The Mustangs waved back when the aircraft passed each other.
A Soviet Il-2 formation, escorted by Yak-3s, came along a few minutes later. The Romanians again waggled their wings, however, the Soviets did not wave back and flew on in the opposite direction. Milu had enough of the war five years and 45 confirmed victories and decided not to engage the aggressors. So he dived to safety. Baciu apparently managed to shoot down one Soviet and returned home with 16 holes in his aircraft. Lieutenant Colonel Boris T.
Pash commandeers over half a ton of uranium at Strassfut, Germany, in an effort to prevent the Russians from developing an A-bomb. Pash was head of the Alsos Group, organized to search for German scientists in the postwar environment in order to prevent the Russians, previously Allies but now a potential threat, from capturing any scientists and putting them to work at their own atomic research plants. On this day in , French General Henri Giraud, who was captured in , escapes from a castle prison at Konigstein by lowering himself down the castle wall and jumping on board a moving train, which takes him to the French border.
In the very fierce battles, which have developed, the Germans are fighting with skill and desperation but are slowly being forced to give ground. In Italy… Allied offensive operations continue. On the right flank of the British 8th Army attacks, Argenta falls to forces of the British 5th Corps after an amphibious move across Lake Coamchio.
US 5th Army attacks continue as well, though with slower progress because of the more difficult terrain south and west of Bologna. On the Western Front… Germans units in the Ruhr are beginning to surrender on a large scale.
The British Airgraph Service
There is also fighting near Bremen and Nuremberg. About , German prisoners have been taken in this area by the Allied forces.
On the Eastern Front… Except in a small area along the axis of advance of 1st Ukrainian Front, the Soviet forces engaged in the battle for Berlin have advanced less than 10 miles toward the city. However, the German defense is being worn down.

Happy 2nd Lt. William Robertson and Lt. American troops parade in the famous Nazi arena with the Stars and Stripes covering the Nazi swastika after Nuremberg falls to the Allies. To the south, German resistance on the Oder and Neisse river lines has been eliminated. Ref: Meanwhile, the 1st Ukrainian Front attacks northward from Dresden. In Moscow… A mutual assistance treaty is concluded between the Soviet government and the Provisional Government of Poland, based on the Lublin Committee. The further recognition bestowed on the communist Poles, at a time when the London based Polish government in exile continues to receive western recognition, becomes an issue in postwar period.
East of Bologna, British 8th Army is advancing rapidly. Adolf Hitler, learning from one of his generals that no German defense was offered to the Russian assault at Eberswalde, admits to all in his underground bunker that the war is lost and that suicide is his only recourse.
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Himmler meets Count Bernadotte of the Swedish Red Cross and gives him a message to pass to the western Allies, offering a German surrender to the British and Americans but not to the Soviets. The message is passed to the Allies on the 24th. On the left flank Modena is taken. Flap missing, folded. Wenck launched an attack , but it came to nothing. He proclaims that if he gets no response by 10 PM, he will assume Hitler is incapacitated and assume leadership of the Reich.
Furious, Hitler strips him of all his offices and expels him from the Nazi Party.
As the plane flies, St. Johns, Newfoundland, to Fayal in the Azores, the distance is 1, miles. On April 23, , in mid-Atlantic about halfway between St. Johns and Fayal, several escort-carriers and a parade of destroyer escorts were strung out in a mile north-south barrier patrol. The force was operating under Commander Task Group Dufek, in Bogue. Senior DE officer was Commander F.
Hall, Commander Task Unit The DEs of Task Unit The ships were tactically disposed so that the DEs of the task unit formed a surface barrier between the Bogue air group to the south and Core CVE air group to the north. Spaced five miles apart, the 14 DEs were ranged across the seascape like a dragnet, the carriers serving as figurative trawlers. Commander Hall formed a scouting line and the DEs steamed for the spot where the enemy had been glimpsed.
The sub went down and stayed down. All afternoon the hunters combed the vicinity with their detection gear. All through that evening of the 23rd. Midnight, and they were still searching. Into the early hours of April 24 the relentless hunt went on. These ships are shown carrying three 3-in. At Frederick C. Davis DE made contact with U and was proceeding to attack when, at , the submarine fired a stern shot which tore the DE apart and sent her down with heavy loss of life. She was the second and last American DE to go down to enemy torpedo-fire in the Battle of the Atlantic.
Kenzo Madley edt 50ml
The U-boat skipper who fired at the Frederick C. Davis DE must have known he was courting suicide. For eight destroyer escorts from the scouting line immediately closed around the u-boat like a noose: Pillsbury, Flaherty, Neunzer, Chatelain, Varian, Hubbard, Janssen and Keith. The submarine hunt conducted by this killer group stands as exemplary of the AS tactics employer by hunter-killers at that stage of the war.
Flaherty made contact in less than an hour and with Pillsbury proceeded to attack.
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Neunzer and Hayter took over rescue operations. Depth-charge explosions were heard. Five minutes later, Pillsbury lost contact with the sub. Six minutes later contact was regained — range yards — but this contact would last only 16 minutes. The sub appeared to be very deep, estimated about feet. It was evident the U-boat was operating at the deepest level endurable and maneuvering radically at varying speeds from practically zero to 5 knots.
With Varian directing maneuvers, Hubbard and Janssen steamed into attack position. The U-boat was deep, but the two DEs were determined to dig it out whatever the level. Down went the depth-charges, a creeping attack that was launched at Otterstetter remained on scene of torpedoing to continue search for any remaining survivors.
Contact lost shortly thereafter.
At Chatelain and Neunzer were ordered to return to the line. During the previous attacks, the line had been held in readiness to make a sweep forward if contact was lost. At all ships were ordered back into line and the echo-ranging sweep was expanded. TU Commander ordered attack to be switched to hedgehog, in view of decreased depth.
Pillsbury noted underwater explosion on sound gear. Moreover, the U-boat had been damaged by depth charge and hedgehog. Frantic submariners fought their way out of the hatches. Under a storm of hits the sub plunged and rolled. At , her bridge knocked all acockbill, the U went under with her Schnorkel throat severed. The killer of the Frederick C. Davis has been executed. Paul Just.