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Services Industries Group. Overview City medicine Day nursery and child day-care Hospitals and clinics Retirement Home Specialized home for disabled people. Overview Food trade Garages and dealerships Other point of sales. I have no other moral than this to tag to the present story of "Vanity Fair. But persons who think otherwise and are of a lazy, or a benevolent, or a sarcastic mood, max perhaps like to step in for half an hour and look at the performances.
There are scenes of all sorts; some dreadful combats, some grand and lofty horseriding, some scenes of high life, and some of very middling indeed; s6me. What more has the manager of the Performance to say — To acknowledge the kindness with which it has been received in all the principal towns of England through which the Show has passed, and where it has been most favorably noticed by the respected conductors of the Public Press, and by the Nobility and Gentry.
He is proud to think that his Puppets have given satisfaction to the very best company in this empire. The famous little Becky Puppet has been pronounced to be uncommonly flexible in the joints, and lively on the wire: the Amelia Doll, though it has had a smaller circle of admirers, has yet been carved and dressed with the greatest care by the artist: the Dobbin Figure, though apparently clumsy, yet dances in a very amusing and natural manner: the Little Boys' Dance has been liked by some; and please to remark the richly dressed figure of the Wicked Nobleman on which no expense has been spared, and which Old Nick will fetch away at the end of this singular performance.
And with this, and a profound bow to his patrons, the Manager retires, and the curtain rises. IONPri, Jnae, Only when of Miss Pinkerton's academy for young her pupils quitted the establishment,. A black servant, who re- it was Jemima's opinion that if any thing posed on the box beside the fat coachman, could console Mrs. Birch for her daughter's uncurledlhTlarady legs as soon as the equi- loss, it would be that pious and eloquent page drew up opposite Miss Pinkerton's composition in which Miss Pinkerton anshining brass plate, and as he pulled the nounced the event.
Nay, the acute observer might have recognized the little "The Mall, Chiswick. June Mall, I have the honor and happiness of " It is Mrs. Those virtues which char",Have you completed all the necessary actefize the young English gentlewoman; preparations incident to Miss Sedley's de- those accomplishments which become her parture, Miss Jemima?
In geography there genteel. Sedley, and the is recommended as necessary to the acreceipt for making it, in Amelia's box. This is it, is it? Very goodi-ninety-three 1 "In the principles of religion and moralpounds, four shillings. Be kind enough to ity, Miss Sedley will be found worthy of an address it to Johp Sedley, Esquire, and to establishment which has been honored by. In leaving the Mall, Miss Ame- yard epitaphs; yet, as it sometimes haplia carries with her the hearts of her cornm- pens that a person departs this life, who is panions, and the affectionate regards of her really deserving of all the praises the stonemistresS, who has the honor to subscribe cutter carves over his bones; who is a good herself, Christian, a good parent, child, wife or hus"' Madam, band; who actually does leave a disconsolate "Your most obliged humble servant, family to mourn his loss.
It is pShticuarrly requested that of the praises bestowed by the disinterested Miss Sharp's sftr in Russell Square may nstructor. Now, Miss Amelia Sedley was not exceed ten days. Sedle's, in the fly-leaf of a Johnson's Dic- For she could not only sing like a lark, or tionary-the interesting work which she in- a Miss Billington, and dance like Hillisberg variably presented to her scholars,, on their or Parisot; and embroider beautifully; and departure from the Mall.
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One'thW cover speil as' well as the Dixonary itself; but she was ietarted a copy of'" Lines addressgd to had such a kindly, smiling, tender, gentle, A -iig" lady on quitting Miss Pinkerton's generous heart of her own, as won the love school, at the Mall; by the late revered of every body who came near her, from Doctor Samuel Johnson.
She had twelve intimate and Being commanded by her elder sister to bosom friends out of the twenty-four young get l"the Dictionary" from the cupboard, ladies. Even envious Miss Briggs never Miss Jemima had extracted two copies of spoke ill of her: high and mighty M4iss Salthe book from the receptacle in question. Kitt's, on the day Amelia went away, end. Floss, and half Miss Pinkerton, with awful coldness. Miss Pinker" For Becky Sharp," answered Jemima, ton's attachment was as may be supposed,:trembling very much, and blushing over her from the high position and eminent virtues'withered face and neck, as she turned her of that lady, calm and dignified; but Miss back on her sister.
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Replace the Dixonary paid double of St. Such luxury of in the closet, and never venture to take such grief, however, is only allowed to parlora liberty in future. Honest Jemima had all the bills, "Well, sister, it's only two-and-nine- and the washing, and the mending, and the pence, and poor Becky will be miserable if puddings, and the plate and crockery, and she don't get one.
But why speak "Send Miss Sedley instantly to me," said about her-? It is probable that we shall not Miss Pinkerton. And so, venturing not to hear of her again from this moment to the say another word, poor Jemima trotted off, end of time, and that when the great filligree exceedingly flurried and nervous. As she is not a heroine, there is no a corresponding sneer-the hour for parting need to describe her person; indeed 1 am came; and the grief of that moment was afraid that her nose was rather short than considerably lessened by the admirable disotherwise,, and her cheeks a great deal too course which Miss Pinkerton addressed to round and red for a heroine; but her face her pupil.
Not that the parting speech blushed with rosy health, and her lips with caused Amelia to philosophize, or that it the freshest of smiles, and she had a pair of armed her in any way with a calmness, the eyes, which sparkled with the brightest and result of argument; but it was intolerably honestest good-humor, except, indeed, when dull, pompous, and tedious; and having the they filled with tears, and that was a great fear of her schoolmistress greatly before her deal too often; for the silly thing would cry eyes, Miss Sedley did not venture, in her over a dead canary-bird, or over a mouse, presence, to give way to any ebullitions of that the cat haply had seized upon, or over private grief.
A -seed-cake and a bottle of the end of a novel, were it ever so stupid; wine were produced-in the drawing-room, and as for saying an unkind word to her, as on the solemn occasions of the visit of were any one hard-hearted enough to do parents, and these refreshments being parso-why, so much the worse for them. She was glad to go home, and yet cerned manner, and said in French, and most wofully sad at leaving school.
For with a perfect accent. In fact, it was a little Club, will pronounce to be excessively fool- battle between the young lady:and the old ish, trivial, twaddling, and ultra-sentimental. Words refuse to tell it. All the serv"Well, then. The flowers, and the pres- ants were there in the hall-all the dear ents, anid the trunks, and bonnet-boxes of friends-all the young ladies-the dancingMiss Sedley having been arranged by Ir.
Raine and his rod wvere just as awful to room, as no pen can depict, and as the ten- him in his heart, then, at sixty-eight, as they der heart would fain pass over. The em- had been at thirteen. If the Doctor, with a oracing was over; they parted-that is, Miss large birch, had appeared bodily to him, even Sedley parted from her friends. Miss Sharp at the age of threescore and eight, and had had demurely entered the carriage some said, in an awful voice, "Boy, take down minutes before.
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Nobody cried for leaving your pant? He sprang up behind the carriage. I wish itwere in the botleave'us without that. Good by. Drive tom of the Thames, I do; and if Miss Pinkon, coachman. God bless you! The carriage and I wish I had a means of proving it, too. The outrage from her. I have been treated world is before the two young ladies; and worse than any servant in the kitchen. I have been made to tend the little girls in the lower schoo. But that talking French to Miss Pinkerton was capital fun, wasn't it? She doesn't know a word of French, and was too proud to confess it. Vive and had seen the Dixonary flying over the la France!
Vive l'Emjpereur! Vive Bonapavement of the little garden, fall at length parte! For it may be remarked in the course of Nay, with some persons, those awes and this conversation which took place as the terrors of youth last forever and ever. I coach rolled along lazily by the river side , know, for instance, anold gentleman of sixty- that though Miss Rebecca Sharp has twice eight, who said to me one morning at break- had occasion to thank Heaven, it has been, fast, with a very agitated countenance, "I in the first place, for ridding her of some dreamed last night that I was flogged by Dr.
For, her by persons of a kind and placable disposition. All the world used her ill, attack of delirium tremens, wrote a manly said this young misanthropist or misogynist, and pathetic letter to Miss Pinkerton, recfor of the world of. The world is a looking-glass, and gives pupil, her duties being to talk French, as we back to every man the reflection of his own have seen, and her privileges to live cost face.
Frown at it, and it will in turn look firee; and, with a few guineas a year, to sourly upon you: laugh at it and with it, and gather scraps of knowledge from the professit is a jolly, kind companion; and so let all ors who attended the school. This is She was small and slight in person; pale, certain, that if the world neglected Miss sandy-haired, and with eyes habitually cast Sharp, the never was known to have done a down: when they looked up they were very good action in behalf of any body; nor can it large, odd, and attractive; so attractive, that be expected that twenty-four young ladies the Reverend Mr.
Crisp, firesh from Oxford, should all be as amiable as the heroine of and curate to the Vicar of Chiswick, the this woak, Miss Sedley whom we have Reverend Mr. Flowerdew, fell in love with selected for the very reason that she was Miss Sharp; being shot dead by a glance of the best-natured of all, otherwise, what on her eyes, which was fired all the way across earth was to have prevented us firom putting Chiswick Church from the school-pew to the up Miss Swartz, or Miss Crump, or Miss reading-desk. This infatuated young man Hopkins, as heroine in her place?
Volume 80 No - Phikappapsi Archeios
Crisp was summoned from and offices, overcome, for once at least, her Buxton, and abruptly carried off her darling hostility to her kind. He was a clever was bound to her under a forfeit, and who man; a pleasant companion; a careless stu- never could thoroughly believe the young dent; had a great propensity for running lady's protestations that she had never exinto debt, and a partiality for the tavern.
Crisp, exWhen he was drunk, he used to beat his cept under her own, eyes on the two occawife and daughter; and the next morning, sions when she had met him at tea. But she had the times with perfect reason, the fools, his dismal precocity of poverty. Many a dun brother painters. As it was with the ut- had she talked to, and turned away from her most difficulty that he could keep himself, father's door; many a tradesman had she and as he owed money for a mile round coaxed and wheedled into good humor, and Soho, where he lived, he thought to better into the granting of one meal more.
The humble calling of many of his wild companions-often but of her-female parent, Miss Sharp never al- ill suited for a girl to hear. But she never luded to, but used to state subsequently that had been a girl, she said; she had been a the Entrechats were a noble family of Gas- woman since she was eight years old. Oh, cony, and took great pride in her descent why did Miss Pinkerton let such a dangerfrom them. And curious it is, that as she ous bird into her cage? She thought. How the airs that girl gives herself, because she is an father and daughter laughed as they trudged earl's granddaughter," she said of one.
I am a all the professors were invited , and how thousand times cleverer and more charming Miss Pinkerton would have raged had she than that creature, for all her wealth. I seen the caricature of herself which the am as well bred as the earl's granddaughter, little mimic, Rebecca, managed to make out for all her fine pedigree; and yet every one of her doll!
She used to go through dia- passes me by here. And yet, when I was'ogues with it; it formed the delight of at my father's did not the men give up their Newman-street, Gerard-street, and the art- gayest balls and parties in order to pass the ists' quarter: and the young painters, when evening with me? Lawrence or She took advantage, therefore, of the President West. Once she had the honor means of study the place offered her; and to pass a -fq days at Chiswick; after which as she was already a musician and a good she brought back Jemima, and erected anoth- linguist, she speedily went through the little er doll as Miss Jemmy; for though that hon- course of study which was considered necesest creature had made and given her jelly sary for ladies in those days.
Her music and cake enough for three children, and a she practiced incessantly, and one day, when seven-shilling piece at parting, the girl's the girls were out, and she had remained at sense of ridicule was far stronger than her home, she was overheard to play a piece so gratitude, and she sacrificed Miss Jemmy well, that Minerva thought wisely, she could quite as pitilessly as her sister. The rigid form- that she was to instruct them in music for ality of the place suffocated her: the pray- the future. Give me money, and herself included, fancied she was consumed I will teach them.
She had a little Minerva was obliged to yield, and, of room in the garret, where the maids heard course, disliked her from that day. She had not great justice, "I never have seen the indibeen much of a dissembler, until now her vidual who has dared in my own house to loneliness taught her to feign.