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- Mothers & Daughters // Brussels gets a lesbian bar, and so much more — Brussels Beer City
French Revolution
He wrote a book about immigrants during the sexual revolution, as well as one on contemporary immigrants who use the gay dating app Grindr. I took my first class in sexuality studies when I was an exchange student at the University of Amsterdam, and I especially got interested in the situation in the Netherlands.
Immigration and sexuality overlap here in very interesting ways: in politics, LGBTQ issues are openly discussed and even used for political purposes. To meet students who really want to study these topics is fantastic. I teach a diverse group of students: undergraduates who are mostly Dutch, and master students who come from all over the world to study in Leiden. They bring a lot of interesting perspectives to the classroom.
Mothers & Daughters // Brussels gets a lesbian bar, and so much more
Having someone who stressed this made me more aware of how bisexuality should be more incorporated into history. In all of my classes, I try to incorporate aspects of gender, sexuality, race, and migration.
People may migrate for economic reasons or to flee from war, but also because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. This is true in the present, but was also true in the sixties and seventies. There is never just one reason why someone immigrates, although it may seem so on paper.

Berrington, A. An overview of methods for the analysis of panel data. Bigler, R. Developmental intergroup theory. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 16 , — Black, B. The relationship between attitudes: Homophobia and sexism among social work students. Affilia, 13 , — Bobo, L. Education and political tolerance. Testing the effects of cognitive sophistication and target group affect.
Public Opinion Quarterly, 53 3 , — Collier, K. Intergroup contact, attitudes toward homosexuality, and the role of acceptance of gender non-conformity in young adolescents. Journal of Adolescence, in press. Duncan, S. Risk and protective factors influencing adolescent problem behavior: A multivariate latent growth curve analysis.
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Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 22 , — ESS European Social Survey. Finkel, S. Causal analysis with panel data. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
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Finlay, B. The relation of religious affiliation, service attendance, and other factors to homophobic attitudes among university students. Review of Religious Research, 44 4 , — Heinze, J. Intergroup contact and beliefs about homosexuality in adolescence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 38 7 , — Herek, G. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 22 , — Journal of Sex Research, 30 3 , — Hodson, G. Independent benefits of contact and friendship on attitudes toward homosexuals among authoritarians and highly identified heterosexuals. European Journal of Social Psychology, 39 , — Hooghe, M.
The impact of gendered friendship patterns on the prevalence of homophobia among Belgian late adolescents. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 40 , — Anti-gay sentiment among adolescents in Belgium and Canada.
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A comparative investigation into the role of gender and religion. Journal of Homosexuality, 57 3 , — Belgian political panel survey BPPS , — Technical report. KU Leuven: Leuven. Hoover, R. The development of prejudice and sex role stereotyping in white adolescents and white young adults. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 20 3 , — Horn, S. Cognitive Development, 21 4 , — Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 36 3 , — Jennings, M.
Generations and politics. A panel study of young adults and their parents.
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Princeton: Princeton University Press. Kimmel, M. Adolescent masculinity, homophobia, and violence—random school shootings, — American Behavioral Scientist, 46 10 , — Kite, M. Sex differences in attitudes toward homosexual persons, behaviors, and civil rights: A meta-analysis.
Kunkel, L. Journal of Applied Psychology, 22 13 , — Lewis, A. The defense mechanisms of homophobic adolescent males. Journal of Adolescence, 32 , — Marsiglio, W. Attitudes toward homosexual activity and gays as friends: A national survey of heterosexual to year-old males. Journal of Sex Research, 30 1 , 12— Mata, J. Journal of Early Adolescence, 30 1 , 50— Oransky, M. Journal of Adolescent Research, 24 , — Poteat, V.
Developmental changes in sexual prejudice from early to late adolescence: The effects of gender, race, and ideology on different patterns of change. Developmental Psychology , in press.
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Predicting psychosocial consequences of homophobic victimization in middle school students. Journal of Early Adolescence, 27 2 , — Willingness to remain friends and attend school with lesbian and gay peers: relational expressions of prejudice among heterosexual youth.
Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 38 , — Pratto, F. Social dominance orientation: A personality variable predicting social and political attitudes. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 67 4 , — Sakalh, N.