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View on press. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork and interviews, this article analyses festive gatherings of Flemish parents with children adopted from Ethiopia as sites for community building, charity work and culture work. On the one hand, it reads On the one hand, it reads the festive gatherings as ways of celebrating the non-normativity of adoptive families and ways of aiming to contribute to a more inclusive citizenship.
On the other hand, the article points to the risks of reifying and reproducing difference and inequality.
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It points to the problematic entanglement of the festivities and of adoption with narratives of philanthropy and rescue, which risks to reinforce a neocolonialist imagery of white people saving black people. Article is in Dutch.
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Journal Name: Volkskunde forthcoming. View on volkskunde. Geschonden wortels: Verbeeldingen van bodem en identiteit in transnationaal adoptief ouderschap more. Journal Name: Systeemtheoretisch Bulletin. Kinderen , Identiteit , Migratie , and Interlandelijke adoptie. Imageries of family and nation: a comparative analysis of transnational adoption and care for unaccompanied minors in Belgium more. Drawing on empirical research completed in Belgium, this article presents a comparative analysis of the care regimes for two categories of children: transnational adoptees and unaccompanied minors.
Although state immigration policies Although state immigration policies consider the two groups of minors as humanitarian exceptions that require preferential treatment, the kind of humanitarian help and social investment they are believed to deserve differs dramatically. Ideologies of relational exclusivity and fixed belonging differently structure the investment of care that the two groups are believed to need, dependent on their ability to be read as freestanding, cultureless individuals, assimilable to the host nation.

View on chd. Faircloth, C. Hoffman, D and Layne, L. Parenting in Global Perspective: Negotiating ideologies of kinship, self and politics. London: Routledge more. Drawing on interviews with guardians of unaccompanied minor foreigners in Belgium, this article investigates the inequalities underlying the care relationships between guardians and their pupils. It does so by analysing the beliefs and Second, it explores the role of an ethics of care in how the guardians navigate between a desire for standardization and the interpersonal care relationships with their pupils.
View on jrs. Theorising Identities in Early Childhood more. More Info: In A. Farrell, S. Tisdall eds. Part 2. Identity Culture and Early Childhood. More Info: In W. Vandenhole, E. Desmet, D. Reynaert, K. Lembrechts eds. Geographies of migration and relatedness: transmigrancy in open transnational adoptive parenting more.
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This ambiguity reveals the ubiquity of contradictory and essentialist understandings of categories of familial and national belonging. Transnational Adoption. Migration studies have so far largely failed to include transnational adoption and left the study of this phenomenon to other disciplines, such as kinship and family studies. This article aims at bridging this disciplinary divide.
By looking through the lens of transnational adoption, it explores the ideological values that bolster the discourse on immigrants. By doing so, the article aims both to further our understanding and theorization of the experiences and dynamics of transnational adoption and advance our insight in questions of migration and belonging in society more generally. More Info: katrien. Festive gatherings and culturework in Flemish-Ethiopian adoptive families more.
By drawing on fieldwork among Flemish-Ethiopian adoptive families in a range of different settings, this article frames this practice as conscious and political citizenship work.
Monarchy of Belgium - Wikipedia
Although the parenting work can open up possibilities to provide a more dynamic view on identity and citizenship, essentialist views on culture and the tendency to downplay racism and global inequalities create considerable constraints. View on ecs. Queering the family?
A multi-layered analysis of relations of inequality in transnational adoption more. This paper explores the tensions between the equal parental right claims in adopting countries and the global inequalities in class, race and geographical location that shape transnational adoption. It uses the story told by a Belgian It uses the story told by a Belgian couple who disguised their lesbian relationship from the authorities involved to explore the narratives of child, family and nation that undergird transnational adoption.
The paper discusses the potential and limits of the creation of non-traditional families for producing greater equity and significant reinterpretations of kinship and the family script. Moreover, taking into account different layers of both oppression and privilege, it discusses the ethical implications of the queer liberal ideologies of parental rights and Western moral superiority that prevail in transnational adoption. Intensive mothering of adoptive children in Flanders, Belgium more. View on routledge. In this article, a comparative analysis is presented of two ethnographic case studies on mothering practices in Belgium.
Interviews with, and participant observation among, both undocumented migrant mothers from the South and Belgian Interviews with, and participant observation among, both undocumented migrant mothers from the South and Belgian white adoptive mothers of black Ethiopian-born children provide an insight into the way in which mothering plays an important role in the pursuit of citizenship.
UNCOVERING EUROPE - looking beyond the headlines to find the real European stories
In our analysis, we draw on critical theorizations of citizenship from feminist, multicultural and globalization perspectives, and of care, intimacy and the affective in order to show how mothering can be viewed as a citizenship practice that transcends boundaries of the private, public and the nation. Their mothering involves building new networks and strengthening their children's identities in culturally creative ways. We argue that although these mothering practices are embedded in a multiplicity of intersecting privileges and inequalities, within restraints imposed by the nation-state context, this carework attests to the agentic capacity of mothering and its potential to affect politics of inclusion, recognition and changing hegemonic understandings of citizenship and belonging.
Support and interest groups are seen as playing an important role in the pursuit of recognition for Support and interest groups are seen as playing an important role in the pursuit of recognition for these intimate choices, by elaborating visible and positive cultures that invade broader public spheres. Most studies on intimate citizenship take into consideration the exclusions these groups encounter when negotiating their differences with society at large.
However, much less attention is paid to the ways in which these groups internalize the surrounding ideologies, identity categories and hierarchies that pervade society and constrain their recognition as full citizens. In contrast, this paper aims to emphasize the reproduction of otherness within alternative spheres of life, and to reveal the ambiguities and complexities involved in their dialectic relationship with society at large. The ethnographic research among adoptive parents and adoption professionals shows a defensive discourse and action that aims at empowering against potential problems, as well as a tendency to other the adoptive child by pathologizing its non-normativity.
By showing the strong embeddedness of adoptive families' practices of familial and cultural construction in larger cultural frames of selfing and othering, characterized by biologism and nativism, one begins to understand the limits of their capacity to realize full citizenship. View on doi. Making families: Parenting and belonging in transnational adoption more.
View on afrikafocus. Transnationale Adoptie en Diversiteit. The increased frequency of antisemitic attacks started in May , when four people were killed in a shooting at the Belgian Jewish Museum in Brussels. In December , the Belgian government said it was considering a ban on the wearing of any conspicuous religious symbols for civil servants.
In June , the Antwerp court of appeal ruled that it was outside the jurisdiction of the state to determine whether Islam requires women to wear a headscarf and that girls in public schools have the right to do so. However, the school board also has the authority to restrict that right for organisational reasons, or for the good functioning of the school, though it must justify any such restrictions. At the end of , approximately twenty municipalities had issued a ban on walking the streets completely veiled.
A veil which does not completely cover the body is however allowed. Two Belgian Muslim women, Samia Belcacemi and Yamina Oussar, challenged a veil ban, asserting the law infringed on their freedom of religion.
Both women said they voluntarily wore the niqab. In , the European Court of Human Rights found that Belgium's ban on clothes that partially or fully cover the face in public was legal under the European Convention on Human Rights , " necessary in a democratic society ," and that the law tried to protect "the rights and freedoms of others. Ousser told the court that she had decided to stay at home and not go out in public anymore following the ban. In , the State Security Service listed organisations in Belgium which promoted Salafist ideology including mosques, community centers and educational establishments.
These represented a minority in the Muslim community. Salafist ideology is considered extremist in Belgium. The security service also noted that espousing Salafist ideology does not imply involvement or support for terrorism. In March Alain Winants, the head of State Security Service in Belgium, estimated there were jihadist sympathizers in the country, of which about were hardcore supporters. In March , the head of the security services stated that about a dozen had travelled to fight in jihadist groups overseas.
Moroccan-born IS recruiter Khalid Zerkani recruited 72 young individuals with migrant backgrounds of whom most were petty criminals. He encouraged them to steal from non-Muslims in order to finance their journeys to join the caliphate.
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