tour. Prior to taking off, the Chorus presented a free concert on August 20 at St. As is typical when the Chorus travels, the plane left a bit late, but otherwise it was an uneventful overnight flight that arrived in London about 9 AM.
The busses and John Field, who had directed the Chorus concert in London in , met the group. The festive Robin Gorna was courier for the tour once again. The Lighthouse provided a light breakfast of juices, pastries, tea and coffee. After a small bite to eat, the choruses were introduced to their hosts, and went off to discover where they would be living for the next few days. Many toured the city or went shopping. Others went off to the theater for the afternoon or evening shows.