The man was just incredible. A must for everyone who enjoys perfection. A story of 10 tales. Architect, diplomat, poet, businessman And this is the place where it all happened.
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Just let you get closer to the genius of the man. If you like art and also a painting that David Bowie owned , you will love walking through the house of one of the masters of the renaissance! Learn how Ruben taught his students to find their speciality animals, shrubs and forestry, human expressions and details and contribute to his collection of paintings in a 63 year lifespan.
This is a lovely museum that showcases the paintings and sculptures of Rubens inside of his old home. There is a self-guided tour that is very informative. The museum isn't too large and can bee seen in 1. There is also a lovely garden that you should spend some time in, weather permitting.
Nice house of rich person - Rubens House (Rubenshuis)
One word of caution, there is no air conditioning in the museum. I happened to go on the hottest day in Belgium history and it was a bit uncomfortable. I did the self-guided tour and thoroughly enjoyed myself. The paintings, artifacts, and history in this building are amazing. A few videos offered additional information on history and restoration. I sat and stared at some paintings at my leisure, as did others. This is a hidden gem worth finding. Skip to main content. Log in to get trip updates and message other travellers. Nice house of rich person - Rubens House Rubenshuis.
Rubens House Rubenshuis. Museums , Speciality Museums. Wapper , Antwerp , Belgium. Book In Advance. See More Tours. Nice house of rich person. Review of Rubens House Rubenshuis. Date of experience: November Ask Thomasso11vg about Rubens House Rubenshuis. See all 2, reviews. Ways to Experience Rubens House Rubenshuis.
It is rich in history and artefacts. The stained glass windows, pulpit and smaller chapels are a beauty to behold! Once inside the door there was instant peace as we paid our 4. Once inside, visitors who wanted a guided tour by cathedral staff were told to wait until the group was large enough and they would set off. We chose to wander and discover for ourselves. The first striking feature was the sheer size of the cathedral.
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Churches usually have the main Nave, leading to the altar and smaller side aisles to north and south. But here in Antwerp, there are 7 aisles facing you as you look east, each with an individually named chapel - and usually an altar - at the end. Then the huge height: as you look up, columns soar up through 28 metres of space to the roof of the Nave area to support the vast weight of the building.
Your eye will travel almost double that distance to reach, in the centre, the high roof of the crossing dome in its onion-shaped tower.
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The third brilliant feature is the glory of the colourful interior as light enters through the 55 enchanting stained-glass windows. They are also beautifully sited with seats in front of them so that visitors can sit, relax and enjoy them to the full.
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No rushing or pushing, just calm, unhurried enjoyment. As we walked round, the first feature that attracted me was the gleaming woodwork of a row of unusual confessionals along the west side of the building. Confessionals in British films - the only source of my knowledge of this - were always portrayed as small dark boxes with a grille covered by a curtain which the priest opened when ready to hear confession. These beautiful wooden confessionals had a seat for the priest, facing forward, and at the side a step on which sinners sat to explain themselves.
No enclosed space, no curtains, no metal grilles. How open and healthy, I thought! The cathedral of Our Lady celebrates not only art of the past, but also up to the present day. Amid all the masterpieces there was modern art: an arrangement in blue, white and gold of objects: bags, trainers, bottles, toys and models.
Perhaps I looked in the wrong place? There was also a tribute to the Rubens works by a modern artist, which was explained in a leaflet beside it. And finally, there was a shiny gilded? An hour and a half after entering, we left through the bookshop. I always choose a good guide book from wherever we go to add to my travel library and to look back and enjoy afterwards. The shop had a good selection at a range of prices. The price was 14 euros, and well worth it. So now outside for coffee and chat about an awesome visit which had kept us happy and involved for over an hour in a treasure house of gleaming floors, brilliant windows and works of art beyond perfection.
Just one health warning about the high ceilings! Both husband and I, since we were there last week, have suffered with aching necks!
We can only assume that this was caused by walking round constantly gazing up, because up is where everything is happening. A small price to pay for such a stimulating and enchanting visit. Such a pretty sight, the square with the old lady as they say. A must see when you visit Antwerp. Around the cathedral are a lot of nice places to have a bite or drink a beer. Attended choral mass on Sunday morning at 10am. Beautiful singing and great organ. Skip to main content. Log in to get trip updates and message other travelers. Chinese Trad. Portuguese Polish Swedish Greek 8.
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