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Special equipment exists in case of prison riot; it consists of a protective suit and a shield.
Usually, in case of emergency prison staff is charged to block all the exits and to wait the armed police. All this leads to reduced safety level in penitentiary facilities, increasing chances for inmates to escape successfully. An illustrative case was reported from the prison near Ostend, when the accomplices of an inmate rented a helicopter in a private firm, flew in it to the prison and took him away directly from the exercise yard.
Due to the lack of any defence means, security personnel were unable to act. Strikes of prison staff requiring better working conditions are frequent in the Kingdom. The international human rights community expresses a certain concern about the independent functioning of the media in Belgium. Attempt to censure the news are reported.
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In February , the circular of the General Prosecutor's Office entered into force, according to which representatives of the print and audio-visual media have to submit their materials on the work of law enforcement authorities for approval of the spokesperson of the concerned structure. This person has the right, unilaterally and without any explanation, to correct the report, to remove any of its elements or to prohibit its publication entirely.
The presence of Flemish nationalists N-VA or New Flemish Alliance within the Belgian governmental coalition, so far, has not contributed to the improvement of overall situation concerning manifestations of neo-fascism, extremism, racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. Cases of glorification of Nazism or actions of neo-Nazi are regularly reported throughout the country. An illustrative example is the installation of the monument to Latvian legionnaires of Waffen-SS in September in Zedelgem West Flanders by local authorities in collaboration with the Museum of the Occupation of Latvia.
In response to the appeal from the activists of the Belgian federation of Russian-speaking organizations the mayor of Zedelgem Annick Vermeulen said that the monument was installed taking into account the "historical relations" of the city with Latvia to "remember the former legionnaires from purely human point of view" and "to promote contemporary art".
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Along with Nazi and fascist followers, Belgian skinheads are continuing their activity. All this contributes to the fact that the situation concerning extremism, racism, xenophobia, neo-fascism, and anti-Semitism in the country not only is far from improving, but tends to deteriorate.
This problem is especially acute in the context of the perception of the terrorist threat by the population. The climate is deteriorating in the relations between different ethnic and religious communities within the Belgian society. The report of the Belgian interregional Centre for Equal Opportunity and Action to Combat Racism states that 6, grievances concerning discrimination have been submitted during the year rise of Discrimination usually takes place in occupation and employment recruitment , services refusals to rent accommodation , education.
Among the main reasons for discriminations is race, ethnicity, disability or religious beliefs. Manifestations of anti-Semitism are rising from 56 to Most cases are reported in Brussels and Antwerp. The most frequent are insults of Jews in public places, vandalism exposing of the swastika, nationalist stickers on the building of the Jewish museum and the Documentation Centre on Holocaust and Human Rights , written and oral threats, anti-Semite rhetoric on the Internet.
In , at least one verdict was rendered for Holocaust denial in Belgium.
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Generally, the situation with human rights in Bulgaria has shown no tendency to either deteriorate or improve in the recent years. At the same time, reports of international non-governmental organizations as well as of local human rights activists stress negative dynamic and absent tangible results of government activities.
They believe that measures taken by the government are fragmentary and that existing profound problems in social and economic area aggravate the situation of vulnerable groups of citizens and "bind the arms" of local authorities. Several nationalist and frankly neo-Nazi structures are conducting their activities in Bulgaria propagating racial hatred, ideas of national socialism and intolerance to national minorities living in the Bulgarian territory, first of all to Roma.
Experts point to the lack of government efforts in Bulgaria to integrate the Roma minority. Specific programs the National Integration Strategy —, the National Roma Integration Strategy, Human Resources Development — have been elaborated to ensure their employment. However, the majority of representatives of this diaspora do not have permanent and legal sources of income. International monitoring structures expressed their concern over the reports on increased number of incidents related to hate speech and hate crimes, especially with incidents against minorities groups such as the Turks, the Roma, the Muslims, the Jews, the people of African descent, migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers.
The United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination stated this after considering the combined twentieth to twenty-second periodic reports of Bulgaria on the implementation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination in May [35] , and the Human Rights Committee stated the same after conducting an overview of the fourth periodic report of Bulgaria on the implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
In October , Bulgarian fans shouted racist slogans and ostentatiously raised their right hand imitating the "Nazi greeting" during the football match of the Euro qualifying phase between the Bulgarian and English teams. As a result, the Bulgarian Football Union leadership was forced to resign. Incidents of vandalism in the places of worship also took place. Investigations of such cases rarely resulted in identification and prosecution of those responsible.
There are cases of glorification of Nazis and their accomplices in Bulgaria. Those who participated in the march wore military uniform, had nationalist symbols and shouted relevant slogans.
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Since , Sofia's authorities have been trying to ban the Lukov march, but its organizers have been defending their rights in court using the provisions of the Assemblies, Rallies and Marches Act. In October , Dzhambzakiy, the European deputy and candidate for Sofia's mayor, member of the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization, said in the "Panorama" program, which was broadcasted live on the Bulgarian National Television, that he fully supported holding of the Lukov march torchlight procession in the capital.
The authorities failed to react to this. Far-right materials can be found on websites of the Bulgarian National Union www. Popular social network Facebook has been actively used by nationalists for propaganda and fund-raising. One can find flyers and graffiti with swastika or the SS units logo Schutzstaffel on Sofia's streets.
Hitler's Mein Kampf, the so-called works of Goebbels, as well as of other foreign and Bulgarian nationalists and those who deny Holocaust, e. Richard E. Harwood, Alexander Panaiotov, Stankov, and others, are freely available. On April 21, the representatives of far-right European organizations participated in the founding congress of the Neonazi association "Fortress Europe", which took place in Sofia. On April 30, another anniversary of Adolf Hitler's death , flyers praising the Nazi leader were pasted up in the Sofia's streets and region. For their part, the Bulgarian authorities have been actually "turning a blind eye" on such events in spite of regular protests of local Jewish organizations.
Individual cases related to violation of freedom of expression arouse concern. Broadcasting of the programs Predi Vsichki and Horizont of S. Broadcasting was stopped for five hours.
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BNR Director S. Kostov said that during this period cable maintenance activities had been carried out. However, the inquiry held by the Council for Electronic Media demonstrated that broadcasting was interrupted intentionally. Significant decrease in migrants flows has not resolved the problem concerning adaptation of illegal migrants who had previously moved to Bulgaria. Living and sanitary conditions in specialized migrant camps are poor and, generally, do not meet European requirements.
Human rights activists stress some problems in ensuring the functioning of mass media. Media representatives are regularly becoming subject to harassment by local officials and unknown persons. There were cases of intimidation and infliction of bodily harm to journalists.
Government officials exercise significant influence on local information agencies, and major mass media are in the hands of a narrow business elite group.
Commissioner for Human Rights in Bulgaria M. Manolova states in her report the negative tendency concerning violation of the rights of the child. It mainly occurs during family conflicts and in the framework of activities of guardianship authorities. There were acts of violence and unacceptable practices in child-rearing in kindergartens and nurseries. There is an increase in attempted child molestation with the use of social networks. During consideration of the combined third to fifth periodic reports of Bulgaria on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in June , the Committee on the Rights of the Child pointed also to discrimination concerning access to education and health care against children from ethnic minorities, primarily Roma, as well as children with disabilities, asylum-seeking children, refugee children and children living in remote areas.

Human rights activists report domestic and sexual violence against women. They also point to the problem relating to lower participation of women in the labor market, maintaining horizontal and vertical occupational segregation between men and women and gender-based wage gaps. Particularly, the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights highlighted this problem while considering the sixth periodic report of Bulgaria on the implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The situation of persons with disabilities remains difficult.
Necessary elements of infrastructure are absent in the majority of cities, it is difficult for such people to realize their potential in the labor market, and the state is ready to pay social workers only lev which is about Euro per month for an eight-hour work day. Such salaries discourage those potentially willing to ease the lives of people with disabilities. A number of human rights organizations draw attention to the fact that Bulgarian authorities do not comply with decisions of the European Court of Human Rights. Particularly, the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee points to it in its recent report decisions have not been implemented by December There are difficulties in functioning of religious structures.
Spiritual leaders of Islam are also reported to feel that their rights have been infringed upon. Initiatives to build religious schools in order to educate children about Islam and to publish Muslim literature have been ignored at the local level. The human rights situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina BiH remains generally satisfactory. Sarajevo continues to improve its national legislation and implement international human rights treaties and is committed to fulfilling its international obligations in this field. According to the annual report by the Commissioner for Human Rights in BiH, the largest number of incidents and complaints in were related to the administration of justice primarily lengthy court proceedings and health care non-payment of insurance, violation of the rights of disabled persons, etc.
The case of Sejdic-Finci v. Bosnia and Herzegovina before the European Court of Human Rights is a vivid practical example illustrating the above-mentioned issues. In December , the ECtHR ruled in their favor, ordering BiH to provide for a mechanism allowing national minorities to participate in these state institutions by introducing relevant amendments to Constitution and electoral law. The implementation of the ECtHR judgment has not yet yielded results, as no agreement has been reached among the leading political forces of the country in this regard.
Bosnia and Herzegovina, which prevent the "others'' from running as candidates for membership in the Presidium and the House of Peoples.