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From 16 October to 19 January the National Gallery in London held the exhibition 'Rubens' Landscapes', presenting a rare overview of this lesser-known segment of the oeuvre of this famous painter. A portrait of a photographer who is constantly looking for the perfect balance between composition and content.
About this mega-painting in The Hague, m in length, and 14 m high. In Autumn Museum Mesdag reopened, to great interest from the international press. Between the end of the sixteenth and the beginning of the twentieth centuries, hundreds of millions of majolica wall tiles were produced in the Netherlands. Tiles were the first items to be mass-produced for a growing Dutch middle class.
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The specific attention de A survey of the subject matter. Through all the setbacks and obstacles, Flanders continues to produce films, driven by the praiseworthy determination of the filmmakers who develop their talent in spite of the limited production and distribu However encouraging this may sound, it is rarely true in reality.
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In the Low Countries today, tel What's that? Flemish fashion? Is there such a thing? And is it up with the big boys? About a decade ago it would indeed have been inconceivable, but today there is no doubt about it. Flemish fashion does exist. Though it took some time Dutch graphic design has emerged from an essentially typographic tradition, and this analytical background With the opening of its new wing in , visitors to the Teyler Museum in Haarlem are now better able than ever before to enjoy the treasures of this oldest public museum in the Netherlands.
For more than two centuries art and scien The Dutch Golden Age in the seventeenth century was a period which saw a quite extraordinary convergence of talent, not just in society as a whole, but also within the confines of a single family. There is no doubt that on the international The Flemish painter and sculptor Constant Permeke sought in his work to represent everyday reality.
His subjects usually related to the geographical area in which he found himself at a given moment; he feltit personally drawn to Herman de Coninck was a literary editor and an essayist who wrote infectiously about poetry. But first and foremost he was the most popular poet in Flanders. He wrote about subjects close to home, in a simple and accessible language of rare The Vanitas piece as an individual genre is an integral part of the richness and variety of Low Countries art.
But while isolated works are much admired, the genre as a whole has attracted relatively little attention. There has been no exh Johannes Vermeer painted the essence of his subjects with such fidelity that three hundred years later we are convinced that this is what Dutch interiors were like in Delft in the Golden Age. Even when conscientious scholars prove the reve The Flandriens: the forced-labourers of road-racing, members of that breed of racing cyclists who, particularly during the period between the wars, fired the imagination of the ordinary Fleming.
The author of this piece seeks out the origi The poetic oeuvre of M. Vasalis is admittedly modest in size only around poems in total, spread over three collections , but her poetry has nonetheless acquired a position all of its own in Dutch-language literature of the twentieth c The Magic Realists opted for realistic depiction, but that did not mean that their subjects were also strictly realistic. They gave an unusual twist to their representation of reality. However, Dutch painters such as Carel Willink and Pyke Each painting is a portrait of the memory to Jeroen Henneman.
He draws and paints objects which take on a life of their own. It is an upside-down world: objects, not people, are the victors in the struggle. There are few places in the world where the comic strip is so closely interwoven with daily life as it is in Flanders. Most of these comic books are however tailored to a juvenile readership.
Adult comics are still in their infancy in Flan There was a time when the man who called himself 'The Schoolmaster' was honoured as the colossus of Dutch popular verse. It was Gerrit van de Linde, born in in Rotterdam, and the headmaster-proprietor of a London boarding school in da The young architecture office MVRDV of Rotterdam has been enormously successful at home and abroad with idiosyncratic and deceptively simple work that is full of original touches.
The Flemish author Tom Lanoye and producer Luk Perceval adapted Shakespeare's eight 'kings' plays to make a 'serial drama' of almost 12 hours duration, entitled 'To War' and performed by Blauwe Maandag company. About the NIAf, and how it makes an indispensable contribution to the continuation and development of a typical Dutch animated film culture. The cornerstone of the agreement was Spain's juridical recognition of the independence and soverignty of the United Provinces.
About Talbot House in Poperinghe, a 'Home from Home' during World War I, a place where soldiers could step out of the war's madness into a friendly world. Review of Bob Moore's 'Victims and Survivors. About this museum in Amsterdam, aiming to show the place of Jewish religion, history and culture within Dutch cultural history. In its years of history this museum has developed from a typical colonial institute into a museum and study centre where people from all over the world carry out research.
Review of Earle H. Waugh's 'Dissonant Worlds.
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Review of 'Dutch Poetry in Translation: Kaleidoscope. As from the start of the academic year, an Extraordinary Professor of Pop Music teaches at the University of Amsterdam. About the Flemish composer who has gone down in the history of music as having initiated serial and electronic music in Flanders. On the occasion of the retirement of Professor Etienne Vermeersch, Professor at Ghent University and an uncompromising and militant thinker who stubbornly resists the increasing lure of the new irrationalism.
On the retirement of Samuel IJsseling, Professor of Contemporary Philosopy at Leuven University, above all known for his insightful interpretations of modern French philosophy.
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The Dutch psychologist Piet Vroon passed away on 13 January His work was focused on on the knowledge of the processes behind human behaviour. Review of William Z. Shetter's 'The Netherlands in Perspective. Review of Ernst van de Wetering's 'Rembrandt. Review of J. Heijbroek and Margaret F. About Flemish designer Siegfried de Buck, under whose hands jewellery becomes much more tactile and recognisbale. It loses its demands for elegance and its cool unapproachability. Van Dyck' s influence on painting not only in England but also in Italy and the Low Countries was profound and long-lasting.
He transformed portrait painting in the three cities in which he worked. In Genoa his style was imitated by a whole Marijke van Warmerdam is a sculptor with fairly flexible views about sculpture.
She has made an international name for herself with several unforgettable film loops. Belgian welfare policy is responding to a variety of problems and pursuing several objectives: The author distinguishes four agendas for welfare policy. Two agendas are already old; one is new. Alas, none can be abandoned for the others. This internationally renowned building is usually seen as the The English have always been at home in Bruges. From the tenth century on they crossed the channel for commercial reasons, and thus, in the centuries that followed, England emerged as one of the most important merchant states in the Hanseat The soldier-poets who died, and those who survived the First World War, shared a range of emotions; fear, anger, despair, fatigue, boredom, humour, homesickness, compassion and grief generated by the cruel and extraordinary conditions under The Belgian monarchy was very popular at the time this article was written.
Be that as it may, since the position of the King has not been what it was under Baudouin. The constitutional reform of that year which sought to combat politi Until the emergence of the Republican Society in , the anti-monarchist movement in the Netherlands had for generations kept a very low profile. Under the present system, no minister holds political responsibility for the actions of the A visitor to The Hague at the beginning of the nineteenth century would have found that the town offered many attractions. Louis Couperus' prolific talent as a storyteller, virtually unrivalled among his contemporaries, won him many admiring readers in English translation at the turn of the twentieth century, and provoked favourable comparisons with both Galswo The Dutch essayist Rudy Kousbroek once wrote of The Hague that some parts of the post-war city evoked images of half-eaten plates of food piled one on top of the other.
Certainly, no other city in the Netherlands has undergone as much recon A wondrous city, destined for great wonders. The only place where you can do anything is inside your own head: that is Thierry de Cordier's artistic creed. This sculptor-thinker wants to lead a cerebral, vegetative existence, with his feet planted in the earth like a tree or a bush, o A short history of the Jews in the Netherlands.
All in all, the author concludes there is plenty of reason to assert that Jewish life in the Netherlands at this point in time is functioning, and full of variety and interesting possibilities They liked the way he did not go for ironic solutions but rather remained weighty an As a poet, prose writer, critic, essayist and playwright, Stefan Hertmans is probably one of the most multifaceted Flemish writers of his generation.
And although his writing originally came up against a certain amount of resistance from li Charlotte Mutsaers is not one of those writers whose goal is a revolutionary new form at all costs, nor is her aim that of for instance Italo Calvino, to write a totally different book that bears no relation to previous books each time.
The author paid wondered in one of his earlier lectures why more outsiders did not take advantage of Dutch intellectual hospitality. In this piece he recounts his own experience of this phenomenon. The Belgian judicial system is failing. This is not a conclusion which has been reached recently, following the failure of judicial bodies in a number of cases involving missing children and the consequent mass protests. The maladies of the The poet Elisabeth Eybers is an unusual figure in contemporary Dutch liter ature. In the first place, of course, she owes this to the power and the originality of her talent, which makes her one of the most important poets in the Dutch-spea The mathematician Brouwer's heritage is nowadays well-recognised.
In a number of areas in mathematics and computer science, his methods and ideas are accepted as exactly right. Topology has undergone a metamorphosis after Brouwer left the a Rik Poot is a hardworking and skilful artist, a true craftsman who never allowed himself to be influenced by trends, fashions or schools.
He has had no part in the peripheral phenomena of the art world, nor has he tried to find favour with Louis Paul Boon stands apart from other Flemish writers of his generation because of his insistence on finding his own voice. That distinct voice combines a rootedness in Boon's own particular Flemish locality outskirts of Aalst In her thirty-five-year career, Judith Herzberg has rarely diverged from the casual manner. And like her fellow poets, she often dwells on the ordinary things in ordinary life.

What stands out in her work is the way she turns the o A look at the literature for young readers of a particul Wether in his early portraits If what Jan van Vlijmen said in mid is true, namely that the number of genuine devotees of classical music is no more than five hundred, then it must be seen as remarkable that his name is certainly known to more than that number.
Like a sober, brick-built castle, the Ir. Wouda pumping station stands proud on the IJsselmeer dike near the Friesian town of Lemmer. The largest and oldest steam-driven pumping station in the Netherlands and still in use! The Netherlands has a great deal to offer the United States in a number of fields. Design, architecture, contemporary music and fine art are disciplines in which the Netherlands play a leading international role and for which there are good In the Royal Library in The Hague celebrated its th anniversary. It links, in exemplary fashion, the past and the present, tradition and progress, the paper heritage and technological innovation.
When Patrice Toye began to produce her first short films in the late eighties and early nineties and was busily making all sorts of documentaries, it was quickly realised that she was a very promising film maker. Trust has developed from a small, unsubsidised group of like-minded theatre-makers, into a company that can bear comparison with the large ensembles in Amsterdam, The Hague and Rotterdam. It is a company that wants to mirror a new era, a ti The year sees the commemoration of an illustrious birth in a number of places, throughout Flanders.
A short portrait of the Emperor of a 'realm on which the sun never set'. Flanders and the Netherlands both bear the marks and scars of the past. Landscape is more than a historical and cultural creation: we form the landscape every day, and try to mould it to our own requirements in the eternal struggle between Landscape painting, and especially the realistic rendering of the physical landscape we see around us, is a speciality that has always thrived particularly well in the Low Countries.
In this article we get all the classics Bruegel, Jan van Geometry won't get you far in Flanders.