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Captain W. Later in the day he attended a reception at St. He was accompanied by his jockey, J. Buckingham, and of course, his nanny goat. We are extremely grateful to Brigadier Clabby and his staff, and we are very much hoping that we may be able to pay another visit next year. During the summer and autumn we have said goodbye to Lieut. Simpson-Gee, Lieut. Campbell and Lieut.

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In their place we welcome Cornet D. Enderby, Cornet P. Fletcher, and Cornet The Earl of Normanton. In March, R. Greaves of The Life Guards, was commissioned and has now taken a great deal of work off the Mounted Squadron by forming H. Squadron; he was succeeded by R. Kidman of the Blues. Finally, S. The Major General inspected the Regiment on 4th May. Because there were so many commitments this summer, we had planned on holding only a small mounted parade in Wellington Barracks. On the day, however. Hyde Park. There were more horses on parade for this review than on any other occasion since the Coronation.

There was no State Visit in July this year. The Life Guards Squadron set off for camp, at the beginning of August. We went to Pirbright on 29th August. A description of our camp appears elsewhere.

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Both Escorts were commanded by the Squadron Leader, and unfortunately both Escorts had to be cloaked because of the weather. The President of Turkey arrived at Victoria Station; there is no doubt that the area round Victoria makes a very dingy start to a State Visit compared with the Tate Gallery. These trips are very popular, and are extremely good for both horse and rider. For our camp in , we went back to Stoney Castle Camp, Pirbright. Despite the success of the trips to Petworth, everyone agreed that it was nice to be back at Stoney Castle with all its facilities.

When you read of the succession of parties that took place, remember, too, that during the day practically every man was in the saddle for an absolute minimum of three hours. Each troop built their own lane of jumps. Johnson and CoH. While we were at camp the troops competed for the inter troop shield. This was won by 3 Troop.

Christmas was well and truly celebrated. The advantage of this was that the whole Regiment was present instead of just those unfortunates who were on duty on Christmas Day. They had a second Christmas Dinner on the day. Our plans for fox hunting and drag hunting have been severely curtailed by the restrictions imposed because of the appalling foot and mouth epidemic.

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We hope that we will soon be able to restart our regular trips to Aldershot. Twice a week, whenever possible, we send eight men and horses down to school over the jumps that abound. Sports Day was held on Sunday, September 10th. The rain, held off for us, and the whole event was a great success. The day was very well attended, and we were particularly pleased to see many people from the Guards Depot. Each troop had their own party. Two and Three Troops held very successful parties at Stoney Castle. One Troop was more ambitious; they all set out for Brighton and they all came back too.

An excellent All Ranks Dance was held in a marquee, loaned to the N. At hours on Friday, September 15th in pouring rain the Squadron Leader led a party of men and horses on to the Brookwood road on the way back to London. It was a long and dreary journey in appalling weather, but we had a very happy camp to look back on. Wellington Barracks, l0th March, Photo:.

The Handy Hunter Competition was won by Tpr. McWilliams on Nicola and Tpr. Malia on Lucifer equal second and Tpr. Ridgway on Quominus fourth. Cox on Clipper, 2nd Tpr. Corker on Susannah. Share on Kangaroo. Waldron on Lucifer was fourth.

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Three Troop won the team prize in both competitons. On Monday. September 11th, the Major General visited us. We thoroughly enjoyedhaving him with us, and we hope that he enjoyed his Visit. The Squadron moved into camp on 30th August and on the following evening our round of entertaining began with a visit from S. Keyworth and his Squadron N. On the following Thursday we were well into our stride with a highly successful dance which was held in a large marquee produced for us by Ind Coope Brewery.

The next evening a Squadron All Ranks Dance was held with equal success. Coach Page The evening was a success as could be seen by the faces of those who managed to turn out for the Cub Hunting the next morning at hours. The officers kindly invited the senior N. Need more be said. Thursday, 14th September, our last day at camp came all too quickly and many of our newly-made friends turned up to say farewell over a drink.

As night turned into day and the prospect of a mile ride to London came ever nearer, it was a comforting thought that there was another 11 months before that marathon ride happens again.

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This study is a fine example of what can be achieved in this medium. We will send you 4 lbs. Humphrey's in his role of MC. Arnos Lowe, he was quickly followed by many other well known faces and the Mess was soon full to capacity. After the inter troop competition prizes had been presented by Field Marshal Sir Gerald Templer the sports day ended. Most spectators departed, leaving the hard core of comrades, who having spent most of the day extolling the virtues of living under canvas, bid farewell to the Mess in time to catch the last train home.

Eugster, who after a midday drink in the W. This was probably due to the exceeding fast time in which Capt. Sir Rupert Mackeson completed the course on normally a very slow horse giving rise to the suggestion that the time keeper had been got at!

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The Blues have ridden black horses for at least one hundred and seventy years. The Prince Regent put a stop to this. This order is still in force. It has sometimes been suggested by outsiders, many of whom should know better, that the Household Cavalry should have one troop of chestnut horses, one of bays, one of greys and so on. Against this, it would require a larger number of horses over all, as a horse, who might be spare in one troop, could not be used by another. For probably over two hundred years the Blues have ridden black horses, and even after amalgamation, there are no.

Both Surtax and Estate [Duty are voluntary taxes at the incnnent. For over two hundred years, and perhaps more. However, in the Boer War, where there were large horse casualties, mainly from sickness, a number of locally bred ponies were purchased. Two hooves of such a pony which was used by Lt. The purchase of enough black horses, who are large enough, of an adequate standard of looks and conformation has always been a problem. The R. A potential Household Cavalry Horse must stand at least sixteen hands high and be well enough built to carry a man.

Some white markings on the head and legs are acceptable. Depot at Melton Mowbray. They are then sent to the Household Cavalry in London.

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The Squadron leaders of the mounted Squadrons take it in turn to chose the remounts one at a time. The horses then start their training by the remount riders of the Household Cavalry, under the overall direction of the Riding Master. He is ridden. Despite all these precautions, an occasional rogue slips through the system and misbehaves himself on some great occasion. It is important to remember that each time this happens, the event is invariably reported in the national press, and frequently appears on television.

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The fact that a horse misbehaving himself attracts such general publicity is enough to show that these mishaps are very rare. Contrary to popular opinion, the Household Cavalry does not keep special horses for the mounted bands. Most black horses appear with the band at one time or another during their service. Naturally, some of the older quieter horses specialise in the work, while others manage to make it perfectly clear that band work is not their metier. The useful life of a black horse varies very greatly. The oldest horse in the Blues is Clancy.